Russia will focus on reforming the international monetary system during its G20 presidency

RUSSIA - At a press conference in Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that Russia in cooperation with its like-minded partners will seek to implement decisions on reforming the international monetary and financial system.

Sterling caught in a 'quiet crisis’

UK - As markets bet against the pound, 2013 could be a tipping point for the currency. Of all the challenges facing Mark Carney when he swaps the keys of 234 Wellington Street, Ottawa, for the “Old Lady” of Threadneedle Street, the very real crisis facing sterling will be one of the things at the top of his agenda.

Can the EU become the world’s policeman?

EUROPE/USA - “A decade of war is now ending,” President Obama declared Monday. Maybe that’s true in America, but it isn’t true anywhere else. Extremists are still plotting acts of terror. Authoritarian and autocratic regimes are still using violence to preserve their power.

If Israel strikes Syria again, all bets are off

MIDDLE EAST - With every passing week, we see more and more evidence that Syria’s civil war is both seeping out of the country’s borders and, like a flame sucking in oxygen, is pulling regional powers in at the same time.

Global Leadership Vacuum: Europe Incapable, America Unwilling

USA/EUROPE - US Vice President Joe Biden is visiting Germany this week in an effort to strengthen trans-Atlantic ties. Global politics have come to a standstill in recent years, with the United States unwilling to show leadership and Europe and other major powers unable to fill the vacuum.

EU budget deal far from certain, says Angela Merkel

GERMANY - Talks over the European Union’s next seven-year budget will be “very difficult”, Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor has said, as she warned that an agreement was far from certain.

The New National Identification System Is Coming

USA - “Maybe we should just brand all the babies.” With this joke, Ronald Reagan swatted down a national identification card — or an enhanced Social Security card — proposed by his attorney general in 1981. For more than three decades since, attempts to implement the proposal have all met with failure, but now national ID is back, and it’s worse than ever. As in 1981, immigration restrictions have provided the justification. In the name of stopping illegal employment, proposals floated by a bipartisan group of senators would create both a physical national ID — an “enhanced” Social Security card — and even more menacingly an Internet-based, electronic ID that could be accessed anywhere to confirm identity.

Iran is smuggling 'manpad' anti-aircraft missiles for lone militants, warns US

USA/IRAN - Iran's Revolutionary Guards are exporting anti-aircraft weapons that can be used by a single person to Islamic militants in an intensified campaign to destabilise the Middle East, according to Pentagon chief Leon Panetta. Iran is intensifying a campaign to destabilise the Middle East by smuggling anti-aircraft weapons to militant allies through its international paramilitary force, according Leon Panetta, the outgoing US defence secretary. The Pentagon chief told The Wall Street Journal that Tehran's export of so-called "manpads" - anti-aircraft missiles that can be carried by a single person - represents a dangerous escalation.

Big brother to log your drinking habits and waist size

UK - GPs are to be forced to hand over confidential records on all their patients’ drinking habits, waist sizes and illnesses. The files will be stored in a giant information bank that privacy campaigners say represents the ‘biggest data grab in NHS history’. They warned the move would end patient confidentiality and hand personal information to third parties. The data includes weight, cholesterol levels, body mass index, pulse rate, family health history, alcohol consumption and smoking status. Diagnosis of everything from cancer to heart disease to mental illness would be covered. Family doctors will have to pass on dates of birth, postcodes and NHS numbers. Officials insisted the personal information would be made anonymous and deleted after analysis.

Richard Dawkins attacks 'irrelevant' religion in Rowan Williams debateComment

UK - Prominent atheist Professor Richard Dawkins last night attacked religion as "redundant and irrelevant" during a debate against the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams. Speaking at the Cambridge Union debating society, Professor Dawkins argued that religion hindered scientific endeavour by ''peddling false explanations''

'Catastrophic' EU exit would leave City defenceless against regulatory attack

UK/EUROPE - European regulators have the means to shut down key parts of London’s financial centre at a stroke if Britain left the European Union and would not hesitate to do so, leading central bank experts have warned. Membership of the EU single market is the UK’s only legal defence against an onslaught of regulations aimed at forcing banks and fund managers to decamp to the eurozone, they say. “It would be catastrophic and suicidal for Britain to leave. The UK would lose the protection it currently enjoys as the eurozone’s major financial centre,” said Athanasios Orphanides, a former member of the European Central Bank’s governing council.

Syria, Iran Threaten Retaliation Against Israel

SYRIA/IRAN - Syria and Iran issued threats to retaliate against Israel for its alleged strike on a chemical weapons facility near Damascus Tuesday night. In Iran, the government-run PressTV quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian Thursday as saying the raid on Syria will have significant implications for Israel. He called upon United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to take operative steps against Israel following the attack, and suggested to the Israeli leadership "not to place too much trust on the Patriot batteries that are stationed in the area." Iran is Syria's principal ally, along with Russia and China, and accuses Western states and certain Arab countries of arming the rebels.

Iranians Killed in Attack on Syria

IRAN - Members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards were killed this week while guarding the classified facility which Israel attacked in the suburbs of Damascus, only 12 kilometers from the Syrian presidential palace, according to a Thursday report by the London-based Iraqi newspaper Az-Zman. The newspaper, which cited diplomatic sources close to the regime of President Bashar Al-Assad, said the facility was used to produce biological and chemical weapons.

Things That Make You Go Hmm - Such As Currency Wars

USA - Currency Wars - which seem to be erupting across the globe; and, as they gain in intensity, these monetary conflicts are threatening to throw a major spanner in the works of a world that, until recently, seemed to have been operating under the assumption that it was possible for multiple countries to all devalue their currencies simultaneously in order to inflate their massive debts away.

Poor, misguided fools.

I have one simple question for those august institutions, and it is this: Do they really think it is possible for them all to devalue their currencies against each other simultaneously and achieve anything but rampant and universal inflation at some future point in time?

Seven-Year-Old Handcuffed Over Lunch Money Dispute

USA - The family of a 7-year-old New York boy is suing police and the city for $250 million, saying cops handcuffed and interrogated the boy for ten hours after a scuffle over lunch money at school. Wilson Reyes, a student at Public School 114 in the Bronx reportedly got into a fight with a fellow student in December after he was accused of taking $5 of lunch money that had fallen on the ground in front of him. Responding to a complaint of assault and robbery, the police were called and took the boy to the local police precinct where officers allegedly handcuffed and interrogated him for ten hours, according to the lawsuit.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)