Britain in grip of norovirus as cases hit 3m - 12/01/2008

Three million people have been struck down by the winter vomiting bug - with experts fearing that cases could rise through this month and next.

Militant threat on Eiffel Tower intercepted - 12/01/2008

LISBON - Portuguese air traffic authorities have intercepted a message describing a militant threat against the Eiffel Tower and have passed it to French authorities, a Portuguese source said on Friday.

China holds the key to food prices - 12/01/2008

Whether due to drought in Australia or an ethanol boom in the US, the effects on food prices are felt in all corners of the world.

Europe set for debate rerun on 'Frankenfoods' - 12/01/2008

Europe is set for a rerun of the heated debate over genetically modified "Frankenfoods", after regulators declared on Friday that meat and milk from cloned pigs and cows and their offspring were safe to eat.

New York probes Wall St. banks over subprime data: report - 12/01/2008

NEW YORK - New York prosecutors are investigating whether Wall Street banks withheld information about the risks stemming from subprime loan-linked investments, The New York Times reported on Saturday.

Gold Hits Record $900 Per Ounce - 12/01/2008

(NEW YORK) - Gold futures briefly rose above $900 an ounce Friday for the first time as high oil prices, a weak dollar and fears of a U.S. recession led uneasy investors to keep buying the precious metal.

Huge gas cloud will hit Milky Way
BBC - 12/01/2008

A giant cloud of hydrogen gas is racing towards a collision with the Milky Way, astronomers have announced.

Baghdad wakes up to rare snowfall
BBC - 12/01/2008

Snow has fallen in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, for the first time in living memory.

Move to Disestablish the Church of England
AFP - 12/01/2008

LONDON - Eyebrows were raised in the House of Commons on Thursday when a motion calling for the Church of England to be disestablished was listed with the number 666, symbol of the Anti-Christ.

Former Chief Rabbi to Bush: Don't Act Against God's Will
Ynet by Kobi Nahshoni - 11/01/2008

In a letter handed to US president, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu warns him not to take action that would harm Jewish people. "The Jewish nation forever remembers those that inflict harm upon it"

Binge-drink Britain - 11/01/2008

Hospitals are treating more than a thousand cases of serious alcohol-related conditions every day of the year, it was revealed last night.

Japan forces through terror law - 11/01/2008

Yasuo Fukuda's government on Friday used its two-thirds majority in the lower house of parliament to bulldoze a law through parliament that will allow Japanese naval vessels to supply oil to allied ships on anti-terror missions in the Indian Ocean.

Mideast Peace: Big Talk, No Action - 11/01/2008

Bush's trip to Ramallah produced plenty of happy talk.

Fears Deepen after Pakistan Bombing - 11/01/2008

A suicide bomber struck in the Pakistani city of Lahore today, ending a two-week lull since the spate of spontaneous violence that followed the December 27 assassination of former prime minister and parliamentary candidate Benazir Bhutto.

Blair optimism on Mid-East peace
BBC - 11/01/2008

Middle East Quartet envoy and former UK PM Tony Blair says he believes it is possible for a peace deal to be reached between the Israelis and Palestinians.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)