Britain is a 'post-Christian' country says former Archbishop

UK - Britain is now a "post-Christian" country, former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has said. Speaking to the Sunday Telegraph, Lord Williams said Britain was not a nation of believers and that the era of widespread worship was over. It comes after Prime Minister David Cameron said people in Britain should be confident of its status as "a Christian country". Deputy PM Nick Clegg said the Church and state should be separated. Writing in the Church Times, Mr Cameron said Christians made a difference to people's lives and should be more evangelical about it.

Time for the Gloves to Come Off

ISRAEL - The Obama-brokered “peace talks” have fallen in a heap due to three main issues.

1. The unrelenting demands by an enemy that did not enter the talks in good faith and which to this day continues with the indoctrination of its population to hate the Jews and Israel.

2. The unrelenting concessions demanded by a US administration which on many occasions could have been taken for the mouthpiece of the Palestinian Authority (PA).

3. The realization - finally having sunk in to diehard Israeli leftists - that indulging the PA’s never ending claims and fantasies any further would mean national suicide.

Abbas Speech The 'Death Blow' To Peace Talks

ISRAEL - Israeli officials slammed Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's speech before the Palestine Liberation Organization's (PLO) Central Council on Saturday, criticizing him for reiterating one-sided ultimatums and dealing a death blow to the peace talks. The officials told AFP that Abbas "administered the coup de grace to the peace process today."

An Open Letter to Pope Francis

ISRAEL - According to information published by the Holy See, in May you intend to visit the Land of Israel and the Holy City of Jerusalem, the Capital of Israel. We hope that you can contribute to peace in our region and especially in Jerusalem, for you have an effect on one billion believers. We welcome your divine inspiration to promote peace and salvation among the nations of the world.

Papal canonizations a lesson in subtle art of Catholic politics

VATICAN - When the late Popes John XXIII and John Paul II are declared saints on Sunday, the Vatican ceremony will be both a spiritual event for Roman Catholicism and a lesson in the subtle politics of the world's largest church. Most of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics will generally agree that these two men, in their own ways, were holy and charismatic pastors who helped their 2,000-year-old Church to confront the challenges of the modern era.

A Double Canonization for Popes John XXIII and John Paul II

VATICAN - Pope Francis on Sunday will preside over a pomp-filled ceremony to declare Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII saints — an event that commemorates the legacies of two of the Catholic Church's most popular popes, both instrumental in shaping the current pontiff's groundbreaking reign. The rite in St Peter's Square on Sunday, canonizing two of the Catholic Church's most popular popes, is likely to be a history-making event, given the strong possibility that Pope Benedict XVI, who resigned last year, will also be in attendance. That would mark the first time in the church's 2,000-year history that two popes would honor the memory of two previous ones.

Sun Unleashes Major Solar Flare

USA - The sun erupted with a massive solar flare late Thursday (April 24), triggering a temporary communications blackout on some parts of Earth.

The powerful flare peaked at 8:27 pm EDT Thursday (0027 April 25 GMT), and ranked as an X1.3 class solar storm, one of the strongest types of flares the sun can experience, according to a report from the US Space Weather Prediction Center. The solar flare erupted from an active sunspot region known as Region 2035 located on the far western side (or limb) of the sun as seen from Earth. Because of its position, the flare sparked a high-frequency radio blackout for about an hour on the daytime side of Earth, most likely over the Pacific Ocean and Eastern Pacific Rim, according to the SWPC update.

Israel halts peace talks as Hamas and Fatah strike unity deal

ISRAEL - Israel has formally suspended Middle East peace talks in retaliation for a unity pact between the Palestinian leadership and the Islamist Hamas movement, dealing a severe blow to US-brokered efforts to end the decades-old conflict. The move appeared to sound the death knell to nine months of peace talks that were due to expire on April 29.

America's Pitiful Response

ISRAEL - Senior ministers and sources in Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's office are reportedly furious at the American administration, for "not reacting with proper force" to the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas unity deal on Wednesday. The sources reveal that Israel is demanding that Washington DC declare the reconciliation between the two as not legitimate, according to Yisrael Hayom. Netanyahu has reportedly discussed the issue with US Secretary of State John Kerry.

Netanyahu says Abbas must abandon unity deal with Hamas

ISRAEL - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas must abandon Fatah's pact with Hamas if he wants peace, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told the BBC. Israel earlier suspended peace talks with the Palestinians in response to a unity deal between the two factions. The US has voiced its "disapproval", but is not ready to declare the talks over and is "still making the effort". Fatah and Hamas agreed on Wednesday to form a unity government within weeks and hold elections six months later. They have been at odds since Hamas, which won parliamentary elections in 2006, ousted forces loyal to Mr Abbas and Fatah in the Gaza Strip during clashes in 2007 and set up a rival government.

Analysis by Jeremy Bowen BBC Middle East editor, Jerusalem

ISRAEL - Prime Minister Netanyahu was clear - Israel, he said, would not negotiate again with the Palestinians of the Fatah faction, led by President Abbas, until it ends its pact with Hamas. "He can have peace with Israel or a pact with Hamas - he can't have both," he told me. Palestinian sources have told me they will only talk again if Israel agrees to preconditions - including a cessation of building in Jewish settlements across the occupied territories they want for a future state - including East Jerusalem. Both sides are demanding concessions from the other side that they are unlikely to get. If both Israel and the Palestinians stick to their positions it will mean that the nine months of talks brokered by the Americans have failed.

Lauder to ‘Post’: World now knows Abbas doesn’t want peace

USA - The international community now sees and understands that the Palestinian Authority does not want peace, World Jewish Congress president Ronald Lauder told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday. The philanthropist and former American ambassador was responding to the cessation of peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority following the PA’s announcement of a reconciliation deal with Hamas earlier this week.

Israeli Defense Minister Warns Hamas: Keep Gaza Calm - Or Else

ISRAEL - Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon strongly condemned Hamas's attacks on Israel during the post-Passover mimouna celebrations on Monday night, April 21, and vowed the IDF's continued defense of Israeli citizens. "Even today, our enemies rise up to destroy us," he said at a mimouna celebration in Modi'in, paraphrasing the Passover haggadah, "and we see that the IDF responded immediately, to send a message to the other side: this will not be overlooked." "We hope that, on the other end, Hamas and other [terror] organizations get the hint, accept the message and keep Gaza calm," he continued. "If not, they should know that we will act on it."

Obama Suffers Setbacks in Japan and the Mideast

USA - President Obama encountered setbacks to two of his most cherished foreign-policy projects on Thursday, as he failed to achieve a trade deal that undergirds his strategic pivot to Asia and the Middle East peace process suffered a potentially irreparable breakdown. Mr Obama had hoped to use his visit here to announce an agreement under which Japan would open its markets in rice, beef, poultry and pork, a critical step toward the trade pact. But Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was not able to overcome entrenched resistance from Japan’s farmers in time for the president’s visit.

Asia tour: Obama in Seoul amid nuclear test fears

SOUTH KOREA - US President Barack Obama is in Seoul for a visit that comes amid concern that North Korea may be planning a fourth nuclear test. Mr Obama, who arrived from Japan on the second stop of his Asian tour, will hold talks with South Korean leader Park Geun-hye. Their talks are set to focus on North Korea, following reports of activity at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site. Mr Obama is expected to hold talks with Ms Park, visit US troops and then fly to Malaysia on Saturday.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)