Russia is ‘great power & essential partner’ – Sarkozy

FRANCE - Russia is “destined to be a great power” which cannot be isolated and should be reckoned with, Nicolas Sarkozy said on a visit to Moscow. The former French president also noted that all parties seeking to eradicate ISIS should unite their efforts in Syria.

ISIS claim they 'successfully' DOWNED jet over Sinai as revenge for Russian air strikes

RUSSIA - Islamic State militants have claimed it brought down a Russian passenger plane, killing all 224 people on board, in revenge for air strikes in Syria. Terror Monitor, an online terrorist monitoring organisation, claims to have a statement from Islamic State militants claiming responsibility for the attack.

Migrants March Through Hannover and Claim Germany For Allah

GERMANY - Last week in the town of Hannover in Germany, Muslim migrants, no longer pretending to be “refugees”, marched through the city streets waving the black flag of ISIS and claiming the land for Allah. I don’t know how many times we have to say it – but – they are not refugees and they are not migrants. They are Islamic jihadis who are acting en masse to claim Europe for Allah and Islam. They are not assimilating and they will not assimilate into the culture of their host nations. They will demand that you submit to the Sharia, and guess what? That’s exactly what’s happening. In England, it has already happened. If you ever wanted to know what it was like to watch the downfall of a major nation, you’re looking at it. This is what they desperately want to do in America, and Obama is helping them to do it.

Banks fume at EU move to strengthen break-up powers

EUROPE - A controversial European Union bid to hand regulators more power to break up big banks has been given a shot in the arm after Brussels legislators agreed a preliminary deal following months of deadlock and fierce lobbying from the financial industry.

Catholic Paul Ryan is elected House Speaker

USA - Paul Ryan has been elected House Speaker – making six out of the eight last speakers Catholic. Representative Ryan was officially elected as the speaker of the House, with 236 votes out of 247 Republicans in the chamber. Ryan, 45, the youngest speaker since 1869, takes over from John Boehner, who is also Catholic. His appointment makes him the sixth Catholic House Speaker out of the last eight – or seventh taking into account Newt Gingrich, who converted to Catholicism in 2009 after his time as speaker. “We’re going to move forward. We’re going to unify,” Ryan told reporters on Wednesday. He will now be sworn in using his own copy of the New American Standard Bible, which he reportedly uses for weekly Bible study.

Claim: Public-Private Partnerships Drive Sustainable Change

USA - Public-Private-Partnerships are a Sustainable Development scheme that allows for-profit corporations to get plugged into public money for commercial ends. History reveals that this is nothing other than pure Fascism.

Germany aims at new cooperation with RussiaComment

GERMANY - Berlin has announced a "German-Russian Youth Year" for 2016/2017. As former Head of the Federal Chancellery Ronald Pofalla (CDU) declared last week at the conclusion of a German-Russian Cooperation Meeting ("Petersburg Dialogue"), cooperation between German and Russian civil societies is "more important than ever."

Germany: Merkel opens door to her opponents

GERMANY - Chancellor Angela Merkel’s most important critic in the refugee crisis is her greatest political ally — Horst Seehofer, chief minister of Bavaria. For a leader normally adored by her followers, a recent regional party conference in the east German town of Schkeuditz was a shock for chancellor Angela Merkel.

Muslim Migrants Invited to Take Over German Church

GERMANY - A Protestant church in Oberhausen, Germany is set to remove Christian crosses, altars and pulpits in order to accommodate 50 Muslim migrants who were invited to stay in the building. “The parish had offered that to the city,” Oberhausen city spokesperson Rainer Suhr told media outlets.

Second German woman evicted from her home to make way for refugees

GERMANY - A woman in Germany is being evicted from her home of 23 years to make way for asylum-seekers, in the second such case to emerge. Gabrielle Keller has been given until the end of the year to leave her flat in the small southern town of Eschbach, near the border with France. The flat belongs to the local municipality, which says it is needed to house refugees.

First They Jailed the Bankers, Now Every Icelander to Get Paid in Bank Sale

ICELAND - First, Iceland jailed its crooked bankers for their direct involvement in the financial crisis of 2008. Now, every Icelander will receive a payout for the sale of one of its three largest banks, Íslandsbanki.

Islamic State planning mass attack on Britain, warns head of MI5

UK - Islamic State terrorists are planning mass casualty attacks in Britain the head of MI5 has warned. Andrew Parker, director general of the security agency, said threats from homegrown jihadis who want to fight for the militant movement showed no sign of abating.

Will Congress Drive a Stake Into The Heart Of Climate Change?

USA - Don’t hold your breath on this, but there is stiff resistance forming against the climate change policies of President Obama and the United Nation. Other nations (especially poor ones) already have their hackles raised over the prospect of being forced to fund projects that they will have no control over. Thus, the upcoming Paris summit on climate could degrade into a shouting match.

Agency won’t give GOP internal docs on climate research

USA - The federal government’s chief climate research agency is refusing to give House Republicans the detailed information they want on a controversial study on climate change. Citing confidentiality concerns and the integrity of the scientific process, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said it won’t give Representative Lamar Smith (Republican for Texas) the research documents he subpoenaed.

Hollywood Moves Back to Demonic Possession Stories

USA - It’s enough to make your head spin. Some 40 years after “The Exorcist,” demonic possession is back, spewing out movies, TV shows and books. “Ash vs Evil Dead,” based on the “Evil Dead” film franchise about demons plaguing vacationers at a cabin in the woods, is premiering on the Starz cable network on Halloween. The creator of zombie hit “The Walking Dead” is bringing his possession comic book “Outcast” to Cinemax next year.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)