The High Cost of War
AP - 10/07/2007

The boost in troop levels in Iraq has increased the cost of war there and in Afghanistan.

Food prices set to rise as floods ruin crops - 10/07/2007

Food prices will soar in the coming months after the recent flooding wiped out huge swathes of the country's crops, experts warned yesterday.

Oil experts see supply crisis in five years - 10/07/2007

The International Energy Agency has predicted a supply crunch in the world's oil markets.

Saving the planet
Daily Mail - by Richard Littlejohn - 10/07/2007

When it comes to 'climate change' - what we used to call the weather - I'm with Professor Higgins. In Herefordshire, Hertfordshire and Hampshire hurricanes hardly ever happen.

Cold snap in South America - 10/07/2007

Buenos Aires saw snow on Monday for the first time in 89 years.

China food safety head executed
BBC - 10/07/2007

The former head of China's State Food and Drug Administration, Zheng Xiaoyu, has been executed for corruption, the state-run Xinhua news agency reports.

Leave Niger Delta, Britons urged
BBC - 10/07/2007

Britons have been advised by the UK government to leave three states in Nigeria's oil-producing Niger Delta.

Pakistani soldiers storm mosque
BBC - 10/07/2007

Troops in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, have stormed a controversial mosque after talks with hardline Islamists inside broke down.

British Government and the 'red lines.
Open Europe/Telegraph/Express - 10/07/2007

British Government admits EU treaty 'red lines' were "purely presentational";

Lebanon 'to erupt in 1 week' - 10/07/2007

Syria calls on citizens to evacuate Lebanon, reports say; Expert: Civil war possible

Church agrees plan over disputes
BBC - 10/07/2007

The Church of England's ruling body has backed plans aimed at settling disputes within the Anglican Church.

Nervous support for Church rules
BBC - 10/07/2007

One of the hallmarks of Anglicanism is its lack of rules. In fact there's barely any definition of what it is to be an authentic Anglican.

Live Earth is a win for global yawning - 09/07/2007

Neil McCormick finds confused messages and an unimpressive line-up at London's Live Earth concert

Storming Red Mosque will spark Islamic uprising, says rebel cleric - 09/07/2007

A rebel cleric said he and his fighters hoped their deaths would spark an Islamic revolution in Pakistan.

The High Cost of Bad Weather - 09/07/2007

Fish 'n' chip prices leap as shortages bite

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)