North Korea threatens war with South over UN sanctions

NORTH KOREA - North Korea threatened to attack rival South Korea if Seoul joined a new round of tightened UN sanctions, as Washington unveiled more of its own economic restrictions following Pyongyang's rocket launch last month. In a third straight day of fiery rhetoric, the North directed its verbal onslaught at its neighbor on Friday, saying: "'Sanctions' mean a war and a declaration of war against us." The reclusive North has this week declared a boycott of all dialogue aimed at ending its nuclear program and vowed to conduct more rocket and nuclear tests after the UN Security Council censured it for a December long-range missile launch.

Britain becomes Germany's biggest trade partnerComment

UK - Britain has overtaken France to become Germany’s biggest global trade partner for the first time in the modern era, solidifying the emergence of a “special relationship” between Europe’s two like-minded northern powers.

Cheesecake Factory pasta on list of caloric "food porn"

USA - A Cheesecake Factory pasta dish with more than 3,000 calories - or more than a day and a half of the recommended caloric intake for an average adult - is among the headliners on this year's Xtreme Eating list of the most unhealthy dishes at US chain restaurants.

Supersized court challenge to New York City's ban on big, sugary sodas

USA - The beverage and restaurant industries on Wednesday urged a New York judge to block Mayor Michael Bloomberg's ban on large sugary drinks, calling it an unconstitutional overreach that burdens small businesses and infringes upon personal liberty. The ban, scheduled to go into effect in March, outlaws the sale of sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces from New York City's restaurants and many other eateries in an effort to combat obesity. City officials have said they will not begin imposing $200 fines on offending businesses until June.

Davos divided on tackling the scourge of obesity

SWITZERLAND - Obesity, a major factor in diabetes and heart disease, imposes costs on both public and private sectors and is a drag on economic growth, but business leaders meeting in Davos can't agree on what they can or should do to address it. The World Economic Forum has some notable past achievements in healthcare, such as galvanizing support for the fight against AIDS and the vaccination of children in poor countries, but tackling the rise in obesity promises to be a much more complicated task. "There are huge interests involved. The question is how can we align interests? Industry sees the impact on their bottom line. They need a healthy workforce and healthy consumers," said WEF health and healthcare expert Olivier Raynaud.

Cameron to EU: don't force political union

SWITZERLAND - British Prime Minister David Cameron told European leaders on Thursday that any attempt to force countries into ever-deeper political union was a mistake that Britain would not be part of. Cameron's comments at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland came a day after he promised Britons a vote on quitting the European Union, saying the country would hold a referendum on its membership by the end of 2017 if he wins the next election. His words were among his most combative to an international audience on the future direction of the EU, but were also designed to reassure EU states and investors that Britain had no intention of turning its back on the EU, despite the planned referendum and the uncertainty it has generated.

At Davos, Crisis Is the New Normal

DAVOS, SWITZERLAND - In certain ways, the very setting of the World Economic Forum reflects the restless, challenged state of human affairs. Our footing is uncertain, as on this ski resort’s slithery streets, and we have steep slopes to climb, as the Magic Mountain will remind the global elite this week.

Globesity: How Globalists Are Feeding Off the Obesity Crisis

USA - From London to Lima and from the Big Apple to Budapest, governments are imposing increasingly onerous diktats in an effort to shrink their populations’ rapidly expanding waistlines.

Draghi implied that EU can become the United States of Europe

GERMANY - On 22 January, the ECB’s President attended the New Year’s Reception of the Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce. During his speech, Draghi underlined that 2012, was a year of exceptional uncertainty for Eurozone.

Obama Brings God Into the Climate-Change Fight

USA - Climate change and environmental policy have always been on President Obama's agenda. But rarely have they been so central as they were in his inaugural address on Monday, when the environment was the first issue Obama brought up after his full-throated defense of economic fairness.

Oldest Bank In The World Plunges

ITALY - Last week, following documentation from Deutsche Bank (and Nomura), it became clear that Italy's Monte Paschi (BMPS) bank (the oldest in the world) has engaged in derivatives with the German and Japanese banks in order to save itself during the financial crisis.

'Empty' Worries Over Nuclear War in Southeast Asia

INDIA - Residents of embattled Kashmir - over which Pakistan and India have been fighting for years - are being warned to prepare for a possible nuclear war, according to a report published locally. Indian officials reportedly told residents Monday in an advisory published in the Greater Kashmir newspaper to build “basements where the whole family can stay for a fortnight” and stock up on food and water. Ample candles and battery-operated lights should be among the items in the shelter. For those without basements, the advisory suggested building shelters in open spaces in front of houses. “Some protection is better than no protection,” the notice said.

North Korea threatens to target US

NORTH KOREA - North Korea has announced it's about to carry out a third nuclear test and more long-range rocket launches, which it says are designed to target the United States. "We are not disguising the fact that the various satellites and long-range rockets that we will fire and the high-level nuclear test we will carry out are aimed at the United States," North Korea's National Defense Commission says. Pyongyang now threatens to wage a “fully-fledged confrontation” against the US for what they call continued hostility.

Antibiotic-resistant diseases pose 'apocalyptic' threat

UK - Britain's most senior medical adviser has warned MPs that the rise in drug-resistant diseases could trigger a national emergency comparable to a catastrophic terrorist attack, pandemic flu or major coastal flooding.

Green Economics

USA - I have been writing for several years now that the global elite are planning to implement a Technocracy-oriented economic system that will turn our existing capitalistic economic system upside-down. Why? Because it will be based on ENERGY instead of MONEY.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)