Oil Found In Israeli-Occupied Golan Heights Could Spark New War In Region

ISRAEL - Oil reserves were recently discovered in Golan Heights, which is occupied by Israel but legally belongs to Syria. Enormous oil reserves have recently been discovered in the highly disputed territory of Golan Heights. Israel has occupied the region since taking it from Syria during the 1967 Six-Day War, but the area is still recognized by the international community as Syrian territory. With the discovery comes massive geo-political implications, leaving some wondering if it could serve as the catalyst to throw the region into complete chaos.

2015 Million Mask March: Arrests in London, rush against Monsanto in DC

UK - Protesters took to the streets in hundreds of cities around the world for the 2015 Million Mask March on Thursday, with police arresting dozens in London and activists storming the doors of biotech giant Monsanto in Washington, DC.

Mass immigration is on the verge of DESTROYING Europe

EUROPE - Several millennia were required to build European civilisation but its impending destruction has been the work of just a few years, carried out by a cadre of irresponsible, unpatriotic and deluded politicians led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

EU migrant crisis fuels biggest rise in Nazism since Adolf Hitler

GERMANY - The huge number of migrants flooding into Germany has sparked a terrifying neo-Nazi revival which is threatening to plunge the country into anarchy, it was claimed today. Police in the besieged nation have been confronted with its worst period of violence and civil unrest since the days of Hitler's Nazis as anger over Angela Merkel's open door policy reaches boiling point.

293 Ounces of Paper Gold For Every Ounce Of Physical

There Are Now 293 Ounces of Paper Gold For Every Ounce Of Physical As Comex Registered Gold Hits New Low. Unlike Bitcoin, which has doubled in the past few weeks (as the predicted Chinese buying onslaught indeed materialized), it hasn't been a good week for spot gold prices which have tumbled from $1,180 to just over $1,100.

US Fed chairman Janet Yellen says December rate rise on the table

USA - Dollar jumps and stocks fall after Janet Yellen describes rate rise in December as a 'live possibility'. The chairman of the US Federal Reserve has paved the way for an interest rate rise next month, saying policymakers were poised to tighten policy if data continued to show US growth remained solid.

Global Cooling: Decade Long Ice Age Predicted As Sun ‘Hibernates’

EUROPE - Scientists claim we are in for a decade-long freeze as the sun slows down solar activity by up to 60 per cent. A team of European researchers have unveiled a scientific model showing that the Earth is likely to experience a “mini ice age” from 2030 to 2040 as a result of decreased solar activity.

Women are either bisexual or gay but 'never straight'

UK - Research has found that though lesbians are much more attracted to the female form, most women who say they are straight are in fact aroused by videos of both naked men and naked women. The study, led by Dr Gerulf Rieger from the Department of Psychology at the University of Essex, involved 345 women whose responses to being shown videos of naked men and women were analysed. The results, which were based on elements such as whether their pupils dilated in response to sexual stimuli, showed that 82% of the women tested were aroused by both sexes. Dr Rieger said: "Even though the majority of women identify as straight, our research clearly demonstrates that when it comes to what turns them on, they are either bisexual or gay, but never straight."

Drug Overdoses Killed More Americans Than Car Crashes or Guns

USA - "Drug overdose deaths are the leading cause of injury death in the United States, ahead of motor vehicle deaths and firearms (deaths)," the Drug Enforcement Agency announced on Wednesday. In 2013, the most recent year for which data is available, 46,471 people in the United States died from drug overdoses, and more than half of those deaths were caused by prescription painkillers and heroin. That compares with the 35,369 who died in motor vehicle crashes and 33,636 who died from firearms, as tallied by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Sadly this report confirms what we’ve known for some time: drug abuse is ending too many lives while destroying families and communities,” Acting DEA Administrator Chuck Rosenberg said as he released the 2015 National Drug Threat Assessment.

Socialists gather in NYC to plot political overhaul

USA - The Workers World Party is taking to New York City for a two-day conference to show how to spread socialism around the nation and world, and to explain why the time is ripe for such expansion.

India wants people to turn in their gold

INDIA - India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a program to lure tons of gold from households into the country’s banking system. The program consists of three schemes; a gold monetization scheme, gold sovereign bonds and Indian gold coin.

The supermarkets' guilty secret about unsold food

UK - Supermarkets are discarding hundreds of tons of food every year. What can be done to stop it, asks Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. At the Unity Youth Centre in Toxteth, Liverpool, chef Craig McKenzie rustles up free hot meals for a hall full of hungry children who've just put in a hard day at school. What makes his job particularly satisfying is that he's cooking with ingredients that would otherwise have gone to waste.

Britain next? Migrants 'on benefits' flood German village

GERMANY - Villagers in the sleepy German countryside say their idyllic lives have been shattered by the arrival of 750 migrants in a stark warning shot to Britain about the effects of mass migration. In a chilling snapshot of what could face communities in the UK, residents of rural Sumte are bracing themselves for a crimewave after being overwhelmed by the huge number of new arrivals, who will soon outnumber them by more than seven-to-one.

Deep Divisions in German Coalition Threaten Merkel's Power Base

GERMANY - German Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing the toughest test of her political career after talks to resolve deep divisions within her coalition government threaten to split the union, with potentially serious consequences for Germany and the EU itself.

Refugee crisis could spark WAR if Austria closes border with Germany, Merkel warns

GERMANY - German Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned of fresh conflicts in Eastern Europe if countries fail to properly manage the refugee crisis. Ms Merkel said Balkan states could be plunged back into war - the first time since the 1990s - if Germany closed its border with Austria. She told members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union party that erecting a fence to stem the unrelenting flow of migrants would "lead to a backlash".

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)