Leading Nation of a Belligerent Europe

BERLIN, GERMANY/PARIS, FRANCE - German government advisors are pleading for the creation of a joint German-French air force. In light of an alleged "deterioration of EU military efficiency," the "two major nations" in Europe are "required to take the leadership," according to a position paper published by the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP).

Squeeze Dry and Obscure

ATHENS, GREECE/BERLIN, GERMANY - The German austerity dictate is driving Greece - even after the most recent financial "bail-out" operations - deeper into the economic and social abyss. Economically, the country is still in a "free fall," according to the German Institute for Economic Research.

European feminists gang up on children's fairytales

EUROPE - European kindergartens and schools may ban children's books and fairy tales that depict the traditional family. This is a request of the European Parliament Committee on Women's Rights. According to the committee, fairy tales should talk about sexual diversity. Norwegian experts believe that children benefit from watching porn.

EU joins chorus against Jerusalem

BRUSSELS, EUROPE - European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Thursday joined other international leaders blasting Israel for its “unprecedented” plans to increase construction in Jerusalem neighborhoods beyond the Green Line, repeating a thinly veiled threat to “act accordingly” if Israel doesn’t back down.

Communist Chinese Government Calls For Americans to be Disarmed

CHINA - The Communist Chinese government, via its state-run media front Xinhua, has called for Americans to be disarmed, arguing that the Sandy Hook school massacre demands “no delay for US gun control.” Xinhua is virtually the press agency for the Communist Chinese government.

Media outnumber doomsayers in Turkish 'apocalypse haven'

TURKEY - As the village of Sirince waited for what some say is an apocalypse from which the tiny Turkish hamlet will be spared, its streets were teeming not with doomsayers but a hoard of disappointed journalists. Hundreds of reporters were wandering aimlessly around the beautiful town of 570 inhabitants Thursday, hoping to grab a New Age spiritualist taking refuge there to dodge the apocalypse.

Britain will be weaker without EU, says USAComment

UK - The Obama administration has expressed concern at what US officials see as Britain's slide towards the European exit door. Washington firmly believes that the departure of its strongest partner in Europe would also reduce American influence on the continent, as Britain so often shares American views. An EU without Britain would be seen as weaker on free trade and less reliable on defence and foreign policy issues. With David Cameron now saying a Britain out of Europe was now "imaginable", US agitation has reached a new high.

Summit Underscores EU Tensions with Russia

RUSSIA/EUROPE - Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin and European Commission President José Manuel Barroso have little affection for one another. Despite flourishing economic ties, Russia and the EU are drifting apart politically - and neither side knows what to do about it. In economic terms, Russia, the world's largest country by landmass, and the EU, the strongest economic bloc, are becoming ever more intertwined. Politically, however, they are drifting further apart. As reliant as each partner may be on the other, they do not appear to have joint plans together for the future.

Jerusalem Official Complains of Temple Mount Discrimination

TEMPLE MOUNT, JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Jerusalem city council member Yair Gabai told Arutz Sheva of his first-hand humiliation of discrimination against Jews, especially those who are religious, trying to visit the Temple Mount. He said he has asked Public Security Minister Yitzchak Aharonovitch to order equal treatment for Jews and Arabs but doubts any action will be taken, at least not before next month’s elections. “The only group of people prohibited from the Temple Mount are Jews even though it is our holiest place and holier to us than to any other people,” he said. Due to the extensive interrogation, he said little time remained to actually remain on the Temple Mount. On the other hand, Arabs are given free entry, he added.

Italy could leave the Euro!Comment

ITALY - In an interview on Italian public broadcaster Rai Uno yesterday, Silvio Berlusconi said, “Either Germany understands that the ECB must act as a real central bank, and therefore print money, or unfortunately we will be forced to leave the euro and return to our currency.”

UBS traders charged, bank fined $1.5 billion in Libor scandal

USA - US prosecutors charged two former UBS traders with taking part in a multi-year scheme to manipulate Libor and other benchmark interest rates, making them the first individuals to be criminally accused in the international scandal. The charges against the two traders, Tom Hayes and Roger Darin, resulted from a broad investigation into the activities of more than a dozen banks in the setting of prices for Libor and related rates. "The bank's conduct was simply astonishing," Lanny Breuer, who heads the US Justice Department's criminal division, said in announcing the settlement. "Make no mistake - for UBS traders, the manipulation of Libor was about getting rich."

Al Qaeda grows powerful in Syria

SYRIA - Having seen its star wane in Iraq, al Qaeda has staged a comeback in neighbouring Syria, posing a dilemma for the opposition fighting to remove President Bashar al-Assad and making the West balk at military backing for the revolt. The rise of al Qaeda's affiliate in Syria, al-Nusra Front, which the United States designated a terrorist organisation last week, could usher in a long and deadly confrontation with the West, and perhaps Israel. Inside Syria, the group is exploiting a widening sectarian rift to recruit Sunnis who saw themselves as disenfranchised by [Mr] Assad's Alawite minority, an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam that dominates Syria's power and security structures.

Germany, Poland and the shifting centre of European Union powerComment

POLAND - Forty years ago Europe was being shaped by those who had survived World War II on the Western Front. Today, more and more, it is being driven by those who lived through the brutality of the Eastern Front, and who endured 40 years of communism. When 10 former communist countries of Eastern Europe first applied to join the European Union, Britain was an early enthusiast.

EU deal 'is first step towards joining Euro Army'

UK/EUROPE - David Cameron was accused yesterday of signing Britain up to a blueprint for a Euro Army. European leaders agreed plans for greater defence co-operation at a summit in Brussels that will force Britain to consult fellow EU nations over defence planning, with defence chiefs having to co-ordinate capabilities and procurement. The plans appear to duplicate the role of the Nato alliance, which Tories have traditionally credited with sole responsibility for European defence.

Church condemns Irish abortion reform as 'licence to kill babies'

IRELAND - Ireland on Tuesday moved to legalise abortions when the mother's life is at risk, including when she is suicidal. This follows a public outcry over the death of Savita Halappanavar, a pregnant woman in October who died after her repeated requests for an abortion were refused while she was suffering a miscarriage. The Catholic hierarchy has demanded that the country's MPs are given a free vote after the Irish government announced that votes would be whipped next year in a bid to get the controversial legislation through parliament. Under current Irish law abortion is criminal unless it occurs as the result of a medical intervention performed to save the life of the mother.

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)