Ukraine crisis: Russia 'orchestrating destabilisation of eastern regions'

UK - Britain has accused Russia of a "deliberate destabilisation" of Ukraine as pro-Moscow separatists continued to seize yet another police building in the east of the country, ignoring the deadline to leave. Arriving for talks in Luxembourg with EU foreign ministers, Foreign Secretary William Hague called for a "clear and united international response" to the latest violations. He said that EU officials needed to press ahead with preparations for a new wave of hard-hitting economic sanctions against Russia if it continued its efforts to undermine its neighbour. "There do have to be consequences to a further and further escalation by Russia of this crisis," he told reporters.

Temple Mount: Jews Arrested Attempting to Bring Pesach Sacrifice

TEMPLE MOUNT, JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Eight Jews were arrested Monday for attempting to sacrifice a goat on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Judaism's holiest site. The group were making their way to the Mount in order to carry out the Pesach (Passover) Sacrifice, known as the Korban Pesach, on the eve of the seven-day festival. Jews are commanded to offer the sacrifice in commemoration of the Exodus from Egypt, during which God killed all firstborn Egyptians whilst passing over firstborn Jews.

Ecumenism must involve dialogue and social action, says Welby

UK - Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has underscored the value of continuing ecumenical dialogue at a “passionate theological level” while at the same time having “a closer relationship of action” that addresses the needs of the world in such areas as poverty and social justice. Ecumenism must be “something that is our burning desire,” Welby told a gathering of ecumenical guests at a reception at Toronto’s St James’ Cathedral Centre, during his “personal, pastoral visit” to the Anglican Church of Canada April 8 to 9. “In the last seven verses of John 17, Jesus prays with extraordinary passion and extraordinary directness about the absolute necessity of the visible unity of the church… Love one another.” The Guardian newspaper has noted that the move breaks five centuries of Anglican tradition and ushers “a further rapprochement between the churches of England and Rome.”

Catholic, Lutheran leaders urge joint study of reconciliation document

VATICAN - Catholics and Lutherans are urging their congregations to jointly discuss a co-publication entitled From Conflict to Communion as this helps bury past differences and brings the two Christian traditions closer together. In a joint letter The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) along with the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) recommends the publication "From Conflict to Communion." Events in Christianity that led to the Reformation nearly half a millennium ago split the Roman Catholic Church, ushering in the advent of Protestant churches. When the 500th anniversary of the Reformation is commemorated in 2017, Lutherans and Catholics hope to be drawn closer in the quest for church unity.

‘Blood moon’ sets off apocalyptic debate among some Christians

USA - Could a series of “blood moon” events be connected to Jesus’ return? Some Christians think so. In the wee hours of Tuesday (April 15) morning, the moon slid into Earth’s shadow, casting a reddish hue on the moon. There are about two lunar eclipses per year, according to NASA, but what’s unusual this time around is that there will be four blood moons within 18 months — astronomers call that a tetrad — and all of them occur during Jewish holidays.

Pastafarianism now an official religion in Poland

POLAND - The Church of Flying Spaghetti Monster is now accepted as an official religion in Poland after a 2013 ruling was overturned on Tuesday. The ruling was celebrated by a group of Pastafarians who gathered outside the courthouse on Tuesday and chanted “pasta." The FSM was first mentioned in 2005, in a satirical letter written by Bobby Henderson to the Kansas School Board of Education. He used the FSM to protest the public teaching of intelligent design in place of evolution. The supreme being of Pastafarianism is the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM). The main text is the Holy Book of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Pastafarianism opposes the idea of creationism and intelligent design and as a result its tenets are usually satires.

Italy's bishops pass Vatican-backed rule that child molestation does not have to be reported

ITALY - Italy’s bishops have adopted a policy, with backing from the Vatican, that states they are not obliged to inform police officers if they suspect a child has been molested. The Italian Bishops’ Conference said the guidelines published on Friday reflected suggestions from the Vatican’s office that handles sex abuse investigations. Victims have denounced how bishops systematically covered up abuse by moving priests while keeping prosecutors in the dark. Only in 2010 did the Vatican instruct bishops to report abuse to police — but only where required by law.

