Gore's Message To Climate Change Skeptics
cbsnews.com - 30/03/2008

USA - Self-avowed "P.R. agent for the planet" Al Gore says those who still doubt that global warming is caused by man - among them, Vice President Dick Cheney - are acting like the fringe groups who think the 1969 moon landing never really happened, or who once believed the world is flat.

Fed Leaders Ponder an Expanded Mission
washingtonpost.com - 30/03/2008

WASHINGTON - In the past two weeks, the Federal Reserve, long the guardian of the nation's banks, has redefined its role TO ALSO BECOME PROTECTOR AND OVERSEER OF WALL STREET.

Fed Offers Banks $100B More
time.com - 30/03/2008

WASHINGTON - The Federal Reserve will auction another $100 billion in April to cash-strapped banks as it continues to combat the effects of a credit crisis.

Disney's Greatest Weakness
Walt Disney: A Christian Critique - 28/03/2008

USA - "Walt Disney is as much a mentality and a consciousness as he is either a human being or a series of accomplishments. He is a state of mind to all of us, even those who hate Walt Disney" - Neil Gabler

Sarkozy visit - Overview.
Open Europe - 28/03/2008

LONDON - Ahead of his two day visit to London, which begins today, Nicolas Sarkozy told the BBC that he wanted to move from a "cordial" relationship with Britain to a "friendly" one.

Commercial Planes to be Outfitted With Anti-Missile System
Arutz Sheva News Service - 28/03/2008

JERUSALEM - Israel will finally equip its commercial aircraft with anti-missile systems as a result of concrete threats that terrorists will try to shoot them down.

This organic view is bananas
timesonline.co.uk by Mick Hume - 28/03/2008

UK - Why should African farmers suffer because do-gooders are trying to cut carbon emissions? To all of the ill-effects blamed on man-made global warming, we might add one more. It appears that an obsession with climate change can make sane people warm to mad ideas.

Lidl, the Big Brother supermarket, is watching you
timesonline.co.uk - 28/03/2008

GERMANY - The Stasi secret police may have died with communism but its surveillance methods are still alive at Lidl, the German supermarket chain.

Computer games to get cigarette-style health warnings
timesonline.co.uk - 28/03/2008

UK - Video games will be forced to carry cigarette-style health warnings under proposals to protect children from unsuitable digital material.

Cough medicine banned for children under two
dailymail.co.uk - 28/03/2008

LONDON - Cough and cold remedies for children under two are to be pulled from the shelves immediately amid safety fears. At least 100 products will be put under the counter as parents are warned about the danger of giving toddlers potentially fatal overdoses.

Reworked Bible stories feature Goliath as a drunk and Eve as sex mad
dailymail.co.u - 28/03/2008

UK - Goliath is a celebrity binge drinker, Eve is a sex-obsessed man-eater and Noah's wife wants to kill him ... welcome to the updated Bible.

Marriage hits lowest rate since records began almost 150 years ago
dailymail.co.uk - 28/03/2008

UK - The number of Britons tying the knot has collapsed to a record low, it has emerged. The proportion of men and women getting married is below any level found since figures were first kept nearly 150 years ago.

Bank's Governor blasts 'hubris' of the bankers he blames for credit crisis
dailymail.co.uk - 28/03/2008

LONDON - Mervyn King yesterday lashed out at the "hubris" (excessive pride) of bankers whose greed had triggered the credit crunch and the current world financial crisis.

Who do MPs work for?
dailymail.co.uk By Peter Hitchens - 27/03/2008

LONDON - As with so much of modern Britain, a moment's thought will tell you that things are not as they seem. But few are prepared to think about it, which is why we do nothing to change things for the better.

Reckless greed and utter incompetence
dailymail.co.uk - 27/03/2008

LONDON - One thing, and one thing alone, can be said for the Financial Services Authority: it has been ruthlessly honest about its own catastrophic incompetence.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)