‘Enlightened Religious People’ Don’t Use ‘Bible as a Textbook’

USA - The host of Seth MacFarlane's new series Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, argues that while religion and science can be compatible, religious scriptures like the Bible should not be confused with scientific textbooks, something he says “enlightened religious people” understand.

Russia to build 2 nuclear power plants in Iran

RUSSIA - Russia will build two nuclear power plants in Iran's southern Persian Gulf littoral city of Bushehr, the spokesman for Iran Atomic Energy Organization Behrouz Kamalvandi was quoted as saying by official IRNA news agency on Wednesday. Iran and Russia reached a preliminary agreement to build at least two nuclear plants in Iran, Kamalvandi told IRNA. "According to the agreement, the capacity of each plant will be at least 1,000 megawatt and the new plants will be built by the side of the existent Bushehr nuclear power plant," Kamalvandi said.

Emergency Cabinet Meeting: What Next?

ISRAEL - Israel’s Cabinet for diplomatic and security affairs will hold an emergency meeting Thursday morning to discuss the next step in responding to the recent rocket onslaught from Gaza. Gaza terrorists fired nearly 90 rockets at southern Israel on Wednesday, roughly 60 of which hit Israeli territory.

Israeli Air Force Strikes Gaza After Missile Onslaught

ISRAEL - The Israeli Air Force struck 29 terror targets belonging to Islamic Jihad and Hamas in Gaza on Wednesday evening as retaliation for firing a barrage of over 60 rockets on Jewish communities in southern Israel, the IDF announced Wednesday.

Foreign Minister Says Israel Needs to 'Retake Gaza'

ISRAEL - Responding to the onslaught of more than 60 rockets fired by Islamic Jihad terrorists from the Gaza Strip this evening, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman has said that any Israeli response must include the retaking of Gaza, according to AFP.

David Cameron Slams 'Barbaric' Rocket Fire

ISRAEL - British Prime Minister David Cameron condemned the barrage of rocket fire on Israel on Wednesday, during a meeting with President Shimon Peres. "Let me be absolutely clear about these attacks from Gaza, we condemn them completely," Cameron said. "There are three important points to bear in mind. First of all they are a reminder once again of the importance of maintaining and securing Israel's future and the security threats you face and you have Britain's support in facing those security threats."

IDF Tanks Strike Gaza After 60 Rockets Hit Israel

ISRAEL - IDF tanks fired into Gaza over the past several minutes, and have already eliminated two terror targets, in response to the barrage of rocket fire on Israel. At least 60 rockets slammed into southern Israel on Wednesday, hitting several Jewish communities. Several were stopped by the Iron Dome; no injuries have been reported. Thousands of Negev residents remain in shelters Wednesday evening, however, until the attacks have subsided. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reacted to the attack by pledging a "forceful" response against those responsible.

US Ready For ‘Military Response In Ukraine’

USA - With diplomacy having failed miserably to resolve the Russian annexation of Crimea, and soon East Ukraine (and with John Kerry in charge of it, was there ever any doubt), the US is moving to the heavy artillery.

On Ukraine, Merkel Finds Limits of Her Rapport With Putin

GERMANY - Since the first Russian forces infiltrated Crimea on February 28, Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, has spoken to President Vladimir V Putin of Russia at least four times on the phone, her spokesman says. In the space of 10 days, she went from warning him to avoid “any step that could contribute to escalation” to bluntly telling him that Crimea’s plans for a referendum on joining Russia are “illegal.”

UK petrol price fears as Opec raises oil forecast

UK - British motorists watch out - Opec has upgraded its forecast for world oil demand, raising the prospect of higher petrol prices ahead of next week's Budget. The cartel of 12 oil-exporting nations, which control a third of global supply, expects consumption to increase by 1.14 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2014, a rise of 50,000 barrels on its previous estimate. In total, Opec economists expect the world will require 91.1 million bpd of oil this year. An increase in demand could see motorists in the UK paying more at the pump. Retailers Tesco and Asda have recently launched a price war, cutting the cost of a gallon of fuel at their service stations but further cuts could be placed on hold by rising oil demand.

David Cameron tells Israelis about his Jewish ancestors

ISRAEL - David Cameron has said he has Jewish ancestors. In a speech to the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, the Prime Minister said his great-great-grandfather was a Jewish man from Germany. The link gives Mr Cameron "some sense of connection" to the Israeli people, he said, as he hailed their "extraordinary journey" and history of persecution. In the address he pledged to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the "vulnerable" state against terrorism, and said the phrase "We are with you" in Hebrew. "My Jewish ancestry is relatively limited but I do feel just some sense of connection. From the lexicon of my great, great grandfather Emile Levita, a Jewish man who came from Germany to Britain 150 years ago to the story of my forefather Elijah Levita who wrote what is thought to have been the first ever Yiddish novel," he said.

Russian Neighbor Belarus Asks To Host Another 15 Russian Fighter Jets In Response To NATO Escalation

BELARUS - With NATO actively building up its airforce support in Poland and the Baltic states in recent days in a flashback to cold war military escalation and deterrence, and even launching AWACS planes over Poland and Romania to monitor the Ukraine crisis and "enhance the alliance's situational awareness," the inevitable has finally happened, and other Russian neighbor states, ones not alligned with the military treaty, have escalated in turn only this time they are showing their allegiance not to the west but to Russia. RIA reported that Minsk will "adequately react to the strengthening of NATO forces near the borders of Belarus, and will offer to host up to an additional 15 Russian aircraft, according to the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on Wednesday at a meeting of the Security Council of Belarus.

Ukraine says it will not fight Russia over Crimea

UKRAINE - Ukraine's acting president has said he would not wage war over Crimea as the ex-Soviet state's premier prepares to seek Barack Obama's help against Russia's expansionist threat. The first meeting between the US president and Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk comes with Europe's largest nation in danger of breaking apart when the predominantly ethnic Russian region holds a Moscow-backed referendum Sunday on switching over to Kremlin rule. Ukraine's acting President Oleksandr Turchynov said his heavily outnumbered army would never try to seize back the Black Sea peninsula from Russian troops who made their land grab days after the February 22 ouster in Kiev of pro-Kremlin leader Viktor Yanukovych.


ISRAEL - A weapons cache seized last week from Iran is serving as another warning to the West of the Islamic country's dangerous intentions. [Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said,] "So my message today is simple: those engaged in self-deception must awaken from their slumber. We cannot allow Iran to have the capability to produce nuclear weapons. Today, Israel thwarted the dangers to its people. Tomorrow if Iran's military nuclear program is not stopped the whole world could be imperilled."

Is Obama Just Insane?

USA - I have dealt with many governments in my life and I have come to understand you CANNOT and SHOULD NEVER put your opponent in a box publicly - for his own political livelihood is then on the line and he MUST respond or be overthrown. This is simple common sense in international politics and I have preferred to be an observer rather than a player.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)