Jobbik calls “united states of Europe” absurd

HUNGARY - Hungary’s radical nationalist Jobbik party has dismissed proposals to transform the EU into a “united states of Europe” as absurd, and voiced commitment to a “Europe of nations”. Jobbik lawmaker Gabor Staudt told a press conference on Monday that the leftist opposition Democratic Coalition’s recently promoting such a transformation was “shocking”. He said it was the first time a party openly undertook the support of the “superstate concept”. Staudt said that if Europe were to be restructured as a “superstate”, it would be “the end” for nation states and argued that “Brussels, which is strongly influenced by multinational companies, would pass all decisions”. A restructured EU would “only retain its countries as provinces”, he insisted. Jobbik believes in a “Europe of nations” based on peaceful, economy-based cooperation, Staudt added.

Long-term plans for United States of Europe, says Gyurcsány

HUNGARY - A new and strong Europe of united states should be the long-term aim in a more successful world, Democratic Coalition leader Ferenc Gyurcsany said at a campaign-opening event on Sunday. Gyurcsany, who tops the DK’s list for the European elections, said the united states should watch over each citizen, ensure they had access to freedom of thought, education and knowledge and banned state powers to interfere in their thinking, world views, religious and moral freedoms. “These things are the private affairs of European families, European people,” he said. Gyurcsany said he would like to see a Europe where men and women were equal and they could all choose where they wanted to live. A stronger Europe would give protection against authoritarian regimes, he added. He said his DK party called for a European prosecution office where corruption linked to politicians in any member state would be examined.

Temple Mount Closed After Muslim RiotingComment

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Muslim rioters threw stones and Molotov cocktails at Israeli Police forces on the Temple Mount Sunday morning, prompting the Mount to be closed to visitors until further notice. Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told AFP that violence erupted when police opened one of the walled compound's gates to non-Muslim visitors, according to the regular visiting hours.

Tsunami Warning as Second Quake Hits Solomon Islands

SOLOMON ISLANDS - Just 24 hours after a 7.8 earthquake hit the Solomon Islands, the area has again been shaken by a quake of a similar magnitude. The first quake occurred at a depth of 18 miles, the second at a depth of 22 miles.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC), which had just cancelled an earlier warning, had to issue a fresh one that tsunamis may affect the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea. The latest quake was 12 miles beneath the seabed.

Greek Archdiocese-RC Ecumenism Continues

USA - On April 8, 2014, Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco and the Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco, Salvatore Cordelione, participated in a joint ecumenical prayer service to commemorate the upcoming 50th anniversary of the meeting of Pope Paul VI and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras in Jerusalem. This seems to have been an event that has been taking place for a number of years. This is a reminder that the Ecumenical Patriarchate still continues to embrace the ecumenical movement.

Food Price Shock, 2014 Edition

USA - Drought in the US, past and present, might make 2014 one of the more volatile years for food prices and supplies globally. US consumers may get a preview of what's coming at the salad bar. The main culprit is the parched land of California's Central Valley, which grows a large share of US vegetables, fruits and nuts. Conditions are so dry that some farmers aren't even bothering to plant. That might have even bigger implications for food prices than the 2012 drought that baked the Corn Belt, US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said this week.

George Osborne warns City to prepare for turmoil over Russia sanctions and interest rate rises

UK - The City must brace itself for a new wave of market volatility amid looming interest rate rises and the possibility of harsher Russian sanctions, the Chancellor has said, as he insisted that the Treasury was prepared "for any eventuality" on the Ukrainian crisis. George Osborne said the gradual tapering of US asset purchases, which triggered a major emerging market sell-off last year, showed it was important that policymakers provided clear communication to the market about future policy actions. "We all need to be ready for an increased level of volatility in line with historic trends," Mr Osborne said on Friday. "It is something we need to be communicating more so that it is priced in and people expect this return of normal volatility and it's not a surprise when it happens."

Church of England faces 'crisis’ as gay priest weds

UK - A priest has become the first in Britain to defy the Church of England’s ban on gay clergy marrying. Canon Jeremy Pemberton, 58, a divorced hospital chaplain, wed his long-term partner Laurence Cunnington, 51, on Saturday afternoon. Campaigners expressed delight that the couple had taken advantage of Britain’s newly-introduced gay marriage laws and urged bishops to “bless” their partnership. They predict he will be the first of many gay clergy to marry. But a leading member of the Church’s conservative evangelical wing called for “discipline” of any clergy seen to be breaking the rules. He warned of a “crisis” if the leadership failed to take action.

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Just what is an Apostle?

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)