Israel under international pressure not to attack Iran alone

ISRAEL - Israel is facing growing international pressure not to attack Iran unilaterally, with the United States in particular making clear its firm opposition to any such strike. Recent rhetoric by Israeli leaders that time is running out to halt Iran's contested nuclear programme has raised concern that military action might be imminent, despite repeated calls from abroad to give sanctions and diplomacy more time to work. The US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, has always cautioned against a go-it-alone approach, but he appeared to up the ante this week by saying Washington did not want to be blamed for any Israeli initiative.

Flooding from Isaac forces evacuation of 60,000

USA - Torrential rain dropped by Hurricane Isaac threatened to burst a dam on Thursday, forcing evacuation of up to 60,000 people in Louisiana and Mississippi and leaving large areas of the region flooded and without power. Isaac, which was downgraded to a tropical depression on Thursday after moving in from the Gulf on Tuesday, left little damage in New Orleans, where stronger barriers were installed after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. More than 1 million residents of Louisiana and Mississippi were without power due to the storm on Thursday morning, according to the US Department of Energy.

Iran Doubles Number of Centrifuges at Fordo

IRAN - Iran has increased its uranium enrichment capacity by at least 30% in the last four months, according to the latest quarterly report by the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Iran has doubled production capacity at the Fordo nuclear site, the report says. The IAEA also claimed that Iran has "significantly hampered" its ability to inspect the Parchin site. The site has been "sanitized," the agency charged, and Iran has been "conducting activities at that location that will significantly hamper the agency's ability to conduct effective verification", even if inspectors are allowed to enter it.

Record number of babies born to foreign-born mothers

UK - Record numbers of babies were born to foreign mothers last year, while fewer British women gave birth. In total there were 539,364 births to British women (a 0.4 per cent fall on the previous year) and 184,529 to immigrants (a 1.5 per cent rise). It means that 25.5 per cent of all live births were to migrant women, up from 25.1 per cent in 2010 and the highest proportion since records began in 1969. Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Somalia, Germany and South Africa are in the top 10 countries of birth for foreign mothers.

Marine detained for Facebook posts

USA - Nearly two weeks after he was hauled off by authorities and admitted to a psych ward over his own Facebook postings, retired Marine Brandon Raub is speaking out about his detainment and what Americans should know about their right to free speech.

Netanyahu slams 'disgrace' of Tehran summit

IRAN - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday slammed the wide international participation at a Non-Aligned summit in Tehran as a "stain on humanity" following Iran's denial of Israel's right to exist.

Egypt's President Mursi at Tehran non-aligned summit

MIDDLE EAST - Egypt's President Mohammed Mursi has arrived in Iran to attend a two-day summit of the Non-Aligned Movement. It is the first visit to Iran by an Egyptian leader since the countries broke off diplomatic relations in 1979 over Egypt's truce with Israel.

India - Politicians Loot $14.5 Billion In Food

INDIA - In the "most mean-spirited, ruthlessly executed corruption," India's politicians and their criminal syndicates have looted as much as $14.5 billion in food from one province alone.

Growing Opposition to the Canada-EU Trade Agreement

CANADA - With the final rounds of negotiations sessions planned for September and October, Canada and the EU are closing in on a free trade deal that would go far beyond the reach of NAFTA. Meanwhile, there is growing opposition to the agreement as the whole process has lacked openness, transparency and any public consultations. In Canada, there are concerns over the threat it poses to local democracy. This includes fears of deregulation and privatization, as well the expansion of corporate investor rights.

Manhattan to be sprayed against West Nile virus

USA - One of New York's most expensive neighborhoods will be sprayed this week with pesticide to combat the West Nile virus, officials said Tuesday. The city regularly sprays against the mosquito-borne disease, which has seen a surge in outbreaks in the United States this year. Friday's spraying is notable because it will target Manhattan's prestigious Upper West Side neighborhood and parts of the famed Central Park. "These neighborhoods are being treated due to rising West Nile virus activity with high and/or increasing mosquito populations," the Department of Health said in a statement.

Southern California town declares emergency

USA - The southern California town of Brawley has taken the unusual step of declaring a state of emergency after a swarm of earthquakes rattled nearly 20 mobile homes off their blocks and forced a slaughterhouse to close, the mayor said on Wednesday. It is uncommon for quake-hardy California cities to declare emergencies due to tremors, but Brawley mayor George Nava said the earthquake swarm is a unique case because it has lasted for days and caused millions of dollars in damage.

EMP attack could 'send Iran back to Stone Age'

ISRAEL - US intelligence agencies recently reported growing concerns that Israel will conduct a strike on Iran using a high-altitude nuclear burst aimed at disrupting all electronics in the country. The intelligence worries were triggered by recent publication of an article in the Israeli press suggesting the Jewish state should carry out an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, attack. The article stated that an Israeli nuclear burst over Iran could “send Iran back to the Stone Age.”

DNC Proceeds With 2-Hour Islamic ‘Jumah’ Prayers

USA - The host committee for the Democratic National Convention is raising a number of eyebrows after choosing to proceed with featuring Islamic “Jumah” prayers for two hours on the Friday of its convention, though Democrats earlier denied a Catholic cardinal’s request to say a prayer at the same event.

Counter Revolt In Germany

GERMANY - A hullabaloo has flared up in Germany over squashing democratic discussion on whether or not taxpayers should endlessly pay to keep Greece in the Eurozone and protect bondholders — namely the ECB and national central banks — from having to recognize reality on the worm-eaten Greek debt in their basements.

US Army guerrilla faction planned terror, [Mr] Obama's assassination

USA - A group of US soldiers planning to take over their base, blow up targets around the country, wrest control of the government and kill the president – it could be a Hollywood blockbuster, but it’s a developing story in the southern state of Georgia.

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)