EU member states REFUSE to accept migrants under quota system

EUROPE - The European Union lurched ever closer to total disintegration today as it emerged that its flagship migrant quota policy is already in tatters… because NIMBY member states are REFUSING to take their share of refugees. Brussels leaders had hoped that a controversial deal to relocate hundreds of thousands of migrants would patch up frosty relations between warring neighbours who cannot agree over who should shoulder the burden of the crisis.

For First Time Ever: Majority of Democrats Now View Socialism Favorably

USA - For the first time ever, a majority of Democrat voters view Socialism favorably. Over at Rasmussen, the pollsters have discovered that — for the first time in history — self-identified members of the Democrat Party now view socialism favorably.


UK - Staggering ocean changes, from El Nino and La Nina threaten global climate chaos for months to come with floods, storms, heavy snow and rapid fluctuations in temperature across Britain and the rest of the world. Scientists are now certain the powerful El Nino warming of waters off the coast of South America which set in earlier this year will be the strongest for almost 20 years and will have catastrophic knock-on effects around the world including in Britain.

National Grid uses 'last resort' measures to keep UK lights on

UK - Coal plant breakdowns and low wind power output force National Grid to pay dozens of businesses to reduce their energy usage. Britain was forced to rely on new "last resort" measures to keep the lights on for the first time on Wednesday after coal power plants broke down and wind farms produced less than one per cent of required electricity.

Finally! Studies Prove That Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier

USA - A study from the 1990s has come to light, proving that compared to unvaccinated children, vaccinated children were more likely to suffer from asthma, eczema, ear infections, hyperactivity and many other chronic conditions. Furthermore, the study identified that there was a ten-fold increase in the incidence of tonsillitis in the children who were vaccinated, and a total lack of tonsillectomy operations among the children who were unvaccinated. In 1992, the Immunization Awareness Society (IAS) conducted a survey to examine the health of New Zealand’s children. Unsurprisingly, the results of their study indicated that unvaccinated children were far healthier than vaccinated children.

Iran Ayatollah: 'Death to America' refers to US policies

IRAN - The slogan "Death to America" is not aimed at the American people, but rather American policies, Iran's supreme leader said in comments reported on his official website Tuesday. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei discussed the slogan while meeting with Iranian students ahead of the anniversary of the takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979.

Christians Are At War With One Another As Americans Leave The Church In Droves

USA - Christianity is under attack from a thousand different directions all at once, and yet many believers have turned their guns on one another. This war among Christians seems to intensify with each passing year, and believers are often fighting for some of the stupidest reasons you can possibly imagine.

Soros Admits Involvement In Migrant Crisis

EUROPE - Billionaire investor George Soros has confirmed he wants to bring down Europe’s borders, following the accusation made last week by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Last week, Mr Orban accused Mr Soros – who was born in Hungary – of deliberately encouraging the migrant crisis.

Liberal media financier George Soros openly admits plan to destroy national borders

EUROPE - For years many in the alternative media, as well as those in more conspiracy orientated right-wing circles, have attempted to expose the fact that liberal billionaire George Soros has and is funding a vast network of left-wing media outlets, activists, and social justice organizations.

A Mass Migration Crisis, and It May Yet Get Worse

EUROPE - They arrived in an unceasing stream, 10,000 a day at the height, as many as a million migrants heading for Europe this year, pushing infants in strollers and elderly parents in wheelchairs, carrying children on their shoulders and life savings in their socks. They came in search of a new life, but in many ways they were the heralds of a new age.

Libya warns it could flood Europe with migrants

LIBYA - Libya has issued a veiled threat to send "hundreds of thousands" of extra migrants to Europe if Brussels does not give official recognition to its self-declared government. Officials say they could hire boats to send large numbers of African migrants across the Mediterranean, massively adding to the numbers already reaching Europe's borders.

Over 350 languages spoken in USA

USA - Those who speak Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese at home are less proficient in English than Spanish-speakers according to striking findings the Census Bureau released Tuesday that suggest some Asians may have a tougher time mastering English than Hispanics.

$20 trillion man

USA - When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

George Osborne says UK can get 'best of both worlds' from EU talks

UK - George Osborne has insisted Britain can get the "best of both worlds" out of its EU renegotiation, in an interview with the BBC's Laura Kuenssberg. He said the UK could get the benefits of the single market but not the "burdens" of bailing out the eurozone. The chancellor is in Berlin to set out the UK's economic demands ahead of a planned in/out referendum.

Berlin dismayed over Britain's EU reform push

GERMANY - Among senior members of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrat party, there is some dismay that Britain is embarking on negotiations over its relationship with the EU at a time when Germany is housing refugees in sports halls.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)