Finland mulls over its eurozone future

FINLAND - "The Euro or Not?" That was the question posed by the front page of a recent edition of Finland's leading news magazine, Suomen Kuvalehti. It continued: "Finland's return to the markka [the national currency before the Euro] is not impossible." Leader of the Finns Party Timo Soin said, "It is not for the Finnish tax payer to pay for the mistakes of the fat cats of the banks and politicians from the south. This kind of eurozone cannot function." He sees three possible ways forward. Some of the southern countries could leave, or Finland and others such as the Netherlands could go. The third option is a Federal Europe with joint debt and Eurobonds. That, he says, "is absolutely what I don't want".

“Agent Orange” Soy

USA - Dow Chemical is currently requesting yet another unprecedented USDA approval: a genetically engineered (GE) version of soy that is resistant to 2,4-D, a major component of the highly toxic Agent Orange. Agent Orange was the chemical defoliant used by the US in Vietnam, and it caused lasting ecological damage as well as many serious medical conditions in both Vietnam veterans and the Vietnamese. USDA approval of Dow’s GE soybeans will trigger a huge increase in 2,4-D use – and our exposure to this toxic herbicide.

“Agent Orange” Corn

USA - Dow Chemical is currently requesting an unprecedented USDA approval: a genetically engineered (GE) version of corn that is resistant to 2,4-D, a major component of the highly toxic Agent Orange. Agent Orange was the chemical defoliant used by the US in Vietnam, and it caused lasting ecological damage as well as many serious medical conditions in both Vietnam veterans and the Vietnamese. Exposure to 2,4-D has been linked to major health problems that include cancer (especially non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma), lowered sperm counts, liver disease and Parkinson’s disease.

A Dark Age Descends Upon Egypt

EGYPT - For the average Egyptian, a dark age has begun to descend - one where freedom of speech is still curbed, the press still muzzled, an autocratic despot still holding the reins of power, but also one where the largest military in the Arab World is commanded by hardline theocratic sectarian extremists with regional ambitions and affiliations along with a proven track record of shedding blood within and beyond its own borders.

Standard Chartered Bank to Pay Fine

UK/USA - The British Standard Chartered Bank will pay the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in New York a fine of $340 million, as part of a plea bargain after being suspected of violating money laundering laws in the United States. Documents released last week by the FSA found that the New York branch of the bank conducted transactions with Iranian banks totalling $250 billion for a period of seven years.

Eurozone in Threat of Double-Dip Recession

EUROPE - The ailing eurozone is on the brink of a double-dip recession as figures revealed that the 17-nation embattled economy shrank by 0.2 per cent. The UK's biggest trading partner suffered the decline in output as the debt crisis sweeping the continent escalated. Borrowing costs in struggling countries such as Spain and Italy remain high meaning the eurozone has failed to get on top of the debt crisis.

French riots

FRANCE - Seventeen police officers were injured in Monday's clashes with dozens of youths, some of whom used live rounds. Unrest in places like Amiens is often blamed on the widespread sense of alienation in these suburbs where youth unemployment can be as high as 40%. But local residents have blamed heavy-handed policing. President Francois Hollande has vowed to beef up security resources to combat the violence, saying public security was "not just a priority but an obligation". It sparked a debate about deprivation and social exclusion, but many analysts say little has changed for France's marginalised youth, many of whom are of North African origin.

China's ghost towns and phantom malls

CHINA - As growth slows, China's huge investment in infrastructure is looking ever harder to sustain, leaving a string of ambitious projects - towns, shopping malls and even a theme park - empty and forlorn. "We have spoken a lot about these ghost towns in Ireland and Spain recently but China is Ireland and Spain on steroids," says Kevin Doran, a senior investment fund manager at Brown Shipley in the UK.

Parents 'torturing' dying children, doctors warn

UK - Terminally ill children are subjected to needless suffering amounting to “torture” by parents who refuse to allow the withdrawal of treatment because of their religious beliefs, leading doctors have claimed.

Source of Mysterious Pumice 'Raft' in Pacific Found - NASA

NEW ZEALAND - The source of an enormous floating mass of pumice spotted this week in the South Pacific Ocean off the coast of New Zealand has been discovered: NASA satellite images and other sleuthing scientists have pinpointed an erupting undersea volcano called the Havre Seamount as the culprit.

Ahmadinejad arrives in Saudi for Islamic summit

SAUDI ARABIA - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived on Monday in Saudi Arabia ahead of an extraordinary summit in Mecca expected to focus on the Syria conflict, on which Tehran and Riyadh have taken opposing sides.

Nearly seven decades later, Northeast Asia still haunted by war

JAPAN - Bitter memories and current rivalries are straining Japan's ties with China and South Korea nearly seven decades after Tokyo's defeat in World War Two, raising the risk of ruptures as all three nations head for leadership changes.

UN Designates “Free Syrian Army” Affiliates as Al Qaeda

UNITED NATIONS - The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) currently arming, funding, and commanding entire brigades of the so-called “Free Syrian Army” (FSA), is designated an Al Qaeda affiliate by the United Nations pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011), in addition to being listed by both the US State Department and the UK Home Office as a foreign terrorist organization and a proscribed terrorist organization respectively.

West Point Terror Center Confirms Al Qaeda in Libya

USA - The 2007 West Point Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) report examining the demographics of foreign fighters caught in Iraq fighting US troops has been cited by alarmed analysts as proof that the current NATO-backed rebellion in Libya is literally handing an entire nation over to Al Qaeda linked terrorists, namely those of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) listed by both the US State Department and UK Home Office as a foreign terrorist organization.

European Union or United States of Europe?

EUROPE - When the euro zone was created, it was widely accepted that the combination of integrated monetary and independent financial political scenery was an explosive mixture. Consolidation of budgets of all of Member States of the euro zone was seen as a form of political integration and one step before the creation of a United States of Europe.

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)