4 Charged in JFK Airport Terror Plot
Associated Press - 03/06/2007

A suspected terrorist cell planned a "chilling" attack to destroy John F. Kennedy International Airport, kill thousands of people and trigger an economic catastrophe by blowing up a jet fuel artery that runs through populous residential neighborhoods, authorities said Saturday.

What if Israelis had abducted BBC man?
telegraph.co.uk - 02/06/2007

Watching the horrible video of Alan Johnston of the BBC broadcasting Palestinian propaganda under orders from his kidnappers, I found myself asking what it would have been like had he been kidnapped by Israelis, and made to do the same thing the other way round.

Protests turn into violent demonstration against G-8 summit

Protesters clashed with police, throwing stones and flagpoles Saturday during a demonstration attended by tens of thousands against the upcoming Group of Eight summit in Germany, a police official said.

Hamas says it may consider a one-year truce with Israel
JPOST.COM - 02/06/2007

Hamas may consider a one-year cease-fire with Israel, the organization's deputy political leader said in an interview published Saturday in an Egyptian newspaper.

IVF industry corrupted by profit, says Lord Winston
Daily Mail - 02/06/2007

The booming fertility industry in Britain was described as "corrupt" by the leading figure in the field.

Scouts' forest chapel torn down
Daily Mail - 02/06/2007

For almost 70 years, Scouts and Guides have savoured their place of peaceful worship under the trees. But no longer. The woodland chapel has been demolished - because it might offend non-Christiansits - wooden pews and rudimentary cross and altar removed. In its place is a campfire circle.

Tropical storm Barbara strengthens off Mexico
Reuters - 02/06/2007

Tropical Storm Barbara strengthened in the Pacific Ocean on Friday and was expected to make landfall near the border between Mexico and Guatemala on Saturday without becoming a hurricane.

Dutch try to grow enviro-friendly meat in lab
Reuters - 02/06/2007

Dutch researchers are trying to grow pork meat in a laboratory with the goal of feeding millions without the need to raise and slaughter animals.

Tropical Storm Barry heads to north Florida
Associated Press - 02/06/2007

MIAMI (AP) -- Tropical Storm Barry was headed to north Florida on Saturday and a tropical storm warning remained in effect for a stretch of the state's northwestern coast.

'A ticking nuclear time bomb'
The Scotsman - 02/06/2007

SUSPENDED from the ceiling, they are covered in deadly radioactive material that drops off them in lumps to the wet floor beneath. The 20,000 fuel rods contained in three tanks at the Andreeva Bay storage site once held enough nuclear energy to power Russia's entire submarine fleet.

Banker: China to have more Euros in forex reserve
chinadaily.com.cn - 01/06/2007

China plans to increase the ratio of Euros in its foreign exchange holdings given the stability in the European Union (EU) economic growth and in the value of the European single currency, central bank vice governor Wu Xiaoling said Thursday in Brussels.

Big Brother's watching: The secret CCTV bunker.
Daily Mail - 01/06/2007

In a bunker beneath the bustling streets of central London, guards monitor a grid of closed-circuit television. The centre, at a secret location, is run by a private company in association with the police and local council.

Food safety fears over plans to feed pigs to chickens
Daily Mail - 01/06/2007

Plans to allow the remains of animals to be reintroduced into farm feed for the first time since the BSE crisis are being drawn up by the EU.

Cardinal 'bullying' over abortion
The Scotsman - 01/06/2007

THE leader of Scotland's Catholics was accused of "hectoring" and "bullying" tactics yesterday after he questioned whether Catholic politicians who supported abortion should receive Holy Communion.

Olmert 'seriously exploring' handing territory to Syria
WorldNetDaily.com - 01/06/2007

TEL AVIV - Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is "very seriously" exploring the possibility of resuming talks with Syria aimed at giving up the Golan Heights, the Israeli media reported yesterday, quoting top diplomatic sources.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)