A proposal in Colorado that would decimate the foundation for the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe vs. Wade abortion ruling by declaring "personhood" for every unborn baby from the moment of conception has passed its second state test.
Colorado Equal Rights spokesman Mark Meuser told WND that the larger vision is more than just abortion in Colorado. "Our goal is to take this all the way to the Supreme Court, and argue the personhood of the preborn baby. When we were writing this, we wanted to have a singular focus so that nobody is confused," he said.
"We want to force the argument that has been avoided for 34 years by the U.S. Supreme Court," he said.
Georgia, Montana and Mississippi also are in various stages of similar proposals, he said. Noting Colorado was the first state to legalize abortion, due to the work of ex-Gov. Dick Lamm, then a state lawmaker, Meuser told WND, "We should be the first state to turn around and acknowledge our mistake and grant personhood to the unborn."
The proposal would read:
Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Colorado: SECTION 1. Article II of the constitution of the state of Colorado is amended BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION to read: Section 31. Person defined. AS USED IN SECTIONS 3, 6, AND 25 OF ARTICLE II OF THE STATE CONSTITUTION, THE TERMS "PERSON" OR "PERSONS" SHALL INCLUDE ANY HUMAN BEING FROM THE MOMENT OF FERTILIZATION.
The new definition of person specifically would be applied to sections 3, 6, and 25 of Article II of the state constitution. Those sections confirm that all "persons" have certain natural, essential and inalienable rights, including "the right of enjoying and defending their lives and liberties," that courts of justice shall be open to every "person," and no "person" shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.
"I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry" is one of the most blatant politically correct, anti-Christian movies of the year.
Promoting itself as a comedy about two straight fireman who get married in order to receive better pension benefits, the movie is nothing more than anti-Christian, pro-homosexual propaganda that attacks the traditional, Judeo-Christian moral values of American culture.
The content of this movie is abhorrent. Apart from the homosexual subject matter, the other strong sexual content is out of control. Sandler's character, Chuck, is a womanizing sexual deviant. From implied group sex with five women who appear from his room to receiving mail that includes pornography magazines and videos as well as sexual toys, Chuck is clearly a pervert. Also, in one scene, Larry tries to get his effeminate young son to become interested in the nude photos in Chuck's porn magazines, and the son runs away.
The excessive homosexual content is just more psychological conditioning from the neo-Marxist, anti-Christian politically correct philosophers of our day who are trying to normalize all such aberrant behaviors. Some of these opinion leaders even support lenient prison sentences for pedophiles who abuse children (unless, of course, the pedophile happens to be a Christian leader or white male clergyman).
A controversial Washington-based Islamic lobby group today is highlighting as "Islamophobia" a heated radio talk-show exchange in which host Neil Boortz tells a Muslim caller Islam is a "cult," not a religion.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations said in its daily e-mail dispatch today an audio clip of the conversation - the date is not indicated - "is circulating on anti-Muslim Internet hate sites."
The caller began: "Sir, I'm calling because of some statements you've been making in the past week about the religion of Islam and "
Boortz interrupted: It's a cult, it's not even a religion."
After a long list of crimes perpetrated all over the world in the name of Islam, the talk host told the caller, "YOU DON'T HAVE A WORD OF CONDEMNATION IN YOU UNTIL THE NON-ISLAMIC WORLD RISES UP AND STARTS TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT WE ARE FED UP WITH YOUR DAMNED RELIGION. We've had it up to here.
"And somebody, like I said yesterday, somebody needs to grab the Muslim world by the shirt collar, backhand it a good one, knock it into the damn corner and say straighten up or we're gonna eradicate you beetles from the face of the Earth. "
CAIR asked its constituents not to contact Boortz, because he "can and will use any comments to further defame Islam and Muslim." "This clip was offered only to demonstrate the growing level of Islamophobic rhetoric in our society," the group said.
AIR, which brands itself as a mainstream promoter of civil rights, has been named with two other prominent U.S. Islamic groups as an "unindicted co-conspirator" in a plot to fund the terrorist group Hamas. Jury selection is underway for the trial in Dallas.
CAIR is a spinoff of the defunct Islamic Association for Palestine, launched by Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook and former university professor Sami al-Arian, who pleaded guilty last year to conspiracy to provide services to Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Several CAIR staffers have been convicted on terrorism-related charges, and CAIR FOUNDER OMAR AHMAD ALLEGEDLY TOLD A GROUP OF MUSLIMS THEY ARE IN AMERICA NOT TO ASSIMILATE - BUT TO HELP ASSERT ISLAM'S RULE OVER THE COUNTRY.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has had a surprise meeting with Hizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah in Damascus
Nasrallah allegedly entered Syria via an underground tunnel, the television channel said. "We hope that the hot weather of this summer will coincide with similar victories for the region's peoples, and with consequent defeat for the region's enemies," Ahmadinejad added, in an apparent reference to Israel.
