Crimean Crisis: All Eyes on Merkel

GERMANY - As the conflict with Russia over Crimea intensifies, Germany is playing a central role in communications with Russian President Vladimir Putin. But the international community has doubts that Chancellor Angela Merkel can pull it off.

Iran Calls Obama Military Option 'Joke of the Year'

IRAN - Iran has mocked US President Barack Obama's warnings that the military option is still on the table to prevent the Islamic regime's nuclear aspirations, calling the threats "the joke of the year." General Saeed Masoud Jazzayeri, Aide to Basij (local Islamist militia) Affairs and General Headquarters Defense Publicity in the Iranian military, laughed at Obama's recent warnings of possible American military intervention in the Middle East.

Bullying Israel But Bowing to Tyrants

ISRAEL - This may be the excruciatingly worst time for Prime Minister Netanyahu to be visiting President Obama who clearly and, perhaps painfully, is aware of the ridicule many in the international corridors of power are heaping upon him.

Useless Guarantees and Promises

ISRAEL - America under Obama has been right in at least one aspect. There was a reset – Russia has gained tremendous power and America has never been less well-respected worldwide. Against this backdrop, Netanyahu and Obama met on Monday and Netanyahu spoke at AIPAC on Tuesday.

Leftovers from Afghanistan and Iraq Wars

USA - The American toll from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan can be contemplated in many different ways, thanks to the Congressional Research Service (CRS). A new CRS report has provided a human accounting not only of how many service personnel died in the two conflicts, but of the many kinds of serious, life-long injuries with which thousands returned home.

China says military will respond to provocations

CHINA - China's military is prepared to respond to all threats to the country's sovereignty, a government spokeswoman said Tuesday, ahead of the expected announcement of another big bump in defense spending. Legislative spokeswoman Fu Ying said China supports resolving disputes through negotiations and its 2.3 million-member People's Liberation Army — the world's largest — is for defensive purposes only.

Pope Francis calls for dialogue in Ukraine to resolve crisis

VATICAN - Pope Francis is urging world leaders to promote dialogue as a way of resolving the crisis in Ukraine. Speaking to thousands of people in St Peter's Square during his traditional Sunday midday appearance, he said: "I am making a heartfelt appeal to the international community: support every initiative for dialogue and harmony." Francis urged all segments of Ukrainian society to work together to overcome their misunderstandings and build a future together.

Church Leaders Appeal: Keep Ukraine Intact, Prevent Bloodshed

RUSSIA - The head of the powerful Russian Orthodox Church, generally viewed as supportive of President Vladimir Putin, has assured co-religionists in Ukraine that he will “do everything that is possible to persuade those in power that they cannot allow destroying peaceful people” in Ukraine. The pledge from Patriarch Kirill I came in response to a written appeal from a Ukrainian Orthodox Church leader, who asked him to speak out in favor of Ukraine’s territorial integrity. The Ukrainian clergyman sent a separate letter to Putin, appealing to him “to not permit bloodshed” in Ukraine. The religious leaders disputed Moscow’s claims about discrimination along language, religious or national lines, and said its portrayals of the change of government in Ukraine as a “fascist coup” or victory by “extremists” were untrue.

Political Union In Europe: Governance Of, By, And For The Elite

EUROPE - The message from Southern Europe’s political elite was as clear as it was unified: the growth in “populism” — that is, any political movement that opposes the continued expansion of centralised power in Europe — represents a serious threat to the Union’s future. To stymie its influence, concerted efforts must be made to accelerate Europe’s march towards political union. “We pro-Europeans are lacking a dream,” said Letta. “Others have one — to end the euro, to break up the Union… We have lost ours. Before we had one. In 1984, we had the four freedoms; in 1994, the euro; in 2004, Eastward expansion. But what about now? Today we haven’t built any long-term project of this kind. The dream must be political union.” If political union is consummated, power will be further concentrated and shifted upwards and away from the common man, as the core essence of democracy is mercilessly gutted.

Family breakdown 'could cost taxpayers £46 billion’

UK - The true cost of divorce and family breakdown in Britain goes “far higher” and “far deeper” than the multi-billion pound benefits bill, a welfare minister has warned. Lord Freud said that the current £9 billion cost to the taxpayer of lone parent benefits amounts to just the tip of the iceberg when the full social cost of separation is taken into account. He also called for marriage to be “put back into its rightful place” after a surge in the number of children being brought up by unmarried parents who he said were four times more likely to separate than those who tie the knot. The Coalition should make “no apology” for saying that it has a “clear duty” to strengthen the family, he said. The peer’s comments, in an article for The Telegraph, came as he acknowledged that family breakdown could be costing the country up to £46 billion a year.

Russia warns could 'reduce to zero' economic dependency on US

RUSSIA - Russia could reduce to zero its economic dependency on the United States if Washington agreed sanctions against Moscow over Ukraine, a Kremlin aide said on Tuesday, warning that the American financial system faced a “crash” if this happened. “We would find a way not just to reduce our dependency on the United States to zero but to emerge from those sanctions with great benefits for ourselves,” said Kremlin economic aide Sergei Glazyev. He told the RIA Novosti news agency Russia could stop using dollars for international transactions and create its own payment system using its “wonderful trade and economic relations with our partners in the East and South.”

Russia test-fires ICBM amid tension over Ukraine

RUSSIA - Russia said it had successfully test-fired an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) on Tuesday, with tensions running high over its military intervention in Ukraine's Crimea region. The Strategic Rocket Forces launched an RS-12M Topol missile from the southerly Astrakhan region and the dummy warhead hit its target at a proving ground in Kazakhstan, Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Yegorov told state-run news agency RIA. Russia conducts test launches of its ICBMs fairly frequently and often announces the results, a practice seen as intended to remind the West of Moscow's nuclear might and reassure Russians that President Vladimir Putin will protect them.

Kunming knife attack: Xinjiang separatists blamed for 'Chinese 9/11'

CHINA - President Xi Jinping urges severe punishment for perpetrators of violence at crowded train station that left 29 people dead and 130 injured. China's president, Xi Jinping, has called for "all-out efforts" to bring to justice the black-clad assailants who killed 29 people with knives and machetes in a bloody terrorist attack in the south-western city of Kunming on Saturday night. Authorities have yet to reveal the identities of those captured, shot dead or on the run, or give evidence of their motivation. "They are holding that back and I think they are doing that because of the danger of stoking Han nationalism and resentment. This fear and hatred runs quite deep," said James Leibold, senior lecturer in politics and Asian studies at La Trobe University. "The default position of the government has always been to blame foreigners and never admit that ethnic relations in China might have serious problems."

Boehner: Obama Introduces 'His Most Irresponsible Budget Yet'

USA - "After years of fiscal and economic mismanagement, the president has offered perhaps his most irresponsible budget yet," House Speaker John Boehner said on Tuesday, after President Obama released his $3.9 trillion election-year budget. The fiscal year 2015 spending proposal raises taxes on the wealthy and spends more on preschool, infrastructure, and job training, the Associated Press reported. But as Boehner indicated, Republicans won't accept it. "American families looking for jobs and opportunity will find only more government in this plan," Boehner said. "Spending too much, borrowing too much, and taxing too much, it would hurt our economy and cost jobs." Boehner said Obama's vision for the nation's future does not include a balanced budget - ever.

The US has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine

USA - According to the New York Times, “The United States and the European Union have embraced the revolution here as another flowering of democracy, a blow to authoritarianism and kleptocracy in the former Soviet space.” “Flowering Democracy, Revolution”? The grim realities are otherwise. What is at stake is a US-EU-NATO sponsored coup d’Etat in blatant violation of international law.

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Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)