Day of reckoning for Greece

UK - Many now view a Greek exit, or Grexit, as a foregone conclusion. That would come at a heavy cost to the UK, despite our being outside the single currency bloc. The bill for the British taxpayer is likely to be £1 billion, since although we are not exposed to the Eurozone bailout funds, we on the hook for a share of any IMF aid as the UK is a major stakeholder in the Fund. Greece has no future in the single currency – in a sane world, it would never have been allowed to join in the first place. But this is not a sane world. The very existence of the euro is ample proof of that.

More Americans depend on government subsidies

USA - Government dependency is on the rise, with more than half of all Americans relying on the government for survival. While the Obama administration is broadening eligibility, US citizens increasingly also say they prefer it this way. Americans’ self-reliability has been decreasing as eligibility for Medicaid, food stamps, earned income tax credit, work pay tax credit and unemployment benefits have broadened since 2009 to allow more US citizens to enjoy them. More than half of the US population – 165 million of 308 million Americans – is now dependent on the state in some form.

UPDATE - Isaac churns in the Caribbean

USA - Tropical Storm Isaac spun over the Caribbean Sea and could become a hurricane on Thursday as it moves on a track that would put it off the coast of Florida on Monday, the opening day of the Republican National Convention in Tampa. As the center of Isaac moved away from the Leeward Islands, the storm prompted hurricane warnings in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Isaac may also threaten US energy interests in the Gulf of Mexico, weather experts said.

UK joins US in chemical weapons warning

UK - The UK has joined the US in warning Syria that the use or threat of chemical weapons would force them "to revisit their approach". The warning came after a telephone call between Prime Minister David Cameron and US President Barack Obama. The PM also spoke to French President Francois Hollande. The three discussed building support for the opposition. Earlier, Chinese state media accused Mr Obama of using the chemical arms issue as an excuse for military intervention. The UK believes Mr Assad's fall is "inevitable".

‘Save Earth' against devastating solar storms

UK - A space professor from Oxfordshire is battling 'to save Earth' from a solar storm that experts fear will wreak worldwide chaos next year. Professor Mike Hapgood, who chairs the Space Environment Impacts Experts Group (SEIEG) and advises the Government on space weather, says solar storms, generated by an outburst from the sun, are set to knock out national power grids and Global Positioning Systems. He believes magnetic rays from the storm will result in widespread blackouts which will plunge homes and businesses into darkness. And experts say with the planet now relying on the Internet and hi-tech gadgetry, the chaos caused by the 2013 solar storm will have a far greater impact than any in the past.

In Eastern Germany, the Neo-Nazis Are Winning

GERMANY - Twenty years ago, an asylum-seekers hostel in Rostock was set ablaze by rioting neo-Nazis as thousands of ordinary people watched and cheered. Today, much of eastern Germany remains a no-go area for foreigners, say commentators. Authorities have failed to tackle the problem and society remains indifferent.

Financial Disaster Is Coming

USA - Jacob Rothschild, John Paulson And George Soros Are All Betting That Financial Disaster Is Coming. Are you willing to bet against three of the wealthiest men in the entire world? Jacob Rothschild recently bet approximately 200 million dollars that the euro will go down.

Trade War Escalates

CHINA/USA/EUROPE - They were never just going to sit there and take it. With the election cycle hotting up, the Chinese were an easy target for any and every finger-pointing blame game that US politicians were cornered with - but they are coming out swinging.

Mass aerial sprayings of toxic ‘anti-West Nile Virus’ pesticides

USA - Dallas County, Texas, and several nearby towns and cities in the Dallas area are currently being forcibly sprayed with toxic insecticides as part of a government effort to supposedly eradicate mosquitoes that may be carriers of West Nile virus (WNv).

Mobile phone companies can predict future movements of users

UK - From telling us when our train is coming, helping us when we’re lost and letting us watch our favourite TV shows, there seems no limit to how involved our smartphone is with our day-to-day life. Now the gadget promises something so advanced it verges on the supernatural: it will know exactly what we’re doing tomorrow.

UK insect numbers 'very low' after months of wet weather

UK - Some species of insects are at "very low numbers" in the UK after months of wet and cool weather, experts say. The Buglife conservation charity says the recent period of damp weather has seen the numbers of bees, wasps, moths and butterflies shrink in 2012.

Fukushima fish carrying 258 times the 'safe' level of radiation

JAPAN - A pair of fish captured near Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant have shown to be carrying record levels of radiation. The pair of greenlings are contaminated with 258 times the level government deems safe for consumption. The fish, which were captured just 12 miles from the nuclear plant, registered 25,800 becquerels of caesium per kilo, according to Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). TEPCO says the high levels may be due to the fish feeding in radioactive hotspots. The company plans on capturing and testing more of the fish, as well as their feed, and the seabed soil to determine the exact cause of the high radiation.

Russian chemical weapons stockpile expiry: January 2013

RUSSIA - Russia’s chemical weapons currently resemble more of a threat than a savior to national security, with dangerous levels of aging stockpiles. Time is ticking to solve the problem, with a January 2013 deadline looming. The state of affairs is worsening every year as more chemical weapons in dangerous condition are being found. Destroying chemical weapons has proven a complicated process for Russia. Inheriting 40,000 tons of chemical weapons from amounts stockpiled during the Soviet Union, the threat of a leak and the resulting threat to lives persists 20 years later.

Top Syrian Media Host Abandons Assad for the Truth

SYRIA - For 15 years, Ola Abbas presented the news on Syrian state television and radio. After spending months reporting President Assad's lies and distortions about the uprising, she finally became the first media broadcast host to defect. Now she sees herself as a missionary for the truth. She explains that she now sides with the Syrian rebels and no longer supports Syrian President Bashar Assad. Her escape has dealt yet another blow to the regime, and one that is difficult to explain. In Paris, after being the face of the regime for years, Abbas has now become the face of the revolution.

Americans toss out as much as 40% of their food

USA - Americans are throwing out nearly every other bite of food, wasting up to 40% of the country’s supply each year – a mass of uneaten provisions worth $165 billion, according to a new report from the Natural Resources Defense Council. An average family of four squanders $2,275 in food each year, or 20 pounds per person per month, according to the nonprofit and nonpartisan environmental advocacy group. Food waste is the largest single portion of solid waste cramming American landfills.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)