Chancellor Merkel outlines German position ahead of EU summit on Crimea

GERMANY - Chancellor Merkel used her speech to the Bundestag on Thursday to tell lawmakers that her government supported plans to step up sanctions on Moscow as a result of the Kremlin’s continuing moves to absorb the Ukrainian autonomous territory of Crimea into the Russian Federation. "At the European Council beginning today, the heads of state and government of the European Union will fix further phase-two sanctions that we agreed two weeks ago," Merkel said. "These include an extension of the list of responsible people against whom travel restrictions and account freezes are in effect," she added. The chancellor also warned that tighter sanctions could follow.

Christian beliefs should be 'accommodated' under law – top judge

UK - Supreme Court deputy president Lady Hale calls for “accommodation” for faith under the law as she warns Britain is ‘less respectful’ of religious belief than some other countries. Christians with traditional beliefs about issues such as homosexuality should be given “reasonable accommodation” in law, Britain’s most senior woman judge has said. Lady Hale, deputy president of the Supreme Court, said the UK is “less respectful” towards people with religious views than other countries, despite its long Christian traditions. She questioned whether the current “hard line” approach to discrimination claims, based on EU law, could be sustained in the long term.

Beef Prices Surge Most In A Decade As Food Inflation Soars

USA - Just a month ago we warned that food inflation was on its way. Today we got the first confirmation that problems are on their way. While headline data washes away the nuance of what eating, sleeping, energy-using human-beings are paying month-in and month-out, the fact, as WSJ reports, that beef prices surged by almost 5% in February - the biggest change since Nov 2003 - means pinching consumers and companies pocketbooks that are still grappling with a sluggish economic recovery.

Massive Solar Superstorm Narrowly Missed Blasting The Earth Back Into The Dark Ages

USA - As we blithely went about our lives on July 23, 2012, we had no idea how close we were to a Revolution-esque technology blackout caused by a huge magnetic superstorm from the Sun.

The Federal Reserve Seems Quite Serious About Tapering – So What Comes Next?

USA - Will this be the year when the Fed's quantitative easing program finally ends? For a long time, many analysts were proclaiming that the Fed would never taper. But then it started happening. Then a lot of them started talking about how "the untaper" was right around the corner. That hasn't happened either. It looks like that under Janet Yellen the Fed is quite determined to bring the quantitative easing program to a close by the end of this year.

Budget 2014: Britain’s false recovery is a credit mirage

UK - No vindication can be sweeter for George Osborne than Britain’s new role as a global safe-haven, an astonishing reversal from early 2010 when hedge funds were itching to attack the pound. The cost of default insurance on British debt – measured by credit default swaps – is now below that of the US, France and Japan, and briefly slipped below Germany last week.

IDF Chief of Staff Calls to Retake Gaza, Take on Iran

ISRAEL - IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz was unusually candid on Wednesday, declaring during a presentation to a high school in Gan Yavne that the IDF is fighting Israel's enemies on all fronts. "The Israeli Navy will be wherever we want them to be," Gantz noted in the speech, which was quoted by Channel 10. "I have not even mentioned the dozens of classified activities the IDF carries out [to defend Israel], some of which happened over the last week and are happening as we speak."

The Cowardly BBC Bows to Islam

UK - The BBC likes to consider itself a brave broadcasting company when attacking the Catholic Church on sexual abuses (the famous BBC documentary entitled "Sex Crimes and the Vatican" consisted of 38 minutes and 57 seconds of accusations against the Vatican) or when airing a horrible live program from a clinic where doctors perform abortions. The BBC also likes to depict itself as libertine when proposing "gay friendly entertainment" for its viewers. The CBBC, the branch of the UK public broadcaster in charge of programs for children, has launched a format for the "cultural diffusion of gender diversity", a euphemism for gay culture. But when it comes to gays and Islam, “Auntie”, as the British call the broadcaster, is cowardly and bows to sharia.

Shop-window porn violates children’s rights

AUSTRALIA - My sister Anna and her husband Jacob have four young children, all daughters whom they are trying to raise to value their own dignity and face the world with self-esteem and confidence. This, they have discovered, is becoming a full time job, since today’s culture seems bent on actively hindering their efforts at cultivating these virtues in their girls.

US Stocks Drop as Fed’s Yellen Outlines Stimulus Exit

USA - US stocks fell for the first time in three days as Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said the central bank’s stimulus program could end this fall and benchmark interest rates could rise six months later. Walt Disney Co, General Electric Co and Boeing Co lost at least 1.4 percent to lead the Dow (INDU) Jones Industrial Average lower. Consolidated Edison Inc led utilities to the biggest decline among 10 groups in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index. Newmont Mining Corp lost 3 percent as gold tumbled the most in six weeks after the Fed’s decision to reduce asset purchases.

Falkland Islands will be ours, says Argentina's new minister

ARGENTINA - Argentina's newly appointed Falklands Islands secretary has said he is convinced that the islands will one day be returned to Argentine rule – and denounced Britain's "aggressive moves" in the region. Daniel Filmus said the issue was "a question that runs deep in the hearts of the Argentine people," speaking two days after Cristina Kirchner, the Argentine president, met with the Pope and is thought to have asked him – as a fellow Argentine – to champion their cause.

Six Week Cycle Continues With FBI Manufacturing Another Hoax Terror Plot

USA - The Federal Bureau of Investigation otherwise known as the FBI is an embarrassment to humanity. Since I started tracking this phenomenon late last year it has become clear that the FBI is busting fake terror plots they create, staging terror hoax events or investigating fake mass shootings roughly every six weeks.

France Bans GMO Maize Despite EU Commission Pressure

FRANCE - It’s a boost to anti-GMO activists to know when other regions of the world are successfully banning GMO seeds and cultivation and resisting the rush to finish off the world’s agricultural food chain. No, labeling alone won’t do it. The latest; France’s agriculture ministry banned the sale, use, and cultivation of Monsanto’s MON 810 genetically modified maize, currently authorized in the EU. By the time labeling laws are enacted and if enough people are educated on GMO dangers, the game may be over when all crops are contaminated by GMOs from other fields. Labeling implies co-existence, but when it truly comes down to it, co-existence is not an option. Banning is the only solution, one county, state, or country at a time.

France May Cancel $1.6 Billion Warship Deal With Russia

FRANCE - France’s foreign minister Laurent Fabius has threatened to veto the sale of two state-of-the-art warships, worth over $1.67 billion, to Russia, calling on other countries to take similar action, despite the financial losses likely to be incurred. "If Putin continues doing what he is doing we could envisage cancelling the sales," Fabius said to French television on Tuesday, as cited by The Guardian. “This would be part of a third level of sanctions. For the moment we are at the second level,” he said. The French are due to deliver two high-tech Mistral warships to Russia. The first, christened the Vladivostok, has already undergone sea trials; while the second, called the Sevastopol, is due to be completed by the end of next year.

Unknown Snipers Once Again Stir Up Violence … This Time In Crimea

UKRAINE - After a Ukrainian soldier at a base in Crimea was killed, Ukraine announced that the murder was a “war crime”, and that Ukrainians could use live fire to protect themselves. Fair enough. But no one knows who actually pulled the trigger. Shouldn’t we find out who’s responsible before we start beating the war drums?

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)