Poor harvest lets wonky veg and misshapen fruit back in shops

UK - Wonky carrots, stunted parsnips and imperfect apples will all make a return to supermarket shelves after Britain's dismal weather conditions affected this year's harvest. Shoppers are used to browsing the aisles for strawberries, cucumbers and carrots that look just as good as they taste.

Greek Request for 'More Time Equals More Money'

GREECE - Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, who met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday, says his country needs more time to meet its obligations. German editorialists argue that asking for more time amounts to asking for more money and insist that Greece should stick to the schedule.

Racism and Xenophobia Still Prevalent in Germany

GERMANY - Twenty years ago, a neo-Nazi mob attacked a hostel for foreigners in Rostock, one of several similar crimes in the early 1990s. Today, however, Germany is still plagued by a significant level of racism and right-wing extremism in both the east and the west. For far too long, officials seemed content to ignore the problem.

Britain's richest 5% gained most from quantitative easing

UK - Bank report to MPs reveals wealthiest boosted by QE and low base rate, but insists policy spared UK from even deeper slump. The richest 10% of households in Britain have seen the value of their assets increase by up to £322,000 as a result of the Bank of England's attempts to use electronic money creation to lift the economy out of its deepest post-war slump.

Iran’s nuclear program designed to ‘finish off’ Israel, Hezbollah MP says

MIDDLE EAST - Hezbollah MP Walid Sakariya told Lebanese television this week that the nuclear weapon Iran is allegedly developing is intended to annihilate Israel. “This nuclear weapon is intended to create a balance of terror with Israel, to finish off the Zionist enterprise, and to end all Israeli aggression against the Arab nation,” Sakariya said. In a segment recorded and translated by MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute), Sakariya, also a retired general, told his interviewer on Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV Tuesday that should Iran acquire a nuclear weapon it would serve Syrian as well as Iranian interests, namely the eradication of the Jewish state. “The entire equation in the Middle East will change,” he asserted. Iranian officials typically assert that their controversial nuclear program is meant solely for peaceful purposes.

Florida declares state of emergency

USA - Tropical Storm Isaac bore down on Haiti's southern peninsula early today, leading to three deaths and dumping torrential rain on the poor nation still trying to recover from the terrible 2010 earthquake. Officials organized shelters and urged vacationers to leave the Florida Keys as Isaac approached on Saturday while Governor Rick Scott declared a state of emergency to make sure local and state agencies would be ready. Meanwhile energy operators in the Gulf of Mexico were shutting down offshore oil and gas rigs ahead of Isaac. The storm could spur short-term shut-downs of 43 percent of US offshore oil capacity and 38 percent of its natural gas output, according to forecasters at Weather Insight.

Cows genetically modified to improve flavour

CHINA - Scientists in China have created genetically modified cattle designed to produce tastier beef. For chefs and food-lovers, the perfect steak has long been the holy grail. Now scientists in China have joined the search, by creating genetically modified cattle which they say are designed to produce tastier beef. Jing Qin 1 and 2 are clones given an extra gene which has been found to increase the amount of fat in their muscles. When they are slaughtered, this will mean richly marbled cuts of beef – as tender, the scientists hope, as Japan's famous wagyu beef.

Germany calls for new EU treaty: press report

GERMANY - German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for a new European Union Treaty but is facing lukewarm interest from her EU partners, the weekly Der Spiegel reported. "The federal government would like to further European integration," it said in its issue to be published Monday, adding that Merkel advocated a meeting of heads of state and government "to set a new legal basis for the EU." Der Spiegel said [Mrs] Merkel's European affairs advisor Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut led talks on the topic in Brussels and that a date for the meeting is expected to be set at an EU summit due in December. For several months, [Mrs] Merkel has stressed the need for "more Europe" to meet the challenges posed by the euro crisis.

Brit brother: Drones to watch over UK streets

UK - Unmanned police drones, comparable to those used in war zones such as Afghanistan, could soon be secretly watching over the streets of UK cities, according to a National Police Air Service director. The unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are being considered to monitor crowded events in Britain, such as concerts and festivals, as soon as the aerial units become cost-effective. Some police precincts have tried using the remote-controlled system to curb crime. Now the idea is to implement the drone policy nationwide. Earlier this month, The Mail reported that UAVs will be used to scoop out terrorists, smugglers and illegal immigrants along Britain's shores as part of the EU wide project.

Nineteen shot in Chicago night of mayhem

USA - Nineteen people were shot in seven attacks overnight in Chicago, as the US city's gun violence epidemic continued. Thirteen of the victims were shot within a half-hour period, including eight in a drive-by shooting on a single street. Chicago officials have been battling a sharp increase in shootings and homicides, with some elected officials arguing gangs do not fear the police. By this time in 2011, 270 people had been killed in the city, according to data complied by the local newspaper RedEye Chicago. In 2012, that number is 348.

Syrians slaughtered, but UN too busy condemning Israel 3 times

UNITED NATIONS - As Syrians continue to be slaughtered, the UN is once again too busy condemning Israel to respond to those pleading for help in Aleppo and elsewhere. The world body’s Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the principal organ under the UN Charter tasked with addressing human rights and fundamental freedoms, has just concluded its annual session by turning a blind eye to the ongoing massacres by the Assad regime. Instead, a list of all its resolutions for the entire world shows that ECOSOC condemned only one single country: Israel. Two resolutions were adopted against Israel, and one report.

Hungary's far-right calls for zero tolerance against Roma

HUNGARY - Hungary's opposition far-right Jobbik party called on Saturday for zero tolerance against what it called Roma crime and parasitism, and said any member of the large minority who did not conform should leave the country. Tensions between the 500,000 to 700,000 impoverished Roma and other Hungarians in the country of 10 million have risen at a time when Hungary is mired in its second recession in four years and unemployment is stuck in double figures. "We need to roll back these hundreds of thousands of Roma outlaws. We must show zero tolerance towards Roma crime and parasitism," Jobbik chairman Gabor Vona told a rally of several hundred people in Heroes' Square in central Budapest.

UN to invade Texas?

USA - Maybe President Barack Obama should just settle it in a gun duel with a Texas judge, instead of calling on the United Nations to invade the state. The United Nations scoffed on Friday at claims by a judge in Lubbock County, Texas, that UN troops could invade the southern US state to settle a possible civil war, which the judge warned could be sparked if [Mr] Obama is re-elected in November. "It's absolutely ridiculous," said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's spokesman, Martin Nesirky, when asked if the United Nations had any plans to invade Texas. He later added: "No one, not even the United Nations, would ever mess with Texas."

In hard times, "I buy gold" is Italy's boom business

ITALY - Times are now so tough that Valerio Novelli, a ticket inspector on Rome's buses, is planning to sell his old gold teeth. "I can't get to the end of the month without running up debts," said Novelli, 56, who has to support an ex-wife and daughter. "I know I won't get much, but I need the money." In a country suffering from economic crisis, buying gold off desperate people has become one of the few boom industries. City centers are being transformed as traditional shops go out of business, their signs replaced by ones that announce "Compro Oro", or "I Buy Gold".

US: Fuel ethanol is here to stay

USA - For the past five years, the US government has paid fuel companies billions of dollars in subsidies to buy home-grown, corn-based ethanol, making it a viable part of the nation's gasoline supply. Now you would have to pay them not to buy it. The worst drought in half a century revived a fierce food versus fuel debate. Livestock and food producers and others are calling on President Barack Obama to abandon - at least temporarily - a government mandate that requires converting more than a third of the US corn crop to ethanol. The president has three months to decide.

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)