Boss rues collapse of hedge fund
BBC - 14/03/2008

USA - Private equity giant Carlyle Group has pledged to "stand by" investors in the firm's failed billion dollar hedge fund, the Financial Times has reported.

Shops on fire amid Tibet protests
BBC - 14/03/2008

TIBET - Fires have broken out in the city of Lhasa, Chinese state media reports say, as rare street protests in the province appear to gather pace.

Celebrity obsession harming British students - 14/03/2008

LONDON - An unhealthy obsession with celebrity culture is damaging the academic success of British students, a survey of teachers found on Friday, with celebrity couple the Beckhams the favourite inspiration.

Blair to take on climate change - 14/03/2008

LONDON - Former prime minister Tony Blair, who has already taken on an international role as a Middle East peace envoy, is now tackling climate change with a plan for the world to halve greenhouse gases by 2050.

Hero dolphin saves stranded mother and baby whales on New Zealand beach - 13/03/2008

NEW ZEALAND - Time was running out for the mother whale and her calf as they lay beached on a sandbank. Wildlife volunteers had tried four times to drag them into deeper water but four times they came back.

Church Must Remember Its Values, Says Pope - 13/03/2008

VATICAN CITY - It's urgent that the Church remember the "exalted values" that give meaning to life in the face of advanced secularization, says Benedict XVI.

Fingers of 5 hostages delivered to US officials - 13/03/2008

BAGHDAD - US authorities in Baghdad have received five severed fingers belonging to four Americans and an Austrian who were taken hostage more than a year ago in Iraq, US officials said Wednesday.

Knights Templar win heresy reprieve after 700 years - 13/03/2008

VATICAN CITY - The Knights Templar, the medieval Christian military order accused of heresy and sexual misconduct, will soon be partly rehabilitated when the Vatican publishes trial documents it had closely guarded for 700 years.

Banks lead European stocks sharply lower - 13/03/2008

LONDON - Financials led European shares sharply lower early on Thursday as euphoria from the announcement of cash injections from major central bank dissipated, with record high oil prices weighing on the broader market.

'Magic is over' for U.S. - 13/03/2008

PARIS - Bernard Kouchner, the foreign minister of France and a longtime humanitarian, diplomatic and political activist on the international scene, says that whoever succeeds President George W. Bush may restore something of the United States' battered image and standing overseas, but that "the magic is over."

Merkel's speech stirs passions in Israel
Associated Press - 13/03/2008

JERUSALEM - German Chancellor Angela Merkel's upcoming address to the Israeli parliament has inflamed passions here, with one lawmaker threatening Wednesday to storm out of the session.

Federal Budget Deficit Swells - 13/03/2008

WASHINGTON - The Treasury Department says the federal deficit swelled to $263.3 billion in the first five months of this budget year as record spending during the period outpaced record revenues.

Austrians hold candlelight vigil on Nazi anniversary - 13/03/2008

VIENNA - Austrians lit 80,000 candles in a somber tribute to victims of Nazism on Wednesday held in a Vienna square where their forefathers celebrated Hitler's takeover of the country 70 years ago.

Europe this week
As Indicated - 13/03/2008

EUROPE - A roundup of political events this week.

Parents may be jailed over vaccinations
AP - 12/03/2008

LONDON - As doctors struggle to eradicate polio worldwide, one of their biggest problems is persuading parents to vaccinate their children. In Belgium, authorities are resorting to an extreme measure: prison sentences.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)