Pied Piper of Berlin: Merkel's Migrant Policy Alienating Europe

GERMANY - The future of European cooperation is threatened by Angela Merkel's insistence on forcing other European nations to follow Germany's course on issues such as the migrant crisis and Greek debt crisis, leading Germany to bear the weight of the unpopular decisions it has imposed, warned Deutsche Welte on Wednesday.

Sweden Burns Amid Anti-Migrant Mayhem as Arson Attacks Continue

SWEDEN - A fire has reportedly ripped through yet another facility for asylum seekers in Sweden; it is only the latest in an array of hate-fueled arson attacks that have brought emotions to a broil in the country in the past few weeks.

Portugal's new government trapped

PORTUGAL - Portugal's conservative minority government will be sworn in today. In view of the left-wing majority in parliament it is unlikely to remain in office for long. But that won't be its only problem, the centre-right daily Diário de Notícias comments: "Portugal's economic situation is like a mousetrap that is poised to snap shut any time now.

Former President of Greenpeace Scientifically Rips Climate Change to Shreds

UK - The following [are excerpts] from a lecture delivered by Patrick Moore, formerly President of Greenpeace International, to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in London. He is a vocal critic of faulty science that supports climate-change caused by humans. Since he was a legend in the eco-movement, his current assessment is credible and authoritative.

Proof of aliens about to happen?

UK - A team of scientists and other experts have set up UFODATA to seriously investigate Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) seen on Earth and beyond. Mainstream scientists are involved in the Search for Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life Institute (SETI), which looks light years into the cosmos searching for any frequencies coming from alien technologies, but have historically been reluctant to embrace the issue of flying saucer and other UFO sightings.

Vatican marks 50th Anniversary of its end to official anti-Semitism

VATICAN - The Catholic Church on Wednesday marked the 50th anniversary of a landmark declaration by which it ended centuries of officially condoned anti-Semitism and urged bridge-building with all other faiths. The document "Nostra Aetate" (Latin for "In Our Time") most significantly repudiated the charge that all Jews should be held responsible for the death of Jesus. Adopted on October 28, 1965 by Pope Paul VI at the end of the ground-breaking Second Vatican Council, the declaration was credited with revolutionising Catholic relations with Judaism.

Indonesia: Earth's LARGEST wildfire blazes out of control

INDONESIA - One of Nature’s most powerful forces and mankind’s greatest discovery are conspiring to cause one of the worst environmental disasters in living memory. Almost 500,000 men, women and children are choking in the vast smoke clouds thrown up into the skies by Indonesia’s wildfire epidemic.

Brazil, land of water, goes thirsty

BRAZIL - The sign - "risk of drowning" - outside one of Rio de Janeiro's freshwater reservoirs looks like a joke: there's no water here left to drown in. Instead, the Saracuruna reservoir near Duque de Caxias, outside Rio, is an expanse of sand, mud and vegetation. Four stray dogs scamper and cattle come to drink from a stream still running through the middle.

Water restrictions begin in Gauteng

SOUTH AFRICA - Rand Water, South Africa's biggest water utility, has implemented water restrictions as the country's drought continues to intensify. Rand Water, which supplies Tshwane, Johannesburg and Ekurhuleni with drinking water, has announced that water restrictions will begin immediately owing to “increased demand caused by persistent high temperatures”.

Woman Who Killed Her Baby Has Conviction Overturned

USA - A New York court recently ruled that a Long Island woman who killed her baby in a car accident cannot be convicted because her baby was not a person yet. The Times Union reports Jennifer Jorgensen previously was found guilty of second-degree manslaughter for causing the death of her baby daughter in a car crash. She also was indicted for driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol and endangering the welfare of a child, according to the report.

Nothing evil about Halloween

USA - Last night, I had the opportunity to experience one of the best Halloween traditions I’ve ever seen, the annual Trunk-or-Treat program in downtown Sunnyside. Thousands of children dressed in fantastic costumes. There were superheroes, witches, Disney characters, pirates, ghouls, zombies and even a twin box of Willy Wonka Nerds candy. You name it, it was there. Adults participated, too.

Jesus 'not a real person' many believe

UK - Forty percent of people in England do not believe Jesus was a real person, a survey suggests. However, 43% of the people asked said they did believe in the resurrection - although many did not think it happened as described in the Bible.

US warns Britain: If you leave EU you face barriers to trading with America

UK - The United States is not keen on pursuing a separate free trade deal with Britain if it leaves the European Union, the US trade representative, Michael Froman, said – the first public comments from a senior US official on the matter.

China: The Ghost Cities Finally Died

CHINA - For China's Steel Industry "The Outlook Is The Worst Ever Amid Unprecedented Losses". It's almost difficult to believe, but just 8 years ago, in 2007 and right before the world was swept in the worst financial crisis in history, China had only $7.4 trillion in debt, or 158% in consolidated debt/GDP. Since then this debt has risen to over $30 trillion (specifically $28.2 trillion as of Q2, 2014) representing a staggering 300% debt/GDP.

EU wades into China sea row

EUROPE - The European Union (EU) has sided with America after China warned the US could spark war in a row over the South China Sea. Admiral Wu Shengli, of the Chinese Navy, fired the warning shot amid intense talks with his American counterpart Admiral John Richardson during a video teleconference call.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)