The Arab world’s wealthiest nations are doing next to nothing for Syria’s refugees

MIDDLE EAST - As Amnesty International recently pointed out, the "six Gulf countries - Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain - have offered zero resettlement places to Syrian refugees." This claim was echoed by Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, on Twitter: “Guess how many of these Syrian refugees Saudi Arabia & other Gulf states offered to take? 0.”

Why interest rate rises are closer than you think

UK - Turmoil in China and slower UK growth will not blow the Bank of England's plans to raise interest rates off course, policymakers are expected to signal this week.

Greece: Alexis Tsipras faces shock election defeat

GREECE - Neutered Leftist party set to lose power to pro-euro conservatives on September 20, according to latest polls. Greek voters are set to punish the government of prime minister Alexis Tsipras after polls show his hard-Left Syriza party is on course for a shock defeat in a general election later this month.

Russia Is Going To Pass A Law Formally Dumping The US Dollar

RUSSIA - Russian President Vladimir Putin has introduced legislation that would deal a tremendous blow to the US dollar. If Putin gets his way, and he almost certainly will, the US dollar will be eliminated from trade between nations that belong to the Commonwealth of Independent States. In addition to Russia, that list of countries includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

The Amish Don't Get Autism, But they Also Don't Vaccinate

USA - People outside the alternative health community are often confused by the lack of autism in the Amish people. The Amish do not experience autism, or most of the other learning disabilities that plague our technological society. They live in a society that consists of outdated technologies and ideals, at least by contemporary standards.

Russia flirts with Saudi Arabia as OPEC pain deepens

RUSSIA - The OPEC oil cartel cannot withstand the pain of low crude prices indefinitely and may be forced to abandon its pugnacious bid for market share within months, Russia's chief energy official has predicted. Arkady Dvorkovich, the deputy prime minister, said OPEC producers are suffering the ricochet effects of their attempt to flush out rivals by flooding the world with excess output.

Iran Gloats over World Powers' 'Surrender' on Nuclear Deal

IRAN - Iranian Defense Minister says US 'obeyed' Iran's dictates; Supreme Leader's website boasts of Iran's new status as 'military power.' Iranian leaders view the nuclear deal signed by western powers as a "surrender" to Iran, and as cementing the Islamic Republic's status as a "superpower."

Britain wants to quit Europe

UK - A majority of British people would vote to leave the European Union in the wake of the migrant crisis engulfing the continent, a shock new Mail on Sunday poll has found. If a referendum were to be held tomorrow on whether to remain a member of the EU, 51 per cent of British people would vote ‘No’.

US warns Russia against more aid to Assad amid new violence

SYRIA - Anti-government violence erupted Saturday in a southern Syrian province that had largely stayed on the sidelines of the country's civil war. Meanwhile, unconfirmed reports suggesting that Russia was planning to expand its military support for Syrian President Bashar Assad prompted a warning from the US that such actions could lead to a confrontation with coalition forces.

Pope Francis prepares for most political trip yet

VATICAN - Pope Francis is gearing up for potentially his most politically charged trip yet, an eight-day whirlwind visit which will take him from Havana's Revolution Square in Cuba to the headquarters of the United Nations. The Argentine, who will become the first pontiff to address a joint meeting of Congress in Washington, has taken advantage of a summer lull at the Vatican to fine-tune his hotly awaited speeches, sources at the Holy See say.

Marriage License Truth

USA - When it comes to marriage in the United States of America, there are procedures and standards for marriage that one must follow, in which one of those procedures is to acquire a marriage license. Many people go about following the steps outlined for marriage according to the State, without ever knowing the reasoning or history or legal aspect of what they are doing.

Message to the World

GERMANY - The German Bundeswehr will play a leading role in "Operation Trident Juncture," a large scale NATO exercise, set for late September. German NATO-General Hans-Lothar Domröse will command the exercise involving more than 36,000 soldiers. The German Armed Forces' "Multinational Joint Headquarters" based in Ulm (Baden-Württemberg) will be the main coordinator.

‘Welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah’

USA - The husband of a Kentucky clerk who was put behind bars on Thursday for repeatedly refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses said that his wife is faring well after her first night in jail — and that she has plans to continue her battle. Donning a baseball cap and holding a sign that read, “Welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah,” Joe Davis stood outside the Rowan County Courthouse on Friday morning, telling reporters that his wife, county clerk Kim Davis, would stay in jail “as long as it takes” for the government to provide a religious accommodation, the New York Times reported. “She has done her job,” Davis added. “Just because five Supreme Court judges make a ruling, it’s not a law.” Davis called US District Judge David Bunning a bully over his decision to arrest his wife during Thursday’s contempt hearing, and said that she has no plans of resigning her post, according to the Louisville Courier-Journal.

Oregon judge refuses to perform same-sex marriages

USA - Marion County Judge Vance Day is being investigated by a judicial fitness commission in part over his refusal to perform same-sex marriages on religious grounds, a spokesman for the judge said. When a federal court ruling in May 2014 made same-sex marriage legal in Oregon, Day instructed his staff to refer same-sex couples looking to marry to other judges, spokesman Patrick Korten said Friday. Last fall, he decided to stop performing weddings altogether, aside from one in March that had long been scheduled, Korten said. "He made a decision nearly a year ago to stop doing weddings altogether, and the principal factor that he weighed was the pressure that one would face to perform a same-sex wedding, which he had a conflict with his religious beliefs," Korten said.

New ‘ZOMBIE’ drug Devil's Breath which turns teens into crazies hits UK streets

UK - Britons are being warned of a dangerous new crime trend where powdered drugs are blown into the face of targets turning them into unresponsive zombies. The powder, called Devil's Breath, is so potent it enables criminal masterminds to take advantage of their victims, who become devoid of function.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)