BIS: ultra low interest rates could make global economy permanently unstable

SWITZERLAND - Bank for International Settlements warns "persistent easing bias" by fiscal, monetary and prudential policymakers has lulled governments "into a false sense of security". Ultra low interest rates and the failure of policy to "lean against" the build-up of financial imbalances are in danger of making the global economy permanently unstable, the Bank for International Settlements has warned. In its annual report, the Swiss-based "bank of central banks" spelled out the risks of relying too heavily on monetary policy to stimulate the economy. The BIS warned that central banks including the Bank of England and US Federal Reserve could keep monetary policy loose for too long, with potentially damaging consequences. "The prospects for a bumpy exit together with other factors suggest that the predominant risk is that central banks will find themselves behind the curve, exiting too late or too slowly," the BIS said on Sunday.

Austerity-driven European politicians 'whip up' hostility towards minority groups

UK - Politicians and media are scapegoating national and sexual minorities to redirect the anger of austerity-affected Europeans on the vulnerable instead of the bankers who created the economic crisis, British race relations expert Lee Jaspar told RT. The incident at Tottenham's Markfield Park on June 23, where neo-Nazi nationalists attacked a music festival, could serve as a vivid example of radicalism imported to the UK from the continent.

The race to stop Las Vegas from running dry

LAS VEGAS, USA - Outside Las Vegas’s Bellagio hotel tourists gasp in amazement as fountains shoot 500ft into the air, performing a spectacular dance in time to the music of Frank Sinatra. Gondolas ferry honeymooners around canals modelled on those of Venice, Roman-themed swimming pools stretch for acres, and thousands of sprinklers keep golf courses lush in the middle of the desert.

Elton John: Jesus would have backed gay marriage

UK - Jesus would have supported gay clergy getting married, Sir Elton John has claimed. The singer, who plans to marry his civil partner David Furnish next year in a "very quiet" ceremony, claimed that rules preventing gay priests from marrying and requiring Catholic priests to be celibate were "old and stupid". "If Jesus Christ was alive today, I cannot see him, as the Christian person that he was [sic] and the great person that he was, saying this could not happen," he told Sky News' Murnaghan programme. "He was all about love and compassion and forgiveness and trying to bring people together and that is what the church should be about." Sir Elton praised the "wonderful" Pope Francis, who had "stripped the Church down to the bare bones and said it's all basically about love and... inclusiveness".

Thousands go without water as Detroit cuts service for nonpayment

DETROIT, USA - It has been six weeks since the city turned off Nicole Hill's water. Dirty dishes are piled in the sink of her crowded kitchen, where the yellow-and-green linoleum floor is soiled and sticky. A small garbage can is filled with water from a neighbor, while a bigger one sits outside in the yard, where she hopes it will collect some rain. She's developed an intricate recycling system of washing the dishes, cleaning the floor and flushing the toilet with the same water. "It's frightening, because you think this is something that only happens somewhere like Africa," said Hill, a single mother who is studying homeland security at a local college. "But now I know what they're going through — when I get somewhere there's a water faucet, I drink until my stomach hurts."

Britain’s Island Story Keeps Europe At Bay

EUROPE - A Ruritanian grand duchy and a charming relic of the Holy Roman Empire, Luxembourg has done well to retain its independence in such a conflict-strewn region. Its principal industries are tourism and tax avoidance, and it is not a nursery of statesmen. In recent years, Gibraltar has produced more politicians who would be plausible members of a British Cabinet.

The European Union prepares the ‘solidarity clause’ framework for military use against citizens

EUROPE - “On Tuesday, the representatives of the EU Member States in the Council adopted a decision on the so-called ‘solidarity clause’. Were a disaster or a loosely defined crisis to occur, the organs of the European Union would be obliged to assist using all the instruments at their disposal. This includes military resources”, warned Member of the Bundestag Andrej Hunko.

The Accidental President

EUROPE - Jean-Claude Juncker will be the next commission boss, even though nobody wants him. In the caricature of the British press, Jean-Claude Juncker is a dangerous, drunk, anti-British, European arch-federalist, whose father was conscripted into the Wehrmacht.

