Those who don’t set 'red lines'

ISRAEL - Two days after US secretary of state rules out Iran deadline, [Mr] Netanyahu says: ‘The world tells Israel to wait because there is still time. And I ask: Wait for what? Until when?’ In harsh rebuttal to [Mrs] Clinton, PM says those who don’t set red lines for Iran have no right to keep Israel from attacking.

US, Israel still at odds over Iran 'red line'

ISRAEL - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel and the United States were in talks on setting a "clear red line" for Iran's nuclear program, but the two allies remained at odds on Monday over whether to spell out a clear threshold for military action against Tehran.

Israel 'could drop threat of imminent Iran attack'

MIDDLE EAST - Israel could drop its threat of an imminent attack on Iran after Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed that discussions with the United States about setting Tehran a "red line" over its nuclear programme are under way.

After a summer of celebration, a winter of discontent?

UK - Britain is facing a new winter of discontent after unions yesterday promised a campaign of strikes and civil disobedience. They have voted unanimously for co-ordinated industrial action to try to halt government cuts and ‘stick the boot in’ to the Coalition. They also called for schools and hospitals to be occupied by local residents. Steve Gillan, of the Prison Officers Association, which proposed the motion, said: ‘There are real cracks in the Coalition at this time and I think we should stick the boot in and finish them off.’

Tax-dodging bleeds Greece dry

GREECE - The shocking scale of tax dodging in Greece was laid bare yesterday in a report showing that professionals are among the worst offenders. The study found that self-employed Greeks evaded a staggering £22.4 billion of tax in 2009 – almost half the size of the country’s deficit in 2008 and a third of the shortfall in 2009. The chief offenders were doctors, engineers, private tutors, accountants, people in financial services and lawyers, according to the report by economists at Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago.

3,000 schoolchildren as young as 12 were treated for alcohol problems

UK - More than 3,200 school children received treatment for alcohol misuse last year out of which nearly 400 were under the age of 14. The shocking figures reveal that 18 local authorities in Britain cared for more than ten children aged 12 or 13 for their alcohol abuse last year. The new data comes after British teenage girls were named as the worst binge drinkers in the western world by a Government think-tank. Health professionals blame poor celebrity role models and cheap alcohol for the high numbers which saw 369 under-14s in treatment and 2,836 who are aged 14 and 15.

Parents, beware of Facebook, the anti-social network

UK - Family breakfast was a sober affair yesterday morning. We sat in silence, reading the horrific news story about Jay Whiston, the 17-year-old stabbed to death by gatecrashers at a house party that had been publicised on Facebook.

‘Barry was Muslim’

USA - Teachers and friends say [Mr] Obama studied Koran in school. In this second of a five-part series, Middle East and Islam specialist Daniel Pipes documents evidence from Barack Obama’s childhood years that points to his Muslim identity. Many pieces of evidence argue for Barack Obama having been born and raised a Muslim:

Religious Persecution on the Rise in US

USA - A valedictorian denied the right to pray at her high school graduation; a directive that a campus Christian group may not require its leaders to be Christian; senior citizens ordered by city officials to stop praying before their meals; and the US government telling religious institutions they must provide insurance coverage for abortifacients:

Jews Question Their Future in Germany

GERMANY - The bitter tone of the debate over the legality of circumcision has shocked Jews living in Germany and reopened old wounds. In light of what many report are ongoing difficulties, some are now wondering if the country truly wants them.

Ahmadinejad to address UN on Day of Atonement [start of 40th year since 1973 War]

WASHINGTON, USA – A PR duel will be in two and a half weeks during the United Nations General Assembly discussions in New York between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Iranian leader is expected to address the GA on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur, while Netanyahu will speak the next day after arriving in the United States.

Germany: Iran Nukes 'Not an Option'

GERMANY/ISRAEL - German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said on Sunday that a nuclear-armed Iran was "not an option" as he called on Tehran to hold "substantial negotiations" over its controversial atomic program. "We share the Israeli concerns about Iran's nuclear program," Westerwelle said at the beginning of a meeting with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak in Jerusalem.

Carthaginian terms for Italy and Spain threaten Draghi bond plan

EUROPE - Nothing can happen until Spain and then Italy request a rescue from the EU bail-out funds (EFSF/ESM), and sign away their sovereignty. Nothing further can happen until an angry Bundestag approves the terms and signs away its money. Germany has a 27 per cent voting weight and can veto any rescue.

Fate of eurozone rests in the hands of German judges

GERMANY - They have the potential to throw the stock exchange into turmoil, trigger frenzy on bond markets and bring down the German government. So the eyes and ears of the eurozone will be on the eight red-robed judges of Germany's highest court this week when they deliver a long-awaited verdict over whether a financial rescue fund considered crucial to the future of the euro gets the green light.

Germany: It's Time to Ask the People What They Think

BERLIN, GERMANY - The Germany democratic system has suffered as a result of the euro crisis, but it has also made fighting the crisis harder. Now it's time to hold a referendum on European integration. Only then will Berlin have the democratic legitimacy it needs to take effective action.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)