UK - A series of explosions ripped through London today as suspected terrorist attacks on tube trains and a bus killed at least 38 people, plunging the capital into chaos.
UK - Prime Minister Tony Blair called the win "a momentous day" for Britain.
UK - Crude oil hits a record $60 a barrel!
CHINA - Heavy floods have crashed into towns across southern China, killing at least 80 people, leaving dozens missing and forcing almost 700,000 to run for their lives, state media and residents said.
UK - Britain is being hit by a hi-tech crime wave. More and more of us are going online and so is international organised crime.
USA - The FBI missed several opportunities to uncover and possibly prevent the 11 September 2001 attacks on the US, a high-level report has found.
BARI, ITALY - Christian unity and resistance to materialism and increasing secularism.
FRANCE - France rejects the European constitution.
USA - Governments around the world betrayed their commitment to human rights in 2004, Amnesty International says.
BRITAIN - Britain's 3 billion pounds European Union rebate is "no longer justified", Jose Manuel Barroso, the European Commission president has declared, adding to the international pressure on Tony Blair to give up a concession won during the Thatcher years.
KABUL - AFGANISTAN - Desecration of the Quran by a US soldier.
LONDON, UK - With powerful finance minister Gordon Brown, 54, hungry for the top job and Blair, 52, saying he will not stand again, the prime minister could turn into a lame duck, analysts said.
FRANCE - The A380, a twin-deck behemoth capable of carrying up to 800 people, is due to be flown by two veteran French test pilots, Claude Lelaie and Jacques Rosay, Airbus said.
VATICAN - Three weeks after the death of John Paul II, pilgrims and patriarchs, presidents and priests once again packed the cobbled expanse in front of St Peter's Basilica for the solemn service - the final rite in the papal transition.
VATICAN - Around the world, a billion Catholics are now wondering where their new Pope will take them.