Japan Launches Latest Helicopter Carrier

JAPAN - Japan has launched the second in its new class of helicopter carrier — the largest Japanese ships since World War II — in a Thursday ceremony in Yokohama. The 24,000-ton Kaga (DDH-184) — built by ship builder Japan Marine United — bears the same name as the World War II Imperial Japanese Navy carrier Kaga that was part of the Pearl Harbor attack and was sunk in the Battle of Midway. The ship follows JS Izumo (DDH-183) which entered service in the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF) in March. The Japanese have said the primary roles of the two ships are anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and humanitarian aid and disaster relief (HADR) operations. The ships “heighten our ability to deal with Chinese submarines that have become more difficult to detect,” a JMSDF officer told Asahi Shimbum in March.

'Merkel' Has Become A Verb In German Youth Vernacular

GERMANY - On the international stage, she's seen as decisive and principled, especially when it concerns austerity measures in Europe. Domestically, however, Germany's chancellor is known for a wait-and-see approach to politics. Her political position on major debates, like gay marriage, is deemed as deliberately vague. Merkel's propensity to hesitate before reacting publicly is seen by some as measured and methodical, an approach that speaks to her scientific training. Others consider her a pragmatist who adjusts her principles according to the political mood. There's even a word for her leadership style: "Merkeln." It's a verb which, according to the German dictionary publisher Langenscheidt, means "to do nothing, make no decisions, issue no statements."

Cocaine Production Plummets After DEA Kicked Out of Bolivia

BOLIVIA - After the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) was kicked out of Bolivia, the country was able to drastically reduce the amount of coca (cocaine) produced within its borders. According to data released by the United Nations, cocaine production in the country declined by 11% in the past year, marking the fourth year in a row of steady decrease.

The Rise of the “Permanent Prisoners of War” in America

USA - Both books tell a story of gradual change over the past half-century that has resulted in the police going to war against people they were supposed to serve (call it a war on crime, a war on drugs, a war on terror, it’s always in fact a war on people). And what do you do with people captured alive during a war? You lock them away as prisoners of war until the war ends. And if the war never ends? Well, then you bring back the death penalty, create life sentences for lots of crimes including for kids, impose mandatory minimums and three-strikes, and transform parole and probation from rehabilitation to reincarceration services.

Christian bus driver says he’ll quit if he has to drive Calgary’s Pride-themed rainbow bus

CANADA - A Calgary man says he will quit his job if he’s assigned to drive a bus wrapped in a rainbow flag. The annual Calgary Pride Festival kicks off Friday and, as a show of support, a Calgary Transit bus has been wrapped in the symbol of inclusiveness.

Man proposes to his boyfriend in Texas Methodist Church, Receives standing ovation from the congregation

USA - A Texas man gave his boyfriend a proposal to remember when he got down on one knee in front of the entire congregation at their local Methodist Church – receiving a standing ovation in the process. Trevor Harper, 36, and Davis Covin, 30, who live in Austin, have been dating since 2006 and have been proud and active members of the First United Methodist Church of Austin for the past two years. Mr Harper said the support they have received has been a huge blessing to their relationship, especially as a gay couple in Texas. ‘That church has been, for us, really the first time we have really been able to live out loud as a couple,’ he told BuzzFeed News. So when Mr Harper decided he wanted to propose, he knew he wanted to do it in front of their church family.

Is Prison the Fate for Christians Deemed Intolerant?

USA - Religious freedom champion and former Congressman Frank Wolf warned a Harvard audience that freedom of conscience is endangered in the United States and conservative Christians may have to engage in civil disobedience because their views are considered intolerant.

Private Prisons Threaten To Sue States Unless They Get More Inmates For Free Labor

USA - Freedom is apparently bad for business. That’s the message from the private prison industry which is threatening to sue states if they don’t start locking more people up. The private prison companies, well-known for profiting off of incarceration and crime, is now saying that the state’s they have contracted with aren’t keeping up their end of the bargain. The private prisons rely on a certain number of inmates for free and virtually-free slave labor.

Christian cop loses appeal, must attend mosque

USA - A panel of federal judges in Denver, in an opinion written by Judge Harris Hartz, found that it is perfectly appropriate for a police chief to order subordinates to attend an Islamic mosque where Muslims “discussed Islamic beliefs, Muhammad, Mecca, and why and how Muslims pray” in addition to encouraging officers “to buy” Islamic books and pamphlets that were for sale.

EMU crisis has let 'evil genie' of euro exit out of the bottle, says policymaker

EUROPE - Benoit Coeuré, executive board member of the European Central Bank, said the eurozone could not risk another Greek-style crisis, where seven months of protracted negotiations led Germany's finance minister to propose Athens voluntarily and temporarily exit the euro.

Report: Pakistan on track to have world's 3rd largest nuclear arsenal

PAKISTAN - Pakistan could have 350 nuclear warheads, the world's third largest stockpile, within the next decade if it continues its current addition of 20 nuclear warheads annually, according to a new report released by two Washington-based think tanks.

China turmoil makes US rate hike in September 'less compelling' says Fed chief

USA - William Dudley says recent market turmoil and questions over global growth have created more risks for the world's biggest economy. The threat of a slowdown in the Chinese economy and falling commodity prices have made a US interest rate hike next month "less compelling", according to the president of the New York Federal Reserve.

Pope will lead liturgy for World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation

VATICAN - Pope Francis is to lead a special liturgy in Rome to mark the first World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation in the Catholic Church. The public liturgy, which is due to be celebrated on 1 September at 5pm in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome, will be attended by bishops, priests, religious and lay people. The Pope made the announcement during his General Audience on Wednesday. “In a communion of prayer with our Orthodox brothers and with all persons of good will, we want to offer our contribution to overcoming the ecological crisis that humanity is experiencing,” he said. Pope Francis announced the first Catholic World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation in early August. It coincides with and is modelled on a similar day of prayer celebrated in the Orthodox Church. As part of celebrations Catholic have been asked to organise prayer and practical initiatives to help combat the environmental crisis.

EU agency opens investigation into HPV vaccine

EUROPE - The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has launched a probe into the highly controversial HPV vaccination program following thousands of reports of young girls falling seriously ill after getting jabbed. Per the Swedish news source Svenska Dagbladet (SvD), the European Union's version of the Food And Drug Administration (FDA) launched the investigation to determine whether or not the safety claims associated with Gardasil and Cervarix, the two HPV vaccines currently in circulation, are actually legitimate.

Cardinal Koch praises Pope's fresh approach to ecumenism that 'sets him apart' from predecessors

VATICAN - Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, has said that Pope Francis’ approach to ecumenism is setting him apart from his predecessors including Benedict XVI. Francis lays more emphasis on strengthening ecumenical relationships through joint prayers, joint activities and encounters than Pope Benedict, Cardinal Koch, told the German internet portal katholisch.de on 24 August.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)