EU snubs British demands for reform

UK - The Prime Minister's demands for European treaty change and powers to flow back from Brussels are ignored in a confidential EU blueprint to be discussed at a summit amid a row over Jean-Claude Juncker. David Cameron’s hopes of reforming Britain’s relationship with Brussels has been dealt a blow after a confidential blueprint setting out the European Union's "priorities" for the next five years fell far short of his demands for change. The document, obtained by The Daily Telegraph will be given to the Prime Minister by Herman Van Rompuy, the president of the European Council, when they meet in Downing Street. It comes as Mr Cameron prepares to force a vote on the possible presidency of Jean-Claude Juncker.

Danon: Hypocritical EU Condemns Israel, Not Kidnappers

ISRAEL - Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon (Likud Beiteinu) on Sunday evening visited the family of kidnapped teen Naftali Frankel in the town of Nof Ayalon. Danon was accompanied by former [US] Republican presidential primary candidate Mike Huckabee. Frankel is an American citizen, the family told Danon and Huckabee.

Iraq crisis: John Kerry in Baghdad as Isis seizes more towns

MIDDLE EAST - US Secretary of State John Kerry has arrived in Iraq's capital, Baghdad, as Sunni insurgents expand their control of towns across north-western Iraq. In Egypt on Sunday, Mr Kerry warned that Sunni militants Isis' "ideology of violence and repression is a threat not only to Iraq but to the entire region". On Sunday rebels - spearheaded by Isis militants - captured border crossings to Syria and Jordan. The strategically important airport in the northern Tal Afar has also fallen. The town controls the main road from the Syrian border to Mosul, Iraq's second biggest city, which was captured by the rebels two weeks ago. The Iraqi government has lost all the crossing points into Syria and the only one into Jordan. Now Isis which is present there can connect up with its fellow militants on the Syrian side of the border.

Report: US, UK Knew About ISIS Takeover Months in Advance

IRAQ - The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant's (ISIS) takeover of Iraq earlier this month took the world by storm, as the successive fall of several major cities in the Sunni-dominated northwest left Iraqis fleeing and world leaders shaken. But what if the blitz military conquest could have been prevented altogether? Kurdish intelligence reported news of a strategic alliance and pact between Islamist groups to topple Mosul and other major Iraqi cities with ISIS's help as far back as January, the Telegraph reported late Sunday. Shortly after the fall of Fallujah to ISIS, an informant reportedly stepped into a Kurdish intelligence office to reveal the news that ISIS officials had networked with remnants of Saddam Hussein's regime and former Hussein deputy Izzat al-Douri to plan a large-scale invasion. But while Kurdish handlers ran immediately to the US and Britain with the information, the West allegedly sat back and did nothing.

Jewish Home MK Opposes Party on Temple Mount Status Quo

ISRAEL - The recommendations of the Interior Committee's sub-committee on Jewish prayer rights at the Temple Mount is to be published on Monday. Reportedly the recommendations will suggest preserving the status quo on the site… Committee Member MK Zevulun Kalfa (Jewish Home) wrote to Committee Chairman MK David Tzur (Hatnua), saying the goal of the sub-committee was to organize Jewish access to the Temple Mount, and not to preserve the status quo. The status quo consists of a constant erosion of Jewish rights to ascend to the Mount, wrote Kalfa, quoting the recent wave of Arab rioting and violence on the holy site, which police and security forces respond to by closing access to Jews. "Someone has to wake up before there's a tragedy. We can't give a prize to rioters," warned Glick (head of the LIBA Movement for Freedom of Movement on the Temple Mount).

Quake hits off Alaska's Aleutian Islands

ALASKA, USA - A local tsunami warning was issued after an 8.0 magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific Ocean west of Alaska's Aleutian Islands on Monday, the US Geological Survey and the National Tsunami Warning Center said. The warning covered coastal areas of Alaska from Nikolski to Attu, the center said, adding the level of tsunami danger was being evaluated for other US and Canadian Pacific coasts.

German militarism and the US debacle in Iraq

GERMANY - The German bourgeoisie is responding to the debacle of US imperialism in Iraq by intensifying its campaign for militarism and war. On Tuesday, during her first official visit to the US, German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen spoke out in favour of a strong Bundeswehr (German armed forces) participation in an international military intervention.

