Oil climbs over $73 on worries over Iran flows
Reuters - 05/06/2006

Oil prices climbed over $73 on Monday after Iran hinted it might use oil production as a weapon in its nuclear dispute with the West and hitches at U.S. refineries spurred worries over fuel supplies.

Charles should have interfaith coronation, ex-archbishop insists
Daily Telegraph - 04/06/2006

The coronation of the Prince of Wales must be an "interfaith" event, the former Archbishop of Canterbury has controversially claimed.

Religion Enters Media Mainstream
Zenit News Agency - 03/06/2006

Demand for religious content in the media continues to grow. This can have its downside, as "The Da Vinci Code" and the "Gospel of Judas" demonstrated. But it also means that doors are opening up for Christians who want to get their message across.

Pope Benedict receives Tony Blair
Press Association - 03/06/2006

Pope Benedict XVI has received Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife, Cherie, in an audience.

It was the first time the pontiff has met privately with Mr Blair since Benedict's election last year, but the second time he has met Mrs Blair.

The Vatican gave no details of the meeting, which it described as a private audience.

Pope and Blair talk faith, terror
CNN - 03/06/2006

Pope Benedict and British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Saturday agreed on the importance of dialogue between faiths and cultures to tackle terrorism.

Gov't Agrees to Mandatory Homosexual Curriculum with No Opt-Out
LifeSiteNews.com - 01/06/2006

A homosexual teacher and his same-sex partner who launched a human rights complaint with the British Columbia government have settled with the Government of British Columbia. According to the homosexual activist who launched a human rights suit, homosexual issues will soon be a mandatory part of school curricula taught in classrooms throughout the province, without the ability of students or parents to opt out.

New Orleans' sinking worsens
Aljazeera - 01/06/2006

The southern US city of New Orleans, devastated by last year's Hurricane Katrina, is sinking faster than previously thought, scientists say.

Russia, China close ranks in Central Asia
AFP - 30/05/2006

Russia and China moved Tuesday to fortify their growing security cooperation in Central Asia but reassured the United States that their new-found unity of purpose in the prized region was not designed to subvert US interests there.

Geologists: Indonesia quake could awaken volcano
Mail & Guardian online - 30/05/2006

Geologists warned on Tuesday that simmering Mount Merapi volcano could blow its top in the wake of the powerful quake that devastated swathes of Indonesia's main island of Java.

Palestinian voices: Hamas and Israel
Aljazeera - 29/05/2006

The Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, has threatened to call a referendum unless Hamas resolves differences with his Fatah faction.

Police Reverse Stand, Ban Jews from Temple Mount
Arutz Sheva - 25/05/2006

Police authorities have reversed their stand and prohibited a group of Jews from visiting the Temple Mount Thursday, Jerusalem Reunification Day, because of fears of violence

Constitution re-launched
Die Welt - 12/05/2006

On 11 May 2006, in a formal government statement to the Bundestag, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, called for a new foundation in the European project. We must put citizens at the centre, she said, apparently happy to gloss over the fact that when the citizens are given a say over EU affairs they generally vote 'No' as in France and the Netherlands last year. The speech was notable mainly for its repetition of old chestnuts about how the EU creates peace, together with the new line about how it will in future intervene militarily wherever it likes.

Labour isn't wicked - but it's doing just what the Nazis did
Daily Telegraph by Danny Kruger - 27/03/2006

Tyranny is sidling in. It is entering with face averted, under cover of a host of laws whose ostensible purpose is the reverse of their actual effect.

Fears over teaching creationism
BBC - 21/03/2006

Schools should not be teaching the Bible-based version of the origins of the world, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said.

Europe's angry young Muslims
BBC - 07/03/2006

Europe is home to a new generation of alienated young Muslims whose anger may turn to radicalism.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)