Hamas breaks truce with rockets
BBC - 10/06/2006

Palestinian militant group Hamas says it has fired rockets at Israel for the first time since its truce 16 months ago, in response to civilian deaths.
Hamas accuses Israel of killing seven civilians, three of them children, who were caught in an explosion as they relaxed on a Gaza beach on Friday. Israel, which has been using artillery against suspected Gaza rocket squads, promised to investigate the deaths. There were no immediate Israeli reports of damage from the Hamas rockets.

US outflanked in Eurasia energy politics
Asia Times - 10/06/2006

The United States' global energy-control strategy, it's now clear to most, was the actual reason for the highly costly regime change in Iraq, euphemistically dubbed "democracy" by Washington. But while it is preoccupied with implanting democracy in the Middle East, the United States is quietly being outflanked in the rush to secure and control major energy sources of the Persian Gulf, the Central Asian Caspian Basin, Africa and beyond.

Energy prices dominate G8 agenda
BBC - 10/06/2006

Finance ministers from the G8 group of industrialised nations are meeting in the Russian city of St Petersburg.
Concerns about the high energy prices and the security of energy supplies are top of the agenda.

Swiss Bishops Decry Use of "Medicine Babies"
Zenit News Agency - 09/06/2006

The Swiss bishops' conference has called the practice of creating babies solely for medicinal purposes a "shocking" and unacceptable development in eugenics.

In a message of the bioethics commission of the episcopal conference, released Wednesday, the bishops refer to Switzerland's first "medicine baby," born in Geneva in January 2005, as "shocking eugenics, enveloped in good sentiments."

UK trade gap expands to £5.75bn
BBC - 09/06/2006

The UK's global trade gap widened more than expected in April, Office for National Statistics (ONS) data shows.
The trade deficit grew to £5.75bn in April from an upwardly revised £5.7bn a month earlier, although analysts had expected the gap to remain unchanged.

City of martyrs salutes Zarqawi
BBC - 09/06/2006

For Sheikh Kada, wearing a pale blue prayer cap, Zarqawi's death is a reason to celebrate. But not because the Sheikh sees him as a terrorist - indeed, quite the opposite. He regards Zarqawi as a hero, a martyr who died in the name of Islam.
"He was a great leader - he fought for Islam," says Sheikh Kada, drawing nods of approval from the 10 men sitting in the circle.

Russia: 'Era of cheap fuel is over'
Telegraph.co.uk - 07/06/2006

Russia has served a double warning over the price of oil and intervention to block attempts by its energy firms to move into EU markets.

Spain heading for worst drought since 1947 as reservoir levels fall
The Guardian - 07/06/2006

Spain's reservoirs are in a worse state than last year as the country heads for what some experts are predicting will be the worst drought for 60 years.

China and India: Key Facts
BBC - 07/06/2006

One in three people worldwide lives in either China, the largest communist country, or India, the largest democracy.

Venezuela-India trade to reach $1 bn this year
indiatimes - 07/06/2006

CARACAS: Trade between Venezuela and India will reach $1 billion this year boosted by Venezuelan crude exports to one of Asia's fastest-growing economies, the Indian ambassador has said.

India and China to reopen Silk Route trade
Reuters - 07/06/2006

A bulldozer clears a road in the Nathu-la pass in India's north-eastern border with China, May 29, 2006, to connect India and China and reopen a historic trade route, a potent symbol of rapproachement between Asian giants who fought a Himalayan war in 1962.

Indonesian volcano emissions spread
Reuters - 07/06/2006

YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia (Reuters) - Hot gas and lava from Indonesia's Mount Merapi are flowing in more directions, prompting evacuation of thousands of residents this week, but experts said on Wednesday the volcano's overall emissions have dropped.

Shrinking Dead Sea faces fight to survive
News.scotsman.com - 07/06/2006

The Dead Sea, the lowest point on the earth's surface, is shrinking as its salty waters rapidly dry up.

Kids Eating And Snorting Aspartame To Get High
infowars.com - Dr. Janet Starr Hull - 06/06/2006

Can you imagine discovering that your 12-year-old child is using dry, powdered forms of aspartame to get high? I recently received an email from a woman who discovered her daughter had been eating dry aspartame to get "high."

Scientists to try to clone human embryos
AP - 06/06/2006

Stepping into a research area marked by controversy and fraud, Harvard University scientists said Tuesday they are trying to clone human embryos to create stem cells they hope can be used one day to help conquer a host of diseases.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)