During his one-day trip to Damascus, Ahmadinejad held talks with counterpart Bashar Assad which focused on the Iraq situation, Palestinian territories and Lebanon, where both Teheran and Damascus wield influence."The enemies of the region should abandon plans to attack the interests of this region, or they would be burned by the wrath of the region's peoples," the hardline Iranian leader said at a joint press conference with Assad.
Ahmadinejad, accompanied by a high-level delegation, was greeted at Damascus airport by Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem ahead of the official reception by Assad at the People's Palace. Assad was sworn in Tuesday for a second seven-year term.
He described Syrian-Iranian relations as "amicable, excellent and extremely deep," adding that the two countries have common stands on regional issues and face common enemies. Ahmadinejad also called on all countries in the region to be vigilant of Israel's attempts to revive itself following its "failure" of the Second Lebanon War.
Ahmadinejad's visit posed a snub to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who has called on Syria to cut its relations with Iran as a precondition to restart peace process, deadlocked since 2000.
The Telegraph reports that a cross-party campaign for a referendum is to be launched in the autumn.
A campaign document seen by the newspaper said that "The main focus has to be Brown and how we can raise the political cost of him not giving us a referendum and, conversely, raising the political benefit to him of giving people a vote."
It also reports that parliament's European Scrutiny Committee is reported to be "angered" by continuing "ministerial stonewalling" and attempts by the Government to play down the significance of the revised Constitution, "CREATING A POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS ENEMY FOR THE GOVERNMENT."
In addition to other groups, the article notes that the Government can expect pressure for a referendum from trade unions, with the GMB already calling for a referendum, and other major unions - including the T&P and Unison - potentially in favour of a vote.
French Defence Minister: "we'll use the Constitution to create a "hard core" in the defence of Europe."
He argues that the responsibility of our generation is to give a more ambitious dimension to the defence of Europe. He says, "Soon, a new institutional treaty will permit reinforced cooperation, notably in the area of defence, SINCE "DEFENCE EUROPE" WILL MOVE FORWARD BY USING A HARD CORE OF COUNTRIES WHICH WANT TO TAKE ON THEIR OWN SECURITY."
That implies giving substance to the spirit of European defence, reinforcing the Union's headquarters, favouring the European framework for external operations, and developing concrete achievements (for example, the European gendarmerie force.)
The President of the Republic has underlined the necessity of a real European industrial policy in the face of Chinese or American giants. It will be a question of both building common programmes and achieving A EUROPEAN INTEGRATION OF INDUSTRY.?
The UK Government originally opposed the proposals in the Constitutional Treaty which would allow the creation of a hard core in defence (known in the jargon as "permanent structured cooperation"). Peter Hain tried to have it deleted and said that "The UK has made clear that it cannot accept the proposed ESDP reinforced cooperation provision. While we support Member States making higher capability commitments and co-operating with partners to this end, the approach described here - A SELF-SELECTING INNER GROUP - undermines the inclusive, flexible model of ESDP that the EU has agreed?"
However, the UK gave way on this point. THE CONSTITUTIONAL TREATY WOULD ALLOW THE HARD CORE TO BE SET UP AND MAKE ITS DECISIONS BY QMV. Sarkozy is very clearly keen to use this new facility to create the "defence Europe" which the Government has always opposed - so Brown might live to regret Blair's weakness on this issue.
LONDON and Edinburgh are formally operating as separate administrations, breaking the powerful civil service links that used to bind Scotland into the rest of the United Kingdom.
The country's most senior civil servant has disclosed that the election of the SNP has brought an end to the informal contacts that used to be commonplace between the Scottish Executive and UK government.
In a development that will alarm unionist politicians at Westminster, Sir John Elvidge has revealed civil servants no longer exchange information informally, as they did in the first eight years of devolution.
The sea change in relations between Edinburgh and Whitehall was revealed as Sir John, the Permanent Secretary at the Executive, said he was pressing ahead with plans to create a separate Scottish civil service, severing the link with Whitehall that has existed for more than a century. In an exclusive interview with The Scotsman, he also hinted that there could be a formal move to drop the title Scottish Executive and replace it with Scottish Government.
It isn't your imagination - wine really is getting stronger.
I had a delicious South African Viognier the other day and was staggered to find, when I glanced at the label, that it was 15.5 per cent alcohol by volume - nearly as strong as a fortified wine. A glass later and I was feeling the effects. Twenty years ago, the average strength was around 12.5 per cent, whereas today it is nearer 14 per cent.
