Lebanon 'to erupt in 1 week'
ynetnews.com - 10/07/2007

Syria calls on citizens to evacuate Lebanon, reports say; Expert: Civil war possible

Church agrees plan over disputes
BBC - 10/07/2007

The Church of England's ruling body has backed plans aimed at settling disputes within the Anglican Church.

Nervous support for Church rules
BBC - 10/07/2007

One of the hallmarks of Anglicanism is its lack of rules. In fact there's barely any definition of what it is to be an authentic Anglican.

Live Earth is a win for global yawning
telegraph.co.uk - 09/07/2007

Neil McCormick finds confused messages and an unimpressive line-up at London's Live Earth concert

Storming Red Mosque will spark Islamic uprising, says rebel cleric
news.independent.co.uk - 09/07/2007

A rebel cleric said he and his fighters hoped their deaths would spark an Islamic revolution in Pakistan.

The High Cost of Bad Weather
ft.com - 09/07/2007

Fish 'n' chip prices leap as shortages bite

'We'll stand up for marriage'
dailymail.co.uk - 09/07/2007

Cameron pledges tax shake-up to repair Britain's 'broken society'

Britain's open door to terror
news.scotsman.com - 09/07/2007

BRITAIN was last night accused of leaving the door open to terrorists after the head of Interpol revealed UK border guards are failing to check would-be immigrants against a global database of terror suspects.

Muslims declare sovereignty over U.S., UK
worldnetdaily.com - 09/07/2007

Islamic leaders in London:- 'Queen Elizabeth, go to hell!'

'Mideast war this summer'
worldnetdaily.com - 09/07/2007

Syrian official threatens 'resistance' by September, warns Damascus preparing for large-scale conflict

Wildfires rage across western US
BBC - 09/07/2007

Wildfires are spreading in several US western states, threatening homes and closing highways.

Great Wall among new 7 world wonders
chinadaily.com.cn - 09/07/2007

The Great Wall of China, Rome's Colosseum, India's Taj Mahal and three architectural marvels from Latin America were among the new seven wonders of the world chosen in a global poll released on Saturday.

Robocops: Coming to a city near you soon
SA Mail - 08/07/2007

Real-life Robocops, robots armed with lethal weaponry could become a key element in global counter-terrorist and military operations within 10 years, a United States security expert said on Saturday.

The World this Week
globalincidentmap.com/home.php - 08/07/2007

A roundup of terrorist activity around the world

Wine 'could be used to cure a sore throat'
telegraph.co.uk - 08/07/2007

Wine could make a good antibacterial mouth wash to fight tooth decay and a sore throat, according to Italian researchers.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)