Hatred. Pure and simple, old fashioned hatred.

ISRAEL - A Jew defining (and dressing) himself as Ultra-orthodox goes on a stabbing rampage at the LGBT pride parade in Jerusalem, murdering a 16 year old girl and seriously wounding five others. Iranian leaders, while smiling for the cameras, lead marches declaring death to America and promising to destroy the State of Israel and every last Jew on Earth, reminiscent of another Persian’s attempt to do just that some 2,500 years ago in the story of Purim. A suicide bomber walks into a crowded pizzeria in Jerusalem on a beautiful August afternoon in 2001 and detonates his bomb, murdering 15 people and injuring scores more.

What do these events share in common?

Bishop places Portsmouth Diocese on ‘Environmental Alert’

UK - The Bishop of Portsmouth has put his diocese on “Environmental Alert” in response to the Pope’s ecology encyclical. Bishop Philip Egan said that Laudato Si’, which he described as “one of the most challenging papal encyclicals of recent times”, should change the way Catholics think, act and pray.

First State Legalizes Taser Drones for Cops

USA - It is now legal for law enforcement in North Dakota to fly drones armed with everything from Tasers to tear gas thanks to a last-minute push by a pro-police lobbyist. With all the concern over the militarization of police in the past year, no one noticed that the state became the first in the union to allow police to equip drones with “less than lethal” weapons.

California home school interest surges as parents look to sidestep vaccine law

USA - With the passage of a new law this summer mandating vaccines for schoolkids in California, home school advocates and organizations say they are seeing surging interest in off-campus education options that would exempt them from the requirement. “The word on the streets is that, yes, people are coming to home schooling,” said Sarah Ford, membership director for Sonoma County Homeschoolers Non-profit in northern California. The controversial mandate, co-authored by state Senator Richard Pan, a pediatrician backed by the California Medical Association, requires any student in public or private school to have 10 vaccinations as an attendance requirement, with some exceptions for medical conditions.

The Raping of America: Mile Markers on the Road to FascismComment

USA - “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” — Martin Luther King Jr. There’s an ill will blowing across the country. The economy is tanking. The people are directionless, and politics provides no answer. And like former regimes, the militarized police have stepped up to provide a façade of law and order manifested by an overt violence against the citizenry.

Privatization Is at the Core of Fascism

USA - Privatizations are increasingly fashionable, such as in Greece, Ukraine, the US, and UK — and privatizations are a central feature of fascism. The core of fascism is the idea that there is some elite, whether ‘Aryan’ or ‘chosen by God,’ or otherwise, who should run things, and that everyone else exists in order to serve that elite. Inevitably, this official elite consists of the people whom the powers-that-be assign as constituting the owners of almost everything that’s valuable.

This migration crisis could test the European project to destruction

GERMANY - Angela Merkel knows that open borders and national immigration policies are simply unsustainable. As Europe struggles with its worst migration crisis in more than half a century, all eyes are once again on Angela Merkel. The German Chancellor took a huge political gamble this week by tearing up the EU’s rulebook, while also demanding a new deal that would force Britain to accept hundreds of thousands of refugees.

Israel ‘More Ready Than Ever’ To Strike Iran

ISRAEL - As the Iran nuclear deal continues to dominate international headlines, shock waves of sorts have been reverberating in Israel after it was revealed that recordings had been released by former prime minister and defense minister Ehud Barak in which alleged plans to strike Iran in the past had been graphically discussed. On Monday, an unnamed Israeli senior security official told Walla news that his country’s military is more prepared now than in previous years to conduct a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities should the orders be handed down to do so. IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot instructed his deputy, Major General Yair Golan, to re-evaluate the military’s plans in light of the accord and adapt them to recent developments, according to the Walla website.

Security Minister Wants to Outlaw Temple Mount Rioters

ISRAEL - Minister of Internal Security Gilad Erdan (Likud) sent Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon (Likud) a letter Monday, asking him to urgently declare the Arab organizations that create mayhem on the Temple Mount as illegal. If the defense minister signs a declaration to this effect, security forces will have a freer hand against the rioters.

Russia, Egypt support forming anti-ISIS coalition with Syria – Putin

RUSSIA - Russia and Egypt support the creation of a broad anti-terrorist coalition, which would include Syria, to fight Islamic State militants, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a joint media conference with his Egyptian counterpart Abdel el-Sisi.

Germany Made €100 Billion Profit on Greek crisis Says German Economic Think Tank in Report

GERMANY - Greece’s biggest creditor Germany has made a huge profit on the country’s debt crisis over the last 5 years as it saved through lower interest payments on funds borrowed amid investor “flights to safety,” according to a study by the private, non-profit Leibniz Institute of Economic Research in a research paper it published.

China Sells US Treasuries to Support Yuan

CHINA - China has cut its holdings of US Treasuries this month to raise dollars needed to support the yuan in the wake of a shock devaluation two weeks ago, according to people familiar with the matter.

Vatican says won't co-sponsor Palestinian flag initiative at UN

VATICAN - The Vatican on Tuesday asked the Palestinian UN mission to remove all references to it from a draft resolution the Palestinians have prepared for the General Assembly calling for the flags of Palestine and the Holy See to fly at the UN.

Venezuela Is Adding More Zeroes to Its Currency to Deal With Hyperinflation

VENEZUELA -Venezuela is preparing to issue bank notes in higher denominations next year as rampant inflation reduces the value of a 100-bolivar bill to just 14 cents on the black market. The new notes - of 500 and possibly 1,000 bolivars - are expected to be released sometime after congressional elections are held on December 6, said a senior government official who isn’t authorized to talk about the plans publicly.

Worrying about senior moments shows mind is still in good shape

UK - If you notice lapses in memory it means that dementia is years away, scientists have found. Senior moments such as misplacing spectacles or walking into a room then forgetting the reason for entering, lead many older people to worry that they are on a slippery slope to dementia. But a new study suggests that noticing memory lapses is actually a good thing. New research shows that people with dementia tend to lose awareness that their memory is going two to three years before the condition develops. So people who notice their little slips can be safe in the knowledge that any significant mental decline is years off, and may not develop at all.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)