Gold Tops $800 for First Time Since 1980
AP - 31/10/2007

Gold barreled above $800 an ounce Wednesday for the first time since 1980 as investors cheered the FEDERAL RESERVE'S DECISION TO LOWER ITS BENCHMARK INTEREST RATE BY A QUARTER POINT.

Toilet conference opens in Delhi
BBC - 31/10/2007

A World Toilet Summit has opened in the Indian capital, Delhi, with more than 40 countries taking part.

Caribbean storm death toll rises
BBC - 31/10/2007

Tropical storm Noel has left at least 48 people dead on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, officials say.

IMF warns of abrupt dollar fall - 31/10/2007

The dollar hit a record low against the euro on Monday as Rodrigo Rato, managing director of the International Monetary Fund warned that the US currency could suffer a dramatic fall that would shake confidence in American assets.

Don't bet on China rescue if U.S. economy sinks
Reuters - 31/10/2007

If the United States slides into recession, don't count on China to save the world.

Australia cuts wheat crop forecast - 30/10/2007

The Australian government on Tuesday further reduced its forecast for this year's wheat production as a lack of rain and above-average temperatures inflict more damage on the country's hard-hit farmers.

'Hamas building bunkers near border' - 30/10/2007

Hamas is trying to establish a bunker system as well as fortified rocket-launching and surveillance positions along the security fence with the Gaza Strip, Brig.-Gen. Moshe Tamir, head of the Gaza Division, said Monday.

'Gap sweatshop children' saved in India raid - 30/10/2007

Police have rescued 14 children from a New Delhi sweatshop at the centre of a scandal involving US clothing giant Gap.

French Held Over Darfur 'Adoptions'
AP - 30/10/2007

Nine officials of a French non-governmental organization were arrested on Oct. 25 as they tried to airlift 103 Sudanese orphans from neighboring Chad in what Chadian authorities suspect was an illegal money-for-adoption scheme.

Terrorists plotted setting U.S. fires - 30/10/2007

Muslim bulletin boards advocated arson before California blazes

2007 Yearly Tropical Cyclone Activity to Date - 30/10/2007

Unless a dramatic and historical flurry of activity occurs in the next 9 weeks, 2007 will rank as a historically inactive Tropical Cyclone year for the Northern Hemisphere as a whole.

Egypt unveils nuclear plants plan
BBC - 30/10/2007

President Hosni Mubarak has said Egypt is to build a number of nuclear power stations to generate electricity.

Merrill Lynch in turmoil as chief prepares to resign - 30/10/2007

Stan O'Neal, the embattled chairman and chief executive of Merrill Lynch, is set to become the highest-profile individual victim of the US sub-prime financial crisis by being forced out of his $48m-a-year (£23m)job at the investment bank.

Massive rise in Europe GM crops
BBC - 30/10/2007

Figures published on Monday show the area planted with genetically modified crops in Europe has grown by 77% since last year.

The Downward Trend Is Unstoppable by Jeffrey R. Nyquist - 29/10/2007

We see the statistics on test scores, on measurements of consumption and narcissism, on growing debt and the sinking dollar, on the chaos in government, the disorder one finds on all sides, and a certain analysis naturally follows. Call it pessimism if you want. But it is merely common sense.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)