Palestinian State No Longer Practical or Relevant
Daily Israel Report by by Ezra HaLevi - 07/07/2007

"We have to replace the conception of a two-state solution - it is not relevant anymore," former Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. (res.) Moshe Yaalon told Army Radio Thursday morning. "This is not pessimism, but realism. It is not practical to keep assuming it is the answer."

Report: Syria removing military checkpoints in Golan - 07/07/2007

Israel is "concerned" that Syria's decision to remove military checkpoints on the road to Kuneitra on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights could be a preparation for war, the Arab newspaper Al-Hiyat reported Saturday.

Live Aid is promoting green to save the planet - what planet are they on? - 07/07/2007

As Madonna bounds on to the huge Wembley stage to save the planet, how the assembled Greenies will cheer. The superstar is today fronting the massive Live Earth event, with nine concerts played over 24 hours across seven continents before an audience of two billion.

West Sizzles, Little Relief in Sight
AP - 07/07/2007

HELENA, Mont. (AP) - If a record-breaking heat wave doesn't lift soon, cattle rancher Sharon McDonald may see her hay crop turn to dust. "We are trying to get our hay up before it disintegrates," said McDonald, a rancher near Melville. "It just gets crispy and just falls apart."

Record heat seen moving east next week - 07/07/2007

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Private forecaster AccuWeather said Friday record-breaking heat was expected to move eastward, resulting in temperatures that could reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 Celsius) in New York City and Washington, D.C. early next week.

Emission-lowering schemes could be bad for the planet by Ian Johnston and Alistair Dalton - 07/07/2007

MILLIONS of fans tuning in for today's Live Earth concerts to raise awareness of climate change will be urged to make seven green pledges to help save the planet. Among them will be the promise to become "carbon neutral" by spending hundreds of pounds offsetting their emissions.

A gift from Scotland to Brazil: Drought and Despair by Ian Johnston - 07/07/2007

SEU Dodo walks through the lush Brazilian woodland he knows well, picking out medicinal plants, but the search for the plants is getting harder and harder. "A lot of our medicinal plants died this year because of the lack of water," he says ruefully.

Temps Top 100 in West From Heat Wave - 06/07/2007

Sweltering residents across the West headed for lakes and rivers on Thursday, seeking relief from triple-digit temperatures expected to set records through at least Friday.

Abortion: Cardinal throws down gauntlet to PM - 06/07/2007

CARDINAL Keith O'Brien has called on Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister, to take a moral lead and order an urgent review of Britain's abortion laws.

45 Muslim doctors plotted attack on U.S. - 06/07/2007

With doctors in custody over attempted terrorist attacks in London and Glasgow, British police have now discovered a group of 45 Muslim doctors threatened an attack in the U.S. with car bombs and rocket grenades.

Expert: Nuke terror better than even bet - 06/07/2007

WASHINGTON - A nuclear terrorist attack on the U.S. is better than an even bet in the next 10 years, says a former assistant secretary of defense and author of a book on the subject.

Army admits 'not defeating IRA'
bbc - 06/07/2007

The Army has admitted for the first time that it did not win the war against the IRA.

U.K. Terror Plot -- Why the Bombs Failed - 06/07/2007

The London bomb plot allegedly planned by a cell of doctors failed early last Friday morning because a medical syringe used as part of the firing mechanism caused a malfunction, ABC News has learned.

Al-Qaeda deputy sets out strategy
BBC - 06/07/2007

Al-Qaeda second-in-command Ayman Zawahiri has urged Muslims to unite behind the movement's global jihad - and called for the violent overthrow of the governments of Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Brown moves to rule out a referendum
Sun, Daily Mail, Telegraph - 06/07/2007

The Sun reports that Gordon Brown yesterday gave the strongest signal yet that he would not hold a referendum on the revised Constitutional Treaty.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)