Citizens File Articles of Impeachment Against ObamaComment

USA - There can no longer be any doubt – the forces of tyranny are running wild across our once great Republic. The time has come for all good men and women to rally to the aid of their country. We have now entered a historic crossroads that will decide the destiny of the United States.

German economy shrinks 0.5 per cent as euro crisis weighs

GERMANY - The German economy contracted by a larger-than-expected 0.5 per cent in the final quarter of 2012, a preliminary estimate from the Federal Statistics office showed on Tuesday, as the euro zone crisis weighed on exports and corporate investment. "The German economy might not be an island of happiness any longer but it remains at least an island of growth in a still recessionary eurozone sea," said Carsten Brzeski, an economist at ING. Germany has been a pillar of strength in the eurozone debt crisis but its economy slowed in the second half of last year. German exports and imports slid in November and industry orders fell more than expected, compounding expectations that the eurozone debt crisis is hitting the German economy with full force.

Private Pilot Nearly Shot Down for Violating “Secret No-Fly Zone”

USA - 70-year-old private pilot Robin Fleming, who belongs to the Bermuda High Soaring aviation club in Lancaster, South Carolina, went for an afternoon glider flight last July in Darlington County. His course briefly took him over the HB Robinson Nuclear Generating Station near Lake Robinson.

New York Senate Passes Draconian Gun Bill

USA - The New York Senate has passed a gun bill following governor Andrew Cuomo’s attack on the Second Amendment during his state of the state address earlier this month. The legislation now moves on to the Assembly for passage. If enacted, owners of firearms classified as “assault weapons” by the state will be forced to register them with the police.

Horsemeat found in beef burgers

UK - Horse DNA has been found in some beef burgers being sold in UK and Irish supermarkets, the Republic of Ireland's food safety authority (FSAI) has said. The FSAI said the meat came from two processing plants in Ireland, Liffey Meats and Silvercrest Foods, and the Dalepak Hambleton plant in Yorkshire. It said there was no risk to health. The burgers were on sale in Tesco and Iceland in the UK and Ireland. In the Republic of Ireland they were on sale in Dunnes Stores, Lidl and Aldi.

When it comes to Europe, David Cameron represents the silent majority

UK - Whenever matters European come to a head, you tend to get a great outpouring of angst from those claiming to speak for business on the supposed economic dangers for Britain if we kick too vigorously against further EU integration. We had another example of it last week in a letter to the Financial Times.

With Dictators, Headed for War

BERLIN, GERMANY/ABU DHABI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - The German Bundeswehr is intensifying its combat exercises with dictatorships on the Arabian Peninsular. The German Air Force just concluded, at the end of the year, two major training manoeuvres in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), each exercising joint combat operations. Participating alongside Emirati troops were also troops from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and NATO countries.

15 years in jail: Egyptian family charged for attempting to restore Christian names

EGYPT - An Egyptian mother and her seven children have been given lengthy jail sentences for illegally changing their names on official documents. The family wanted to use their Christian names again after a conversion following their Muslim father's death.

Islamists promise France 'long and brutal' war

MALI - Al Qaeda-linked Islamist rebels launched a counter-offensive on Monday in central Mali after four days of air strikes by French warplanes on their strongholds in the desert north, promising to drag France into a long and brutal Afghanistan-style ground war. France intensified its air raids on Sunday using Rafale aircraft and Gazelle attack helicopters to pummel training camps at the heart of the vast area seized by rebels in April, while pouring hundreds of troops into the capital Bamako.

Mali Islamists vow to 'strike at heart of France'

MALI - A military offensive to reclaim Mali’s north from Islamist forces entered a fourth day on Monday, as al Qaeda-linked rebels promised to launch attacks on French soil in retaliation for the government’s decision to intervene in the unstable West African country. "France has attacked Islam. We will strike at the heart of France," Abou Dardar, a leader of Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, one of the Mali-based groups with ties to al Qaeda, told the AFP news agency. According to FRANCE 24’s Matthieu Mabin, who was in the city of Sevare, residents eagerly awaited the arrival of French troops and supported a ground offensive into rebel-controlled areas. “We have not come across a single Malian who is against France’s intervention,” Mabin said.

France to stay in Mali until stability restored

FRANCE - France will end its intervention in Mali only once stability has returned to the West African country, French President Francois Hollande said on Tuesday, raising the prospects of a costly, drawn-out operation against al Qaeda-linked rebels. Paris has poured hundreds of soldiers into Mali and carried out air raids since Friday in the northern half of the country, which Western and regional states fear could become a base for attacks by Islamist militants in Africa and Europe.

If Obama sidesteps Congress on debt ceiling, ‘no choice’ but impeachment

USA - On his Monday radio show, conservative talker Mark Levin said that if President Barack Obama sidesteps Congress on the debt ceiling fight and attacks the Congress’ constitutionally enumerated “core power” – that is control over spending and taxing — through executive action, Congress will have “no choice” but impeachment. Levin explained that if unilateral action by the White House — which White House spokesman Jay Carney ruled out — were to happen, it would infringe on Congress’ “core power” and should be punished with impeachment.

Bernanke: Do away with debt ceiling

USA - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke criticized the debt ceiling as an unusual device that can be used to prevent the United States from paying its bills, as he suggested that the country would be better off if the debt limit did not exist. "I think it would be a good thing if we didn’t have [the debt ceiling],” Bernanke told students at the University of Michigan today.

Barack Obama warns of 'haywire' markets unless debt ceiling is raised

USA - Barack Obama has laid out a nightmarish vision of a US debt default, warning his Republican opponents of dire consequences if Congress failed to raise the debt ceiling, including “haywire” financial markets and a spike in interest rates that would shatter business confidence. In a political broadside delivered at a surprise press conference at the White House on Monday, Mr Obama said he would not negotiate with Republicans over raising the $16.4 trillion debt limit, accusing them of risking “blowing up” the US economy because of their “absolutist” positions on spending. Republicans are demanding a dollar of spending cuts for every dollar of additional debt they authorize.

GOP congressman threatens impeachment

USA - Texas Republican Representative Steve Stockman threatened Monday afternoon that he would file articles of impeachment against President Barack Obama if he institutes gun control measures with an executive order. Stockman warned that such executive orders would be “unconstitutional” and “infringe on our constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms.” “Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible,” he added.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)