China to become Iran's leading supplier - 14/09/2007

China could overtake Germany as the leading exporter of goods to Iran as early as this year, according to western diplomats and Iranian businessmen. The shift reflects Tehran's attempts to redirect its trade in the face of pressure over its nuclear programme.

Chancellor: I'll bail out banks if they falter like Northern Rock - 14/09/2007

Chancellor Alistair Darling signalled today that the Government and Bank of England were ready to intervene if more banks hit financial trouble following an emergency loan to Northern Rock.

Frightened Indonesians suffer new Sumatra quakes - 14/09/2007

PADANG BAKUNG, Indonesia, Sept 14 (Reuters) - Frightened residents on Indonesia's Sumatra island huddled in tents outside their damaged homes on Friday, traumatised by the latest of more than 40 aftershocks since a huge earthquake struck two days ago.


Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan admits he "didn't really get it" that the subprime lending trend was significant enough to hurt the economy until very late 2005, but still defends his lowering of interest rates from 2001 until 2004 that critics say caused the crisis in the first place.

Japan's lunar "princess" shoots for the moon - 14/09/2007

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan launched its first lunar probe on Friday, nicknamed Kaguya after a fairy-tale princess, in the latest move in a new race with China, India and the United States to explore the moon.

NATO ready to welcome France back to command - 14/09/2007

President Nicolas Sarkozy has said France is keen to rejoin NATO's military command structure which Charles de Gaulle boycotted 41 years ago

Switcheroo: American minister sends video to Osama - 14/09/2007

An American television evangelist has turned the tables on al-Qaida terrorist leader Osama bin Laden ? sending him a video message warning him to repent of his sins and convert to Christianity.

Animal movement restriction eased
BBC - 14/09/2007

Farmers in Wales have welcomed the easing of restrictions on livestock movements which were put in place after the latest foot-and-mouth outbreak

Northern Rock shares plunge 24%
BBC - 14/09/2007

Shares in one of the UK's largest mortgage lenders, Northern Rock, have fallen by 24% after the Bank of England decided to offer it emergency funding.

Powerful quake shakes Indonesia
BBC - 12/09/2007

A powerful earthquake has struck off the western Indonesian island of Sumatra, triggering a tsunami alert.

Suspected case of foot-and-mouth
BBC - 12/09/2007

A suspected case of foot-and-mouth disease has been discovered in the same county as the UK's last outbreak.

Bottle makes dirty water drinkable By Christopher Hope - 12/09/2007

The way fresh water is supplied to disaster-hit regions could be revolutionised after an Ipswich-based businessman invented a £190 bottle that makes foul-smelling water drinkable in seconds.

Post codes help Big Brother keep an eye on us - 12/09/2007

They are using post codes, cross-referenced with census data, marketing information, utility bills, and store cards to determine insurance premiums, where to locate shops, how to target a marketing campaign, and where we are placed in call centre queues.

The 'Concrete Generation' - 12/09/2007

A generation of children have never visited the countryside and believe their food originates at the supermarket, according to new research.

Russia tests superstrength bomb: military - 12/09/2007

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has tested the world's most powerful vacuum bomb, which unleashes a destructive shockwave with the power of a nuclear blast, the military said on Tuesday, dubbing it the "father of all bombs".

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)