Juncker vote leaves the EU in a worse mess than David Cameron

EUROPE - Friday’s debacle has left the EU itself in an even sorrier state than Mr Cameron. It was the Prime Minister who was, forlornly, trying to uphold the rules of that same treaty, by insisting that it is not the right of the European Parliament to nominate a candidate for the presidency. And we are now left with the astonishing spectacle of his colleagues having landed themselves with a man who many of them privately agree is hopelessly unfitted for such a taxing job: a chain-smoking boozer, a bad-tempered loner who hates paperwork and whose name was seemingly known to less than one per cent of those supposed to have “voted” for him in the recent Euro elections. His only merit in their eyes can be that he has spent his entire career championing further EU integration, which is why he will give two fingers to any attempt by Mr Cameron to win any reduction in the EU’s powers.

One step closer to quitting Europe

EUROPE - Britain has moved a step closer to leaving the European Union after David Cameron declared “war” on Brussels over the nomination of Jean-Claude Juncker. Keeping Britain in the EU “has got harder”, the Prime Minister said, after he was outvoted by 26 to two in his attempt to prevent Mr Juncker becoming the European Commission president. The result emboldened Eurosceptic MPs and Ukip supporters who want to leave the EU. However, Mr Cameron said he would wage a “long, tough fight” to reform Brussels before campaigning for Britain to remain in the EU in an in-out referendum he has promised to hold in 2017.

'Invincible mutant super-rats' spreading across the UK

UK - Mutant “super rats” that have become immune to common poisons are spreading across Britain, scientists have warned. Researchers from the University of Huddersfield tested rats in 17 counties and found rodents resistant to over-the-counter poisons such as Bromadiolone and Difenacoum in every single one. In more than 50 towns across the UK - from Reading to Sheffield to Dumfries and Galloway – they found rats who were 100 per cent resistant to common poisons. Dr Dougie Clarke, who carried out the research, told ITV’s Tonight “people should be concerned”. “The fact we've tested 17 counties and every single one of them has got resistant rats was an amazing find to us. We didn't expect to have every single county having resistant rats.”

How Your Bee-Friendly Garden May Actually Be Killing Bees

USA - The bee population situation has gotten so dire that the White House has created a bee task force. As the bee population dwindles, scientists and researchers look for an explanation and a solution. Thus far, scientists have determined that neonicotinoids, a class of pesticides, is a serious culprit in the bee problem.

UN committee 'backs Argentina' over Falkands dispute

FALKLAND ISLANDS - A UN committee has approved a new resolution calling on Britain and Argentina to negotiate a solution to their dispute over the Falkland Islands, essentially favoring Argentina's stance in the nearly 200-year-old feud. The 24-nation Decolonisation Committee passed the resolution by consensus despite passionate speeches from a pair of Falkland Islands representatives arguing that most islanders want to keep things as they are. The decision showed that the committee members have been largely unmoved by a referendum in the Falkland Islands last year in which more than 99 percent of voters favored remaining a British Overseas Territory. Britain has rebuffed Argentina's calls to negotiate the sovereignty of the wind-swept south Atlantic archipelago, saying it is up to the islands to decide.

Bank Runs in Bulgaria

BULGARIA - Now we have bank runs in Bulgaria. The entire fabric is coming undone and this is part of the fuel that sends everything into chaos and the risk of war as tensions rise and people blame someone else be it rich, foreigners, bankers, or corporations. This is the time where clear reasonable thinking and solutions become impossible. The IMF is now urging the ECB to start buying government bonds of the member states. They have no solutions but the same old bad box of tricks. There is nobody even capable of thinking out of the box in a position of power. We are plagued by lawyer-politicians in the total absence of anyone with experience in international money management – the void of experience and statesmanship.

How Soon Might We Have Genetically Modified Meat?

USA - There are no genetically engineered animals sold for human consumption right now. The only candidate that's anywhere close, AquaBounty's fast-growing GM salmon, seems to have stalled in its approval process, in spite of positive scientific reviews finding AquaBounty fish safe to eat and safe for the environment.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)