Abbas Accuses Israel of 'Judaizing' Jerusalem in Papal Meeting

ISRAEL - 'Religious, not political' visit takes decidedly political turn Sunday, after PA accuses Israel of 'judaization' and Pope calls PA a state. Pope Francis met with Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem Sunday, in a historic meeting that saw Abbas accuse Israel of "Judaizing" Jerusalem.

Russia plans to build 8 nuclear reactors in Iran

RUSSIA - Moscow plans to sign an agreement with Iran this year to construct up to eight new nuclear reactors in the country, an informed source says. "Russia and Iran may sign an intergovernmental agreement this year on building from four to eight nuclear reactors, and, under the deal, the contract for the construction of the first two reactors as additions to Bushehr," the source informed of the contract’s negotiation process told Reuters on Thursday. The source noted that negotiations on the agreement are at the final stage, adding that two reactors could be constructed at the Bushehr Power Plant and six others will be built at other nuclear sites across Iran.

UK under fire for recruiting an 'army of children'

UK - More than one in 10 new Army recruits are boy soldiers of just 16 years old, according to the latest figures released by the Ministry of Defence. And more than one in four of all new Army recruits are under 18 – too young to be sent into combat. The figures, released last week, have sparked renewed criticism of the British Army’s use of boy soldiers. Following an outcry over the deployment of 17-year-olds to the Gulf War in 1991, and to Kosovo in 1999, the Army amended its rules stopping soldiers under 18 from being sent on operations where there was a possibility of fighting. Despite this, at least 20 soldiers aged 17 are known to have served in Afghanistan and Iraq due to errors by the MoD.

Ukraine votes in highly-charged presidential election

UKRAINE - A bitterly-divided Ukraine is voting on Sunday in a presidential election seen as crucial to ending months of upheaval and bloodshed that has sent the country to the brink of civil war. Ukrainians turned out en masse in the capital Kiev and the west, but in the east - in the grip of a deadly pro-Russian insurrection for weeks - most polling stations remained closed. "The first thing we must do is bring peace to all the citizens of Ukraine," said billionaire tycoon Petro Poroshenko, the clear favourite in a packed field of candidates to lead the former Soviet republic. "Armed people must leave the streets of towns and cities," he said after casting his ballot in Kiev. The West regards the vote as crucial to prevent Ukraine from disintegrating further after Russia seized the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea in March in retaliation for the ouster of pro-Kremlin president Viktor Yanukovych.

Pope prays at Israeli wall in unprecedented gesture

ISRAEL - Pope Francis prayed in silence and pressed his forehead against the wall that separates Jerusalem from the West Bank town of Bethlehem on Sunday, during a visit which Palestinians claimed as affirmation of their claim to statehood. He prayed for a few minutes at the graffiti-daubed section of the wall, beneath a watch tower manned by Israeli soldiers.

China’s Leader, Seeking to Build Its Muscle, Pushes Overhaul of the Military

BEIJING, CHINA - Driven by ambitions to make China a great power, President Xi Jinping is staking his political authority on a huge task: overhauling the Chinese military, which is still largely organized as it was when a million peasant soldiers mustered under Mao Zedong. Mr Xi wants a military that can project power across the Pacific and face regional rivals like Japan in defense of Chinese interests. To get it, he means to strengthen China’s naval and air forces, which have been subordinate to the People’s Liberation Army’s land forces, and to get the military branches to work in close coordination, the way advanced Western militaries do. China’s military budget has grown to be the second largest in the world, behind that of the United States, and the country has acquired sophisticated weapons systems.

Capturing America's Heart: A Third Awakening?

USA - Some religious leaders say America is facing a spiritually dark time. "At the root of America's problem, we really have a spiritual cancer that's been eating away at our nation," Bishop Harry Jackson, senior pastor of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland, told CBN News. Retired General Jerry Boykin used to fight America's physical enemies overseas. He's now working with the Family Research Council fighting spiritual foes.

Doctor: Detroit Abortion Stats ‘Like Some Third World Country’

USA - Nearly one-third of all pregnancies in the city of Detroit end in abortion, a statistic public health officials blame on rising poverty and dwindling access to affordable contraception. Of an estimated 18,360 pregnancies among Detroit residents in 2012, the most recent year for which data are available, 5,693 ended in abortion, or 31 percent. “We’re seeing a picture that looks more like some Third-World country than someplace in the United States,” said Dr Susan Schooley, chairwoman of the Department of Family Medicine at Henry Ford Hospital.

5 food additives even grosser than ‘pink slime’

USA - As meat prices soar, so-called pink slime — a processed meat by-product that’s sprayed with ammonia (the beef industry prefers the term “lean finely textured beef”) — is making a comeback , according to The Wall Street Journal. And while that surely grosses people out, it’s far from the only disgusting food additive your family is probably gobbling up in mass quantities. Here are five shocking things found in common foods.

EU bans poultry imports from Israel-occupied West Bank

EUROPE - Chicken and eggs from the occupied West Bank and the annexed east Jerusalem will no longer be seen on European plates, the EU has ruled, reportedly citing gaps in public health standards between the two Jewish zones and the state. The EU, however, also went on to explain its decision in a more political light. It told the ministry that the health standards originate in a new directive announced last July and signed in January, which prohibits the 28-nation bloc from dealings or any other form of cooperation with businesses in the occupied territories.

‘Outreach’ and ‘interfaith’ buzzwords for Pope’s Israel trip

VATICAN - With a rabbi and a Muslim sheik as his travel companions, Pope Francis is heading to the Middle East with what he hopes will be a powerful message of interfaith respect. It will be the first time that leaders of other faiths are part of an official papal delegation. The aim is to send “an extremely strong and explicit signal” about interfaith dialogue and the “normality” of having friends of other religions, chief Vatican spokesman Rev. Federico Lombardi told reporters.

Why is the Pope meeting a hate preacher in Israel?

ISRAEL - The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, is known as something of a hate preacher. But on Monday, Pope Francis is due to have a high-profile meeting with him on Temple Mount, one of the most volatile and highly contested sites in the Middle East. Mr Hussein has a long track record of incitement. In 2006, not long after he was appointed, he stated that suicide bombing was “legitimate”, because “so long as the resistance is legitimate, everything related to it is legitimate”.

Pope to hold unity meet at Church of the Holy Sepulchre

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Pope Francis and the spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians could not have chosen a more fitting meeting place to promote Christian unity on Sunday than the Jerusalem holy site where their churches’ centuries-old rivalries and machinations play out every day.

Netanyahu: Pope visiting only Mideast state to offer true freedom of religion

ISRAEL - Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu welcomed Pope Francis to Israel, when he spoke Sunday before the weekly cabinet meeting. "We welcome the arrival of Pope Francis to the Land of Israel, the Holy Land. His visit here is an opportunity to show the world the true Israel, the advanced, modern and tolerant Israel, in effect, the only country in the Middle East that ensures complete freedom of worship to those of all faiths, guards the holy places and ensures the rights of all – Jews, Muslims, Christians, everybody," he stated.

Pope Francis says ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict 'increasingly unacceptable'

ISRAEL - Vatican leader arrives in Bethlehem calls on both sides to make sacrifices needed for two-state solution. Pope Francis has called the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict "increasingly unacceptable," urging both sides to take courageous and creative decisions to forge peace. Francis spoke Sunday alongside Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after landing in the West Bank town of Bethlehem. Francis said: "The time has come to put an end to this situation which has become increasingly unacceptable." He said both sides needed to make sacrifices to create two states, with internationally recognized borders, for the good of their own people.

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Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)