Colombia tackles flood emergency
BBC - 14/06/2007

Colombian is sending emergency funds to regions of the country hit by heavy flooding that has left at least 56 people dead in the past few weeks.

Hypocritical Oath: Psychologists and Torture
By Amy Goodman, King Features Syndicate. - 13/06/2007

The tenet of medicine to do no harm applies to psychologists, yet they are increasingly implicated in abusive interrogations at U.S. military detention facilities like Guantanamo.

New U.S. torture tactics revealed - 13/06/2007

Instead of scrapping abusive interrogation tactics that are being practiced not only in the CIA's secret overseas prisons but also in Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan and Iraq, the Bush administration is finalizing new methods that would give even wider latitude for torture techniques.

Researchers bring 1918 flu virus back to life - 13/06/2007

Scientists have resurrected the 1918 flu virus in Winnipeg and uncovered evidence of what made the microbe such a relentless killer - it turns the body against itself.

UK faces renewed sheep virus risk
BBC - 13/06/2007

A deadly sheep disease which has hit farms on mainland Europe is very likely to reach the UK, experts have warned.

Hamas seizes Fatah security headquarters
AP - 13/06/2007

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Hundreds of Hamas fighters firing rockets and mortar shells captured the headquarters of the Fatah-allied security forces in northern Gaza on Tuesday, scoring a key victory in the bloody battle for control of the seaside strip.

Rules on GM-free food relaxed - 13/06/2007

The definition of GM-free food was relaxed last night as European ministers decided to allow a greater proportion of genetically-modified material into products that could still be labelled "GM free".

European police get access to your DNA
Daily mail - 13/06/2007

Police across the European Union are to be given free access to the DNA of four million Britons, a million of whom are innocent, it has emerged.

'Dolly' Scientist: Make Human Stem Cells From Animal Eggs - 13/06/2007

Stem cells from human embryos are seen as the future of medicine, but a major ethical question surrounds the research.

The Coming Collapse of the U.S. Dollar
By M.R. Venkatesh - 12/06/2007

The skew in the global financial system, commonly called "global imbalance", seems to be fast spiralling out of control.

Report: Risk of nuclear warfare rising - 12/06/2007

The world's top military powers are gradually dismantling their stockpiles of nuclear arms, but all are developing new missiles and warheads with smaller yields that could increase the risk of atomic warfare, a Swedish research institute said Monday.

Worst drought in 60 years hit Gansu - 12/06/2007

In Jingchuan County, Northwest China's Gansu Province, part of the Jinghe River, a major tributary of the Yellow Rivers, dries-up as the worst drought in 60 years has hit the central and eastern areas of Gansu.

Mideast 'may see full-scale war'
Press Association - 12/06/2007

UN envoy Terje Roed-Larsen has warned that the Middle East could see full-scale war.

Analysis: Eyes in the sky - 12/06/2007

Israel's successful launch of the Ofek 7 on Monday should not be taken lightly. WHILE ISRAEL HAS PROVEN NUMEROUS TIMES THAT IT HAS THE ABILITY TO INDEPENDENTLY DEVELOP, MANUFACTURE AND LAUNCH SATELLITES INTO SPACE, the timing of Monday's launch was difficult to ignore.

Gov't urged to clean up Jordan River By RON FRIEDMAN - 12/06/2007

Environmental activists are urging the government to rehabilitate the lower Jordan River after the cultural landscape was declared an "Endangered Cultural Heritage Site" by the leading international body for the protection of monuments.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)