Bush setting America up for war with Iran
telegraph.co.uk - 16/09/2007

Senior American intelligence and defence officials believe that President George W Bush and his inner circle are taking steps to place America on the path to war with Iran, The Sunday Telegraph has learnt.

IAF jets involved in strike on Syria
jpost.com - 16/09/2007

Unconfirmed details of Israel's alleged foray into Syrian airspace 10 days ago continued to circulate Sunday in foreign media with a latest report by the British Observer which claimed that as many as eight F-15 and F-16 fighter jets participated in the operation.

Bonus hunters, burn-outs and boffins - no wonder banks go belly-up
dailymail.co.uk By NICK LEESON - 16/09/2007

Anyone who read the headlines and saw the queues of panic-stricken customers outside branches of Northern Rock yesterday will feel a little alarmed about the state of our financial institutions.

Oil industry 'sleepwalking into crisis'
news.independent.co.uk - 16/09/2007

Former Shell chairman says that diminishing resources could push price of crude to $150 a barrel

Alan Greenspan claims Iraq war was really for oil
timesonline.co.uk - 16/09/2007

AMERICA's elder statesman of finance, Alan Greenspan, has shaken the White House by declaring that the prime motive for the war in Iraq was oil.

Church 'storm' of mass defections brews
WorldNetDaily.com - 16/09/2007

Flight from biblical orthodoxy triggers exodus of 'faithful'

Disease alert in flood-hit Africa
BBC - 16/09/2007

Severe flooding across Africa has wrecked hundreds of thousands of homes and left many people vulnerable to water-borne diseases, officials say.

Europe this week
The European Foundation - 16/09/2007

A roundup of political events in Europe this week

Northern Rock: Greed and stupidity crocked the rock
dailymail.co.uk - 16/09/2007

The Bank of England's bail-out of Northern Rock, one of Britain's most ambitious and fastest-growing banks, is a once-in-a-generation event.

Warming 'opens Northwest Passage'
BBC - 16/09/2007

The most direct shipping route from Europe to Asia is fully clear of ice for the first time since records began, the European Space Agency (Esa) says.

Flood misery hits arc of Africa
BBc - 16/09/2007

An estimated one million people across Africa have been hit by prolonged rains which have destroyed crops, burst dams and left dozens dead, officials say.

Credit firestorm to smoulder into '08 at global cost
reuters.com - 15/09/2007

LONDON (Reuters) - The firestorm that has blazed through global credit markets since August will smoulder for months and is widely expected to take a toll on the currently robust world economy well into 2008.

Franco-German split emerges on Iran sanctions
reuters.com - 15/09/2007

A split has emerged in the coalition of Western powers pressuring Iran to freeze its nuclear enrichment program, as France backs U.S. calls for a new round of sanctions while Germany urges restraint.

Iran Says Chinese Give Support on Nukes
AP - 15/09/2007

BEIJING (AP) - Iran's interior minister said China renewed its support Friday for negotiations over his country's disputed nuclear activities, and he warned that new U.N. sanctions could force Tehran to adopt "other means."

Northern Rock shares plunge 32%
news.bbc.co.uk - 15/09/2007

Shares in one of the UK's largest mortgage lenders, Northern Rock, have fallen 32% after it had to ask the Bank of England for emergency funding.

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Just what is an Apostle?

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)