Binyamin Netanyahu sees rift with Barack Obama widenComment

ISRAEL/USA - Already fractious relations between Binyamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama have been further strained in the runup to the president's inauguration on Monday and the Israeli prime minister's anticipated victory in Tuesday's election.

New Islamic Caliphate Challenges Western Crusaders

NORTH AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST - This week marks the second anniversary of the birth of the “Arab Spring”, which began when President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia fled to Saudi Arabia after only a month of protest against his rule. Egypt, Libya, and Yemen dictators have been overthrown and rebels now control most of Mali and Syria. Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Sudan are also suffering protests.

What is actually in a value burger?

UK - It has been a sobering week for fans of the beefburger. Tesco have used full-page adverts in national newspapers to apologise for selling burgers in the UK that were found to contain 29% horsemeat. Traces of horse DNA were also detected by the Food Standards Agency of Ireland in products sold by Iceland, Lidl, Aldi and Dunnes.

American Milk Banned in Europe

USA/EUROPE - I’ve been led to believe that milk is needed – especially by young children – for good bone growth, brain development and, of course, to meet the body’s calcium needs. If milk does a body so much good, why is US-produced milk banned in Europe?

Facing drought, US farmers return to crop rotation

USA - Farmers in top US grain states are planning to rotate to other crops after repeated plantings of corn on the same fields, combined with a devastating drought in 2012, badly hurt yields.

£60 million Food Bill for Our Lags Doing Porridge

UK - Well-fed convicts are eating their way through more than £60 million worth of taxpayers’ cash in a year after the cost of prison food doubled in a decade. It now costs more than £700 per head to feed the villains at the 131 jails in England and Wales. Helping to push up the bill is the prisoners’ right to enjoy special food. Porridge on the menu is the least of their demands – chefs are obliged to cook up delicacies including items from special vegan, halal and kosher diets. The costs, revealed in reply to a Freedom of Information request, show that £60.7 million was spent feeding 85,000 inmates in 2011.

Children being raised in 'captivity'

UK - Children are being raised in captivity because of growing “paranoia” about health and safety, a former Government adviser has warned. Professor Tanya Byron said that children’s natural development was being stunted after being refused the chance to play outside, banned from throwing snowballs and prevented from walking to school alone. In previous generations, falling over and getting hurting was a rite of passage for many young people, with cuts and bruises being seen as a “badge of honour”, she said. Today's children are "hugely, hugely restricted", she told delegates. She said: “There are no more predators on the streets, no more paedophiles, then when I was growing up in the 1970s.”

Pope: Advance in Ways of Ecumenism

VATICAN – Today the Pope received in audience an ecumenical delegation from the Lutheran Church of Finland during their annual pilgrimage to Rome on the occasion of the feast of Saint Henry of Uppsala, patron saint of Finland.

Ecumenism in the Holy Land

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - The Christians of the Holy Land are preparing to celebrate Easter on the same day, referring to the Julian calendar. Is this a first step that recalls other concrete ways?

Lawmaker rips program promoting Islamic culture

USA - A North Carolina congressman is denouncing the use of federal dollars to “promote the rich cultural heritage of Islamic civilizations.” Representative Walter Jones (Republican for North Carolina) told Fox News that he was appalled by the hundreds of thousands of dollars used to fund the program through a National Endowment for the Humanities grant – calling it “wasting taxpayer money.” Jones was referring to the “Bridging Cultures Bookshelf: Muslim Journeys” program. The NEH program put dozens of books promoting the Islamic culture in more than 800 libraries in all 50 states. The program is funded by a $1.8 million grant.

A world without America

USA - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly declared that “a world without America is not only desirable, it is achievable.” While that sentiment won’t be embraced in President Obama’s inaugural address next week, all other things being equal, it seems likely to be the practical effect of his second term.

US Mint Out Of Silver Coins - Suspends Sales

USA - As we noted earlier this month, the demand for both gold and silver 'physical' coins has been record-breaking as 2013 began. So much so, that now after selling over 6 million silver coins in 2013 so far, the US Mint has run out of silver eagles and has suspended sales. Furthermore, the Mint is saying that it will not restart sales until January 28th! With all asunder proclaiming victory and crisis averted based on the nominal price of stocks at five-year highs, Swiss interest rates no longer negative, and Spanish bond yields at 5%, it seems there are still a few that demand the wealth-preserving safe-haven of hard assets as the escalation of the currency wars shows no sign of abating.

Could markets handle a US default?Comment

USA - Squabbling in Washington over the debt ceiling is again raising the specter that the United States may be forced to delay payments on its debt. While the stigma of a default would be damaging enough to investor sentiment, the chaos from a breakdown in financial markets' systems that might result would be even scarier.

Desert War

BERLIN, GERMANY/PARIS, FRANCE/BAMAKO, MALI - The German Foreign Minister has confirmed Berlin's readiness to become involved in the war in Mali. To his French counterpart, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, Guido Westerwelle offered Germany's "political, logistical, medical, and humanitarian" support for the intervention in France's former colony.

Crumbling levees threaten US with new Katrina

USA - Across the US, hundreds of federal flood control systems are at risk of failing, endangering millions of people and property across 37 states. When Hurricane Katrina passed over New Orleans in 2005, more than 50 deficient levees were breached, killing 1,464 people who were in close proximity to the flood control systems. Another natural disaster could subject hundreds, thousands or even millions more Americans to the same fate if the government doesn’t address the issue. Inspectors discovered 326 deficient levees across the US, whose likely failures could leave millions of people dead. A breach could demolish homes and cost local governments millions of dollars.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)