EU leaders to claim Nobel Prize in honour of 'European project'

BRUSSELS, EUROPE - EU leaders will collect the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo on Monday (10 December) claiming that the bloc will survive its current political and economic difficulties. Speaking at a press conference on Sunday (9 December), Barroso said that the award was "for the European project - the people and the institutions - that day after day, for the last sixty years, have built a new Europe."

Living up to the Nobel: EU must act on Syria

BRUSSELS, EUROPE - Catherine Ashton's mandate is to provide leadership on foreign policy and human rights. She has failed, however, to ensure a collective EU voice for bringing the crimes in Syria before the International Criminal Court (ICC). Continued failure to make a case for an EU position is an embarrassment to the EU, to its stated commitment to both the ICC and to justice for serious crimes, and is an inexcusable affront to the victims of the horrendous crimes being committed in Syria.

Europe Frets over Italy's Return to Political ChaosComment

EUROPE/ITALY - Voices across Europe warned on Monday that the euro crisis could return to Italy after the resignation announcement by Prime Minister Mario Monti was followed by news that his predecessor Silvio Berlusconi would attempt a comeback. Italy must stick to its economic reforms, critics say. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle told Siegel Online on Monday that the situation in Italy threatened to spark renewed financial problems in the euro zone. "Italy can't stall at two-thirds of the reform process," he said. "That wouldn't cause turbulence for just Italy, but also for Europe."

Europe hails "great" Monti as Italy crisis hits markets

ITALY - European partners heaped praise on outgoing Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti on Monday, and called for the next government to stick to his reform agenda after his surprise decision to resign rattled financial markets. Monti's weekend announcement that he would step down early - made after former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's PDL party withdrew its support for his technocrat government - pushed up Italy's borrowing costs and prompted a stock market sell-off. Whoever wins will have to confront a severe recession, record unemployment and a ballooning public debt expected to surpass 126 percent of gross domestic product this year.

Cyprus Makes Big Concessions for Bailout

CYPRUS - Cyprus wants help from the European Union's bailout fund. But the price for the billions in emergency aid money is high. The country will effectively lose its sovereignty. Dimitris Christofias had a serious look on his face as he turned to the cameras and spoke of what a "gut-wrenching" decision it was, but added that it was also a "necessary evil." The Cypriot president was not giving his people good news. It is already clear that in return for billions of euros for the debt-ridden country from the European bailout fund, the "troika," made up of the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will essentially take control of the Mediterranean island.

Tea and honey deployed in superbug fight

UK - Traditional remedies such as tea and honey are being deployed in the fight against superbugs as scientists have warned antibiotics are becoming increasingly redundant. The more the drugs that are used, the more likely it is that any bacteria will build up a resistance to them, leading to what one expert called an “arms race” that he feared was being lost.

Israel Grows Jittery of New Palestinian Uprising

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - The rising confidence and bellicosity of Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, combined with rapidly deteriorating relations with Israel's would-be peace partner in the West Bank, are raising jitters in Israel that a new Palestinian uprising could be near.

Iran-Turkey Trade Rose 46% - Turkish Gold Buys Iranian Oil

IRAN/TURKEY - Trade between Iran and Turkey has risen nearly 50 percent this year, according to the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA). The monetary value of Iran-Turkey trade reached $20 billion in a 10-month period ending in November, the news agency reported.

Senior Conservatives form gay marriage campaign group

UK - Senior Tories including Boris Johnson and Michael Gove have defied party traditionalists by launching a new group to campaign for gay marriage. The London mayor and education secretary are among more than a dozen senior figures backing moves to allow same-sex weddings to be held in places of worship.

America's Exhausted Army

USA - Has the US military been pushed too far? The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have taken a heavy toll on the US armed forces. About 6,650 Americans have died in those two wars, as have 1,390 allied personnel, Canadians prominent among them.

Iran condemns US nuclear test

IRAN - Iran condemned arch foe the United States on Saturday for conducting a limited nuclear test, saying it showed Washington's "inattention to full disarmament," the state television website reported. The US Energy Department said it conducted a "subcritical" test at an underground site in Nevada on Wednesday to study the behaviour of nuclear materials without triggering an atomic explosion. It was its first since February last year. Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast "condemned the recent US nuclear test," saying it displayed "inattention to full disarmament which is a deep-seated demand of international public opinion."

Mayan apocalypse: panic spreads as December 21 nearsComment

UK - Fears that the end of the world is nigh have spread across the world with only days until the end of the Mayan calendar, with doomsday-mongers predicting a cataclysmic end to the history of Earth.

Dramatic twist: Typhoon Bopha to strike Philippines again

PHILIPPINES - A powerful typhoon that has claimed nearly 600 lives and left over 500 others unaccounted for in the Southern Philippines is now expected to hit the country's north, with fears rising of new casualties and devastation.

Pentagon prepares military operation in Mali

USA - It’s only December, but it looks like the Pentagon has all planned out how they’ll spend a good part of 2013. US officials now claim that the Defense Department is busy preparing a military operation in the nation of Mali.

Demand Surges For All Firearm Products

USA - US firearms manufacturer Smith & Wesson reported a 48 percent increase in sales in its announcement of the company's second-quarter financial results for fiscal year 2013. The company's press release read: "Net sales from continuing operations for the second quarter were a record $136.6 million, up 48.0% from the second quarter last year. The increase was led by continued strong sales across all of the company's firearm product lines."

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Just what is an Apostle?

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)