Afghanistan earthquake: At least 30 dead as ENORMOUS quake is felt in THREE countries

Afghanistan - At least 30 people have been killed after a powerful earthquake of 7.5 magnitude struck north Afghanistan, sending tremors through India and Pakistan. The quake epicentre was near Feyzabad in a remote area of Afghanistan in the Hindu Kush mountain range, 45km (28 miles) south-west of Jarm. At least 30 people have died in the earthquake, which is said to have lasted around a minute. The National Disaster Management Authority says aftershocks are expected in the next 24 hours. Strong tremors were also felt in the Pakistani cities of Lahore, Faisalabad and the mountainous region of Chitral and New Delhi, Islamabad and Kabul. The earthquake struck almost exactly six months after Nepal suffered its worst quake on record, on April 24. Including the toll from a major aftershock in May, 9,000 people lost their lives and 900,000 homes were damaged or destroyed.

World's biggest shipping line Maersk slashes profit forecasts amid China slump

DENMARK - Shares dip to two-year low after company says demand in the shipping container market has fallen. Moeller-Maersk cut its profit outlook for 2015 citing a weaker global container shipping market. That’s their weakest level since September 2013. Nordea said the profit warning wasn’t unexpected, but bigger than estimated, according to a note published by senior equity specialist Jesper Grandjean Bamberger. Container rates have been falling amid concern that China’s economic growth is slowing.


EUROPE - THE European Union's "dream" of integration is falling apart and member states face economic decline, a senior official has admitted. Jean-Claude Juncker said the EU is "not going very well" and will soon be eclipsed by booming economies and population growth elsewhere.

Vladimir Putin accuses West of 'double game' with Syria terror groups

RUSSIA - Russian President Vladimir Putin today accused the West of playing a "double game" with terrorist groups in Syria, where a US-led coalition is conducting a bombing campaign.

Populist right-wingers set to win Polish election

POLAND - Final surveys ahead of Sunday’s (25 October) elections in Poland show the right-wing Law and Justice party surging ahead, in a development which could spell trouble for Polish solvency and EU relations.

Saudi Arabia blasts Putin's bid to wipe out evil ISIS

SAUDI ARABIA - A SAUDI official has blasted Russia's bid to wipe out the Islamic State terror group branding it "very dangerous". The Middle East nation's foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir said Moscow's bombing campaign was fuelling the Syria crisis rather than helping to end it.

Saudi Arabia: Eight of King Salman's 12 surviving sons want to oust him

SAUDI ARABIA - Eight of the 12 surviving sons of Saudi Arabia’s founding monarch are supporting a move to oust King Salman, 79, the country’s ailing ruler, and replace him with his 73-year-old brother, according to a dissident prince.

US Tells Iraq: If You Ally with Russia Against ISIS, You’re Our Enemy

RUSSIA - On October 14th, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the US government had turned down the proposal from Russia’s President Vladimir Putin for the US and Russia to cooperate together to eliminate ISIS and other jihadists in Syria and in Iraq.

Putin vs Obama

USA - Have you noticed that the United States and Russia are heading in two very different directions? United behind a very strong leader with an 89.9 percent approval rating, Russia is stunning the world with the efficiency with which it is striking ISIS in Syria. Of course Vladimir Putin is far from perfect, and there are real questions about what Russia’s true motives in Syria and elsewhere are, but this is a leader and a country that have shown that they can get things done.

Oklahoma Earthquakes Are a National Security Threat

USA - In the months after September 11, 2001, as US security officials assessed the top targets for potential terrorist attacks, the small town of Cushing, Oklahoma, received special attention. Even though it is home to fewer than 10,000 people, Cushing is the largest commercial oil storage hub in North America, second only in size to the US government's Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The small town's giant tanks, some big enough to fit a Boeing 747 jet inside, were filled with around 10 million barrels of crude at the time, an obvious target for someone looking to disrupt America's economy and energy supply.

Quake swarm magnitude-3.2 shakes San Ramon Valley

USA - The swarm of small earthquakes that have been rumbling through the East Bay continued Friday morning as a magnitude-3.2 quake hit the San Ramon Valley area — one of more than 200 shakers that have struck since October 15. Friday morning’s temblor, which hit at 6:48 am on the Calaveras Fault and was centered just northeast of San Ramon at a depth of about five miles, was one of the stronger quakes to jolt the area — most of which have been between magnitude-0.8 and 2.0 — but not large enough to cause any significant damage. Still, it was felt as far north as Pittsburg and as far south to Dublin, according to the US Geological Survey.

US Shale Producers Have $150 Billion in Debt

USA - The breakeven price for difficult to extract shale oil is $85-$98 a barrel, according to Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin, which is putting US producers deep in debt. "The total debt of only 25 companies engaged in the extraction of shale oil is about $150 billion," said Sechin speaking at the Eurasian Forum in Verona, Italy, TASS reports.

Growing Doubt: a Scientist's Experience of GMOs

USA - I am a scientist who once made and used GMO crops for research. Twenty years of experience has taught me important lessons about them. One concerns the lack of scientific integrity of GMO risk assessments. Careful study of the documents shows that applicants (mostly companies) are gaming the system in numerous ways; at the same time, government regulators are allowing them to do so. None of this would matter if GMOs were inherently safe, but they are not. They even have dangers that are rarely discussed, even by their critics, but which should be more widely known. These two understandings have led me to conclude that no GMO currently on the market would pass an honest risk assessment, even by the rather low standards that most national regulations and laws require.

Kerry expresses 'cautious optimism' after Netanyahu meeting

USA - US officials say Kerry sought clarification about status quo on Temple Mount in meetings with PM in Germany; ahead of meeting, Netanyahu slams Abbas, asking 'why do he and the Palestinian Authority glorify mufti of Jerusalem who supported the Final Solution during WWII'.

Vatican meeting reveals growing Catholic divide

VATICAN CITY — During a major summit of the Roman Catholic hierarchy that will end this weekend, a senior conservative bishop took the floor inside the Vatican’s assembly hall and promptly charged his liberal peers with doing the devil’s work.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)