The US Government Is Spending 400,000 Dollars On A Single Helmet

USA - Would you pay $400,000 for a single helmet? Of course you wouldn’t – but that is precisely what the US government is doing. Just the helmet for the pilot of the new F-35 Lightning II is going to cost taxpayers nearly half a million dollars. And since we are going to need 2,400 of those helmets, the total bill is going to end up approaching a billion dollars. But what is a billion dollars between friends, eh?

A Comedy About Hitler Is The Number One Movie In Germany

GERMANY - A comedy movie about the return of Hitler to modern day Germany has proved a hit – heading straight for number one at the German box office. ‘Look Who’s Back’ is based on the acclaimed – and best-selling – satirical novel by Timur Vermes, and has now knocked Pixar behemoth ‘Inside Out’ off the top spot with a haul of around £8.5 million.

Merkel is part of the problem

GERMANY - For a long time now the German Chancellor has been regarded as the great authority within Europe. But her refugee policy has turned her into a burden for the Union, writes DW's Christoph Hasselbach.

Tony Abbott Urges Europe to Take Hard Line on Migrants

UK - Tony Abbott, the former prime minister of Australia, used his first major speech since his ouster last month to denounce Europe’s migration policies, warning in London that the continent risked “fundamentally weakening itself” through “misguided altruism” as large numbers of asylum seekers arrive.

EU renegotiation: Britain can get 'clarification' on ever-closer union

UK - Britain could get an explicit exemption from “ever closer” EU integration, the European Commission signalled today, in a sign that a deal is in sight for one of the most sensitive issues of David Cameron’s renegotiation. Britain can expect a “clarification” that the EU’s founding principle of ‘ever-closer union’ does not force it to take part in “more and more government” in Brussels.

Eurozone crosses Rubicon as Portugal's anti-euro Left banned from power

PORTUGAL - Constitutional crisis looms after anti-austerity Left is denied parliamentary prerogative to form a majority government. Portugal has entered dangerous political waters. For the first time since the creation of Europe’s monetary union, a member state has taken the explicit step of forbidding eurosceptic parties from taking office on the grounds of national interest.

A new disease is spreading across Europe: hysteresis

EUROPE - Startling new labour market figures reveal how the eurozone is struggling to save a lost generation. Europe's unemployment crisis is the biggest threat to the social fabric of its moribund economies. For all the talk of a cyclical upturn in the single currency - buoyed by record low oil prices, unprecedented quantitative easing, and low interest rates - joblessness strikes at the heart of the eurozone's political and economic malaise.

Tuberculosis rates in parts of London higher than Rwanda and Eritrea

UK - Parts of London have higher rates of tuberculosis than countries such as Rwanda, Eritrea and Iraq, according to a report. The capital recorded more than 2,500 new cases of TB in London last year - about 40 per cent of the UK's total. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria, which is passed on through coughing and sneezing. Most people who get TB have had prolonged exposure to an infected person, the report said. The disease has been treatable for a number of years and it is very likely patients will be cured, although it will take six months worth of medication. But there is also a multiple drugs resistant strand which could mean two years of medication and up to 20 tablets a day - 14,000 in total.

Tuberculosis now rivals AIDS as leading cause of death: WHO

USA - For the first time, tuberculosis infections rivalled HIV/AIDS as a leading cause of death from infectious diseases, the World Health Organization said in a report released on Wednesday. It found that 1.1 million people died of TB in 2014. "The good news is that TB intervention has saved some 43 million lives since 2000," but given that most cases of TB can be successfully treated, the death rate remained "unacceptably high".

Germany says Austrian handling of refugees 'out of order'

AUSTRIA - Germany has accused Austria of dumping asylum-seekers near its border to force them to cross into Bavaria, escalating a row between the countries over thousands of refugees flooding to the region. Thomas de Maiziere, the German interior minister, accused Austria of deliberately moving the refugees after dark to the border region where there is no shelter available, leaving them no choice but to attempt to cross.

Israeli, German Armies Hold Joint Training Exercise in Israel to Practice Urban Warfare

ISRAEL - The Israeli and German armies have conducted joint exercises in urban combat in recent weeks — the largest joint training ever between the two countries. Over a hundred German soldiers arrived in Israel three weeks ago to train at the Tze’elim army base in the south. In addition to infantry and logistics troops, Germany sent five heavy military vehicles. News of the exercises was published simultaneously with this article in the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger. The German soldiers will remain here until Friday. The German defense minister, Ursula von der Leyen, said during a visit to Israel in May that her country's closest security operations were with Israel. Israel has received five submarines from Germany, with a sixth expected soon.

Bundestag president Lammert demands TTIP transparency

GERMANY - The president of German parliament has called for more transparency in the transatlantic trade negotiations. As it stands, Norbert Lammert cannot picture the Bundestag passing the EU trade pact with the USA. Norbert Lammert, the president of the German Bundestag, said on Wednesday that he could not picture the Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP) being ratified by German parliamentarians without further information about how it was negotiated and put together.

Exorcisms, Demonic Possession Rising in Philippines

PHILIPPINES - The Archdiocese of Manila has reportedly been forced to start recruiting new priests to deal with a "three-fold" increase in exorcism requests and reported demonic possessions in the Philippines. "These days we have around 80 to 100 cases at any given time," Father Jose Francisco "Jocis" Syquia, chief exorcist at the Archdiocese of Manila Office of Exorcism, shared with Catholic News Service.

The Church is making life 'hell' for millions of gay Catholics even though the clergy is 'full of homosexuals'

POLAND - A high-ranking Polish priest who was fired after coming out as gay has accused the Catholic Church of making life 'hell' for millions of homosexuals. Father Krzystof Charamsa was stripped of his post earlier this month on the day he announced he was in a relationship with another man.

China “Not Frightened to Fight a War” With US

CHINA - Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece the Global Times has published an editorial asserting that Beijing is “not frightened to fight a war with the US” as a result of the passage of a US warship near disputed islands in the South China Sea. The guided-missile destroyer USS Lassen violated the 12-nautical mile zone China claims around Subi and Mischief reefs in the Spratly archipelago yesterday, a move observers have described as a deliberate provocation.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)