Strong storm targets Northern California
AP - 27/12/2005

CALIFORNIA, USA - Another strong Pacific storm is expected to slam the coast Tuesday, bringing rain from the California-Oregon state line to the San Francisco Bay Area, forecasters said.

"Israel is the reason behind Iraq war"
AlJazeera - 26/12/2005

USA - Iraq under Saddam Hussein never posed a threat to the United States, but it was considered as one by Israel, the US's biggest ally in the Middle East. That is why Washington launched the war, a top-level White House intelligence group said.

China Closes Down Thousands of Coal Mines
AP - 26/12/2005

CHINA - China has closed 2,411 coal mines for safety violations, its latest campaign to reduce the death toll in the disaster-plagued industry, and will start requiring mines to post safety bonds, news reports said Monday.

Muslims in the United Kingdom.
BBC - 26/12/2005

UK - Islam is widely considered Europe's fastest growing religion, with immigration and above average birth rates leading to a rapid increase in the Muslim population.

Sharon to undergo heart procedure.
ABC News - 26/12/2005

ISRAEL - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is to return to hospital early next month to undergo a minor heart procedure, his doctor has said.

We will all mention the war, Nuremberg tells English fans
The Times - 26/12/2005

GERMANY - When England fans tumble out of Nuremberg's trains and trams next summer they will be confronted by an extraordinary sight: 23 English language information stands telling them in detail about the city's Nazi past.

Cardinals issue marriage warning
BBC - 26/12/2005

ITALY - A number of Catholic cardinals have warned Italian women against mixed marriages with the rising number of Muslims in the country.

Romania deadly bird flu spreads
BBC - 26/12/2005

ROMANIA - Tests on poultry found dead in Romania have showed they had the deadly H5N1 bird flu strain, officials have said.

China plans mass bird flu vaccine
BBC - 26/12/2005

CHINA - China says it plans to produce one billion doses of a new bird flu vaccine for animals.

Tsunami: Anatomy of a disaster
BBC - 26/12/2005

INDIAN OCEAN - At 0059 GMT on 26 December 2004, a magnitude 9.3 earthquake ripped apart the seafloor off the coast of northwest Sumatra. Over 100 years of accumulated stress was released in the second biggest earthquake in recorded history.

Mourners mark tsunami anniversary
BBC - 26/12/2005

INDIAN OCEAN - Ceremonies have been taking place to mark the first anniversary of the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami.

Queen speaks of faith and tragedy
BBC NEWS - 25/12/2005

UK - The Queen has focused in her Christmas message on terrorist acts and natural disasters that dominated 2005.

Pope asks for spiritual 'wake-up'
BBC NEWS - 25/12/2005

VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI has used his first Christmas message to issue a wake-up call to Catholics and to all humanity.

2005 a successful year for Muslims' business growth
AlJazeera - 24/12/2005

MIDDLE EAST - Dinar Standard, a business strategy e-magazine, released its 2nd annual ranking of top 100 businesses in the 57 member countries of the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference.) The ranking shows a healthy 28.7% in aggregate revenue growth of its listed companies over the previous year - indicating a strengthening of economies in the Muslim world.

9,000 Still Missing in Quake-Hit Areas
Arab News - 24/12/2005

PAKISTAN - At least 9,000 people are still missing in Azad Kashmir and the North West Frontier Province following the October 8 earthquake.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)