Who'd trust Auntie now?
dailymail.co.uk - 16/07/2007

The BBC is in serious trouble. In the space of one week it has suffered three serious blows to its credibility.

UN warns it cannot afford to feed the world
ft.com - 16/07/2007

The United Nations can no longer afford to feed the 90m people it has helped for each of the past five years!

Robot Air Attack Squadron Bound for Iraq
apnews.myway.com - 16/07/2007

The Reaper is loaded, but there's no one on board. Its pilot, as it bombs targets in Iraq, will sit at a video console 7,000 miles away in Nevada.

Al-Qaida infiltrating America as patients
worldnetdaily.com - 16/07/2007

Medical clinics across the country have been flooded with requests from foreign nationals from Pakistan and other Muslim countries to help them gain visa entry into the U.S. as patients.

MMR scare doctor faces GMC panel
BBC - 16/07/2007

The doctor who first suggested a link between the MMR vaccine and autism is due to face charges of serious professional misconduct.

Music players 'in lightning risk'
BBC - 16/07/2007

Doctors in Vancouver, Canada, have warned that people who wear portable media players during a storm could be putting themselves at risk.

How to become a cyber tracker
BBC - 16/07/2007

African researchers have developed a software for PDAs that turns the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert into digital wildlife trackers.

Japan rocked by major earthquake
BBC - 16/07/2007

An earthquake has struck central Japan, killing at least five people, flattening buildings and triggering a fire at a nuclear power plant.

"I was a Fanatic!"
Daily Mail by Hassan Butt - 16/07/2007

"I know their thinking", says former radical Islamist

Harnessing honey's healing power
BBC - 16/07/2007

Honey has been known for its healing properties for thousands of years - the Ancient Greeks used it, and so have many other peoples through the ages.

Street protests 'paralyse' Peru
BBC - 16/07/2007

Nationwide protests and a general strike have brought Peru to a near standstill over the last week.

Nearly 10M in affected by rainstorms
chinadaily.com - 15/07/2007

Rainstorms continued to hit central China's Henan and Hubei provinces, with nearly 10 million people affected in the two provinces, said the Ministry of Civil Affairs on Sunday.

The latest terror victims... Whitehall's trees
dailymail.co.uk - 15/07/2007

12 landmark trees around Whitehall are being chopped down to be replaced by concrete barriers and bollards - for security reasons.

Pope urges Peres to advance peace
ynetnews.com - 15/07/2007

Pope Benedict XVI urges Peres to work towards peace between Israel, Palestinians as president

US: Increase awareness at embassy in Tel Aviv
Israel News - 15/07/2007

State Department issues warning that American buildings targeted for suicide bombings; citizens told to leave Gaza, West Bank, exercise caution

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)