Philippine floods kill 35, survivors rebuild homes - 27/02/2008

MANILA - Residents in central and southern Philippine were rebuilding houses as floods subsided after two weeks of heavy rains that killed 35 people and left 10 missing, officials said on Wednesday.

Kosovo warns Serbia as riots continue - 27/02/2008

PRISTINA - Kosovo told Serbia on Tuesday it would not yield one inch of its territory, and a violent protest by ethnic Serbs in Bosnia against Kosovo's secession highlighted continued volatility in the Balkan region.

Wall Street Bank Run
Washington Post - 26/02/2008

It doesn't look like an old-fashioned bank run because it involves the biggest financial institutions trading paper assets so complicated that even top executives don't fully understand the transactions. But that's what it is -- a spreading fear among financial institutions that their brethren can't be trusted to honor their obligations.

Food Riots already happening
New York Times - 26/02/2008

AMMAN, Jordan - Even as it enriches Arab rulers, the recent oil-price boom is helping to fuel an extraordinary rise in the cost of food and other basic goods that is squeezing this region's middle class and setting off strikes, demonstrations and occasional riots from Morocco to the Persian Gulf.

A New Challenge to Mugabe - 26/02/2008

Democracy will not unseat him; the joint presidential and parliamentary election scheduled for March 29 will be neither free nor fair. Still, recent weeks have witnessed a series of events that suggest Mugabe is facing a concerted challenge from within his own Zanu PF party.

Fresh records for price of wheat
BBC - 26/02/2008

Wheat prices have hit record levels as supplies dwindle, raising concerns about growing food inflation.

Forget global warming: Welcome to the new Ice Age - 26/02/2008

Snow cover over North America and much of Siberia, Mongolia and China is greater than at any time since 1966.

America's Unfaithful Faithful - 26/02/2008

A major new survey presents perhaps the most detailed picture we've yet had of which religious groups Americans belong to. And its big message is: blink and they'll change.

Anti-depressants 'of little use'
BBC - 26/02/2008

New generation anti-depressants have little clinical benefit for most patients, research suggests.

Deforestation: The hidden cause of global warming - 26/02/2008

In the next 24 hours, deforestation will release as much CO2 into the atmosphere as 8 million people flying from London to New York. Stopping the loggers is the fastest and cheapest solution to climate change. So why are global leaders turning a blind eye to this crisis?

Are mobile phones wiping out our bees? - 26/02/2008

It seems like the plot of a particularly far-fetched horror film. But some scientists suggest that our love of the mobile phone could cause massive food shortages, as the world's harvests fail.

UN warns over food aid rationing
BBC - 26/02/2008

The director of the UN's World Food Programme has said it is considering plans to ration food aid because of rising prices and a shortage of funds.

One in 10 suspected murderers bailed - 25/02/2008

Figures released under the Freedom of Information Act show of the 455 defendants who are currently awaiting trial for murder, 60 have been released on bail.

German bank says it will sue - 25/02/2008

The German bank HSH Nordbank plans to sue Swiss giant UBS in the United States for alleged mismanagement of funds which were invested in securities connected to the US subprime mortgage market, HSH said.

Israel and Hizballah on High Alert - 25/02/2008

The inconclusive results for Israel of the monthlong war it fought in the summer of 2006 against Lebanon's militant Shi'ite Hizballah meant that another confrontation was probably just a matter of time.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)