'Seven dead' in Kenyan protests
BBC - 17/01/2008

Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga says police in Nairobi have shot dead seven people on the second day of fresh protests against disputed polls.

Archeological Discovery Bears Name of Biblical Family
IsraelNN.com - 17/01/2008

Archeologists have discovered a stone seal that includes the name of a family who were servants during the First Temple, were exiled to Babylonia and then returned to Jerusalem.

Japanese stock market plunge rattles Fukuda
telegraph.co.uk - 17/01/2008

Japan's prime minister Yasuo Fukuda has pledged to intervene if necessary to prevent a disorderly plunge of the Tokyo bourse amid fears that the country may be sliding back into recession.

Bad Reviews for Bush in the Mideast
time.com - 17/01/2008

The disparaging of President Bush's eight-day tour of the Middle East by America's staunchest opponents in the region was hardly unexpected.

Africa - floods could be worst in memory - UN
reuters.com - 17/01/2008

MAPUTO - Devastating Mozambique floods, which have killed seven people and displaced tens of thousands, could be the worst in recent memory, the United Nations said on Wednesday.

Severe flooding in Dubai
dailymail.co.uk - 17/01/2008

First torrential rainfall in living memory causes severe flooding in Dubai

7-year plan aligns U.S. with Europe's economy
worldnetdaily.com - 16/01/2008

Six U.S. senators and 49 House members are advisers for a group working toward a Transatlantic Common Market between the U.S. and the European Union by 2015

Microsoft readies Hal 9000
The Register - 16/01/2008

Judging from a recent patent application, Microsoft hopes to build some sort of "activity monitoring system" that keeps an eye on worker productivity using various "physiological or environmental sensors."

Our Rulers Are Compiling Digital Evidence Against You
Truth News - Kurt Nimmo - 16/01/2008

"If you're worried about online privacy, try this on for size," writes p2pnet.net. "US intelligence agencies may soon have access to any and all emails, file transfers or web searches."

Do U.S. pandemic plans threaten rights?
Reuters - 16/01/2008

U.S. policy in preparing for a potential bird flu pandemic is veering dangerously toward a heavy-handed law-enforcement approach, the American Civil Liberties Union said on Monday.

Inflation is becoming a Worldwide Phenomenon
financialsense.com - 16/01/2008

For those of you who like to think about THE MONEY SUPPLY and its relationship to liquidity, productivity and inflation, Here are some SCARY MONEY SUPPLY GROWTH numbers for you for 2007:

Independence and sovereignty
aljazeera.com - 16/01/2008

The Arab world feel that their governments are not free to make decisions, but must succumb to Israel, U.S. or Europe.

Cloned meat, milk declared safe
chinadaily.com.cn - 16/01/2008

LOS ANGELES -- The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) declared on Tuesday meat and milk from cloned animals and their offspring is as safe as the natural version.

McKinsey warns US may lose financial leadership
ft.com - 16/01/2008

The US looks poised to lose its mantle as the world's dominant financial market because of a rapid rise in the depth and maturity of markets in Europe, a study suggests.

Pope Cancels University Visit
time.com - 16/01/2008

After three days of rising protests from students and professors, which included a letter from 67 faculty members calling for the cancellation of Benedict's speech, Pope Benedict XVI has pulled out of a long scheduled visit Thursday to Rome's historic La Sapienza University.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)