"De-Dollarization" Continues - China Starts Direct Trade With UK

UK - Following the initial de-dollarization meeting, there has been a slew of anti-dollar moves around the world (including Gazprom's shift of 90% of its clients to non-dollar payments). However, on the heels of the "anti-dollar alliance" discussions yesterday, DW reports that China would start direct trade between the renminbi and the British pound on Thursday. China's Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS) confirmed Sterling and yuan would be directly swapped without using the US dollar as an intermediary. Britain for its part has been looking to make London a European hub for overseas yuan trading in competition with Frankfurt and Paris. China's central bank announced Wednesday that a subsidiary of China Construction Bank had been chosen to undertake yuan clearing business in London.

IMF's Lagarde urges ECB to consider QE

EUROPE - The European Central Bank (ECB) should contemplate quantitative easing if inflation in the single currency bloc remains low for a protracted period, says International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde. "If inflation was to remain stubbornly low, then we would certainly hope that the ECB would take quantitative easing measures by way of purchasing of sovereign bonds," Lagarde told CNBC on Thursday. She defines "stubbornly low inflation" as prices remaining well below target in spite of measures being taken to boost inflation. Unlike other major central banks, the ECB has so far resisted embarking on a quantitative easing program, but has said it stands ready to do so if needed.

Netanyahu Warns US: Don't Work with Iran in Iraq

ISRAEL - Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday warned Israel's close ally, the United States, against working with arch-foe Iran in the effort to pull Iraq back from the brink. Israel has consistently voiced fears that a swift jihadist offensive led by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) that has swept up swaths of Iraq, may prompt concessions to Tehran from Washington. "Now both of these camps are enemies of the United States, and when your enemies are fighting each other, don't strengthen either one – weaken both," said Netanyahu, who was in Israel.

Italy to push for 'United States of Europe' when it holds the EU presidency

ITALY - Matteo Renzi, the Italian prime minister, has said that Italy will push for a "United States of Europe" during its six-month EU presidency, in a move likely to raise hackles in Britain. Launching an appeal to convince European leaders to show "that a stronger and more cohesive Europe is the only solution to solving the problems of our time", Mr Renzi said: "For my children's future I dream, think and work for the United States of Europe." He further called for "courageous leaders" to work towards achieving that goal - something that Britain has always objected to. In 1988 Margaret Thatcher, then prime minister, dismissed the idea that the United States might be a model for the future of Europe and David Cameron is actively trying to prevent the election of a committed federalist, Jean-Claude Juncker, to the head of the European Commission.

Africa's Ebola outbreak 'out of control' – MSF

AFRICA - The charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) has said the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is out of control. More than 330 people have already died in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. MSF says the epidemic will spread further unless there is a stronger international response.

Mahdi Army military parade in Iraq

IRAQ - Iraq's Mahdi Army militia paraded through the streets of Baghdad's Sadr City district on Saturday, heeding a call from Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr to defend holy sites. Members passed through the streets dressed in black, while vehicles laden with weapons joined a convoy. Shiite clerics also took part in the march. Al-Sadr's Mahdi Army militia fought the Americans in at least two rounds of street warfare during their eight-year presence in Iraq. Army members also held a military parade in Kirkuk on Saturday. The Iraqi government has struggled to push back against Islamic extremists and allied militants who have seized large swaths of the country, including the second largest city Mosul, and who have vowed to march on Baghdad.

‘Sin’ is back but ‘the Devil’ optional

UK - The Church of England has reinstated the word “sin” into baptism services after a backlash from parishes who complained a new wording was “bland”, “dumbed down” and “nothing short of dire”. Plans to introduce an alternative order of service using more “accessible” language, have had to be redrawn after members inundated Lambeth Palace with letters complaining the move went too far. But the church is to press ahead with plans to banish references to “the Devil” from the new format. An official explanation sent out to members of the Church’s General Synod, following a trial of the proposed wording, said most clergy had found it “much easier” to ask parents and godparents to make vows which do not mention Satan. But, with memorable understatement, it also noted that “several” of those consulted “regretted the loss of the Devil”.

More of California experiencing most severe drought conditions

CALIFORNIA, USA - As California enters summer with a below-normal mountain snowpack to feed its streams and reservoirs, the portion of the parched state experiencing exceptionally severe drought conditions is growing, experts said. The most populous US state is in the third year of a crippling drought that has forced ranchers to sell cattle for lack of grazing land, and farmers to let an estimated 400,000 acres normally devoted to crops go fallow.

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)