Avery believes there's a simpler answer. "THE MORE POWERFUL AND CONCENTRATED RED WINES SEEMED TO PLEASE WINE CRITICS AND COMPETITION JUDGES, ESPECIALLY IN THE US," he says. "The resulting high scores encouraged producers to go for higher alcohol levels." Others say improvements in viticulture and vinification led to the hike in alcohol levels.
In the old days, vines were often pretty much left to get on with it. Today, careful pruning allows buds to appear earlier and in greater numbers, and the grapes to then ripen for longer. Riper grapes mean more sugar; more sugar produces a higher alcohol content.
Skinner, too, believes producers are "deliberately making wines that are big, blowsy and very alcoholic to catch judges' attention at wine shows".
Looking frail but exuding his trademark charm Nelson Mandela celebrated his 89th birthday on Wednesday by launching an alliance of elder statesmen.
Their brief is to confront intractable international problems. The "Elders" as the group is to be known includes Mr Mandela's fellow Nobel peace laureates, the former archbishop of Cape Town, Desmond Tutu, and the former US president, Jimmy Carter, as well as the former UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, and the former Irish president Mary Robinson.
"Using their collective experience, their moral courage and their ability to rise above nation, race and creed, they can make our planet a more peaceful and equitable place to live," the former South African president said at the launch ceremony in Johannesburg. "They don't have careers to build, elections to win and constituencies to please," he added
The initiative was planned by Sir Richard Branson and the singer, Peter Gabriel, who have raised US $18m to fund it for the next three years. The aim is for the group to work behind the scenes to try to resolve problems and crises that have defied the efforts of governments and established institutions such as the UN.
"We don't have a magic wand," said Mr Annan but he and others in the group argued that their experience and their collective ability to pick up the phone to call just about anyone in the world might give them a chance to mediate in crises that were bogged down.
An earthquake-wracked nuclear power plant was ordered closed indefinitely Wednesday amid growing anger over revelations that damage was much worse than initially announced.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. warned that the nuclear plant shutdown could lead to power shortages in Japan. It has asked six other power companies to consider providing emergency electricity to prepare for rising demand from summer air conditioning, spokesman Hiroshi Itagaki said.
The mayor of Kashiwazaki, a city of 93,500 on the northern coast, called in the head of the nation's biggest power company and ordered the damaged nuclear station closed until its safety could be confirmed, escalating a showdown over a long list of problems at the world's most powerful generating plant.
"I am worried," Mayor Hiroshi Aida said in ordering the closure. "The safety of the plant must be assured before it is reopened." Officials at Tokyo Electric, operator of the plant, said damage caused by the quake posed no danger to people or the environment. But damage was widely visible on the site, from cracked roads and buckled sidewalks to the charred outside wall of an electrical transformer building that caught fire.
Repercussions from the quake also were felt in the business world.
Shares of Tokyo Electric Power Co. fell in trading on Tuesday and Wednesday, and were at 5 percent below their closing price last week. They ended at $29.5 Wednesday - their lowest level since early December - on heavy trading of more than 13 million shares.
The temporary closure of auto parts maker Riken Corp.'s plant at Kashiwazaki forced Toyota Motor Corp., Nissan Motor Co., Mitsubishi Motors Corp. and Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. to scale back production.
Toyota, Japan's No. 1 automaker and challenging General Motors Corp. for world leadership, will stop production lines at a dozen factories centered in central Aichi prefecture Thursday afternoon and all day Friday, Toyota spokesman Paul Nolasco said.
Several thousand Kashiwazaki residents remained in gymnasiums and civic centers Wednesday night because their homes had either been destroyed or damaged or because water service remained off.
Search teams pulled a 10th body from the rubble Wednesday night, and one man was listed as missing.
At least 37 people have been killed by floods, landslides and mudflows caused by thunderstorms in Southwest China since Monday, the civil affairs ministry said yesterday.
Chongqing received 266.6 mm of rainfall between Monday night and Tuesday afternoon, the largest volume since records began in 1892, the municipal meteorological bureau said yesterday. The previous record was set on July 21, 1996, when the city received 206.1 mm of rainfall, it said.
Heavy rain continued to fall in the city yesterday morning. The sky was gloomy and traffic was at a standstill on most urban roads. Landslides and mud-rock flows that hit 29 of Chongqing's 40 counties had claimed 32 lives as of yesterday. Twelve others were missing and hundreds more were injured.
Despite a short intermission in the afternoon, local meteorological stations have forecast more heavy rain for the next two days. The deluge has paralyzed traffic in and around the city and played havoc with the electricity, telecommunications and transport systems, making some suburban counties "isolated islands". The heavy rainfall is in sharp contrast to the severe draught that struck the landlocked city last year. That too was a first for 100 years.
