Chinese state investor buys Australian bank stakes - 04/01/2008

A secretive Hong Kong-based subsidiary of China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange, manager of the world's largest foreign exchange reserves, has bought stakes in three of Australia's largest banks, raising fresh questions about transparency of China's sovereign wealth investments in international markets.

UK banks shake-up - 04/01/2008

Sweeping powers to intervene in failing banks are to be given to the Financial Services Authority as part of a regulatory shake-up by Alistair Darling, chancellor of the Exchequer, to avoid a repeat of the Northern Rock crisis.

Happiness may be good for your health - 04/01/2008

NEW YORK - A happy heart just might be a healthier one as well, new research suggests.

Kenya violence hits aid supplies to entire region - 04/01/2008

Violence in Kenya has blocked food aid shipments to the rest of the region, the United Nations World Food Programme said on Thursday, delaying supplies to nearby Uganda, Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Catholic officials, Muslim scholars to meet in Rome - 04/01/2008

VATICAN CITY - A landmark meeting between Catholic officials and Muslim scholars that aims to spur dialogue between Christianity and Islam is planned to take place in Rome this spring, a senior Vatican official said.

Indian Company Top Bidder for Jaguar - 04/01/2008

DETROIT - An Indian car maker that will unveil the world's cheapest car next week may soon produce two of the world's premier brands as well.

Single trader behind oil record
BBC - 03/01/2008

The man behind the record rise in oil prices to $100 a barrel was a lone trader, seeking bragging rights and a minute of fame, market watchers say

Economic 9/11 in 2008? - 03/01/2008

Quotes from a recent interview with Gerald Celente, Editor and Publisher, The Trends Journal, Rhinebeck, New York. Gerald Celente, trend expert, visionary, keynote speaker, is trusted worldwide as the foremost authority on forecasting, analyzing and tracking trends.

NASA news
Science@NASA - 03/01/2008

Update of events in our solar system from NASA.

Temple Mount: From Hamas Broadcasts to Jewish Prayer Ban
Arutz 7 - 03/01/2008

Public Security Minister Avi Dichter announced on Tuesday the government's official policy regarding Jewish prayer on the site of the Holy Temple. He made it quite simple: "Jews may pray on their holiest site - but only in their heart."

21 underage UK schoolgirls get pregnant - 03/01/2008

More than 20 girls between 13 and 15 become pregnant every day, figures show.

As oil tops $100 a barrel, the £5 gallon nears - 03/01/2008

The cost of each visit to the petrol station has risen by £7.36 since this time last year, it has been revealed.

Doctors order millions hit by violent stomach bug to stay at home - 03/01/2008

UK doctors' leaders warned people struck down by a violent stomach bug sweeping the country not to return to work as GPs reported yesterday that they were 'inundated' with sufferers.

Sri Lanka war seen escalating
BBC - 03/01/2008

COLOMBO - Sri Lanka's 25-year civil war with Tamil Tiger rebels will likely escalate into the bloodiest period of fighting the island has seen after the government scrapped a tattered truce, experts said.

Pakistan postpones election until February 18 - 03/01/2008

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan put off its general election by 6 weeks to February 18 on Wednesday following the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, over the objections of the main opposition parties which fear a delay will work against them.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)