The disastrous weather has also wreaked havoc in the adjacent Sichuan Province, where five people have been killed by landslides and lightning. In addition, in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Tuesday, the worst rainstorm since records began, disrupted traffic and communications, leaving 1,000 people stranded and thousands of head of livestock dead.
The regional capital Urumqi received 63.2 mm of rainfall between 6 pm on Monday and 11 am on Tuesday, the largest in its history, the municipal meteorological bureau said.
British security services have foiled a plot to assassinate President Putin's arch foe, Boris Berezovsky, according to reports today.
It has emerged today that the Russian tycoon fled his London home, where he lives in self-imposed exile, after Scotland Yard warned him of the threat three weeks ago.
A Russian hitman who intended to shoot Mr Berezovsky at the Hilton hotel, in Park Lane, west London was captured after an operation involving MI5 and MI6, according to the Sun. The newspaper reports that the would-be assassin planned to lure Mr Berezovsky to a meeting and planned to take a child with him in an attempt to appear less suspicious.
The meeting was due to take place during the last two weeks, but the security services and anti-terrorism police mounted a surveillance operation to shadow the gunman and his intended target. The Sun said they took over a room adjoining the meeting place and seized the hitman before he could complete his mission.
Mr Berezovsky said last night he had been warned it was not safe for him to remain in the capital, where he has been living since a 2003 court ruling granted him political asylum. He told the Times: "I was informed by Scotland Yard that my life was in danger and they recommended that I leave the country." I left three weeks ago but have now returned." A spokesman for Scotland Yard said they were not prepared to discuss the matter.
The Russian ambassador denied any involvement, according to the BBC. The billionaire businessman, a friend of the murdered Mr Litvinenko, has survived several attempts on his life.
Britain has twice refused to extradite Mr Berezovsky, who denies charges of tax evasion and embezzlement.
He has since accused Mr Putin of being behind the murder of Mr Litvinenko, who died in November last year when he was poisoned with the radioactive isotope polonium. Appearing on last night's Newsnight on BBC One, he said he was confident he was safe in Britain under the protection of the police.
Tornados and thunderstorms swept across parts of Britain yesterday as flash-flooding forced families to evacuate their homes.
No one was injured in the freak storm, which hit the village of Tibberton just before lunchtime, as the HEAVY WINDS UPROOTED ANCIENT OAK TREES.
Heavy downpours and thunderstorms continued to drench many areas, with forecasters warning the dismal summer is expected to continue to the end of the month.
Residents were evacuated from a rural market town after a heavy downfall caused widespread flooding. A fire service spokesman said at least ten people had been rescued from homes in Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire. Alec Mackie, from Hereford and Worcester Fire Brigade, said water had reached three feet in the town centre after a heavy burst of rain. It is the second time in only three weeks that the town has been flooded.
Home Office leak reveals clash between ministers - Millions of motorists could be tracked
"Big Brother" plans to automatically hand the police details of the daily journeys of millions of motorists tracked by road pricing cameras across the country were inadvertently disclosed by the Home Office last night.
Leaked Whitehall background papers reveal that Home Office and transport ministers have clashed over plans for legislation this autumn enabling the police to get automatic "real-time" access to the bulk data from the traffic cameras now going into operation. The Home Office says the police need the data from the cameras, which can read and store every passing numberplate, "for all crime fighting purposes".
But transport ministers warn of concerns about privacy and "the potential for adverse publicity relating to plans for local road pricing" also due to be unveiled this autumn. There are already nearly 2,000 automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras in place and they are due to double as road pricing schemes are expanded across the country.
Douglas Alexander, who was transport secretary until three weeks ago, told the Home Office the bulk transfer of data to the police was out of proportion to the problem and "might be seen as colouring the debate about road charging (that material being collected for traffic purposes is being used for other outcomes)".
Shami Chakrabarti, the director of Liberty, said: "It is one thing to ask the public for special measures to fight the grave threat of terrorism, but when that becomes a Trojan horse for mass snooping for more petty matters it only leads to a loss of trust in government."
The BBC is bracing itself for revelations about two new potential phone-in scandals, it was reported last night.
The BBC is bracing itself for revelations about two new potential phone-in scandals, it was reported last night.
The daytime antiques show Flog It has also been accused of wrongly editing some footage. A spokeswoman said she could not comment on the reported phone-in scandals.
However, she did confirm the incident involving Flog It, which occurred in 2005. In one auction scene, the cameras appeared to cut away to a woman bidding for a lot. In fact, she had been at an earlier sale bidding for a different lot. The woman's husband complained to the BBC shortly after the episode was screened and the footage was later changed, the spokeswoman said.
Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”
The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!
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