July Was The Hottest Month Ever; Cable News Barely NoticedComment

USA - Last week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issued a dire report about the state of the planet: July 2015 was the earth's warmest month on record, dating back to 1880. This wasn’t some one-off study. It was supplemented by similar findings from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the Japanese Meteorological Agency; and, of course, it came on top of other studies underlining the perilous state of global warming.

Deceptive temperature record claims

US - The US government is at it again, hyping meaningless records in a parameter that does not exist in order to frighten us about something that doesn’t matter. NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced this week that according to their calculations, July 2015 was the hottest month since instrumental records began in 1880. NOAA says that the record was set by eight one-hundredths of a degree Celsius over that set in July 1998. NASA calculates that July 2015 beat what they assert was the previous warmest month (July 2011) by two one-hundredths of a degree.

When Science Is No Longer the Truth…

USA - Our society is largely built on the idea that science can help us make good, solid decisions. But now we’re facing a world so rife with problems caused by the very sciences that were supposed to keep us healthy, safe, and productive, it’s quite clear that we’re heading toward more than one proverbial brick wall.

Far-right extremists backed by 'new Sanhedrin' rabbis

ISRAEL - Following the administrative detentions of right wing radicals, the new Sanhedrin issued a statement of support of the radical right wing for 'risking their lives for the holiness of the nation and the Land.' The new Sanhedrin movement – an organization that seeks to restore rabbinical law in Israel – provided support to the 11 right-wing extremists recently slapped with restraining orders, Ynet learned Monday.

UN Predicts 3,000 Refugees a Day Will Pass Through Balkans

EUROPE - The United Nations on Tuesday forecast a steady flow of 3,000 refugees a day through the Balkans in coming months, a few hours after a sports facility intended to shelter asylum applicants burned down in what German police said they suspected was the latest of more than 200 attacks this year against migrants.

US F-22s Deploying to Europe

USA - Weeks after top Pentagon officials began openly calling Russia the greatest threat to the United States, the Air Force is preparing to deploy the F-22 Raptor to Europe for the first time. The deployment comes under the aegis of the European Reassurance Initiative, a Pentagon effort to soothe concerns among European allies in the face of increased Russian aggression. Deborah Lee James, the Air Force secretary, told reporters Monday that a deployment of F-22s is heading to Europe for training exercises "very soon." Details of the rotation, such as where it will be based and the size of the Raptor fleet deploying, were not shared due to what James called operational security reasons.

Top Iranian politician says attitude on Israel ‘unchanged’

IRAN - A senior Iranian diplomat says Iran has not changed its position on Israel. The Iranian Parliament’s adviser for international affairs Hossein Sheikholeslam “blasted” British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond for his “interfering remarks” and told the visiting British diplomat: “Our positions against the usurper Zionist regime have not changed at all; Israel should be annihilated and this is our ultimate slogan,” according to Iranian website Fars News. According to Fars, Sheikholeslam was speaking to reporters in Tehran on Tuesday, two days after Hammond visited Tehran. Hammond told Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani in Tehran on Monday that past hostilities should be forgotten, Fars reported, and Sheikholeslam said regarding that statement that Tehran will “never forget the past and Britain’s colonialist moves.”

UN watchdog: We need money to monitor Iran nuclear deal

UNITED NATIONS - A new nuclear deal may have been hammered out between six world powers and Iran, but the funds to make sure it's implemented are not in place, the head of the UN nuclear watchdog has warned.

This City May Ban Chick-Fil-A Branch Due To Its Anti-Gay History

USA - Chick-fil-A is having some issues getting approval for a new location in Denver, and it's all because of the restaurant chain's anti-gay past. City council members have halted the approval of a Chick-fil-A location at Denver International Airport as they debate whether or not the franchise should get a seven-year deal, according to the Denver Post.

Germany Joins Scotland in Seeking Ban on Gene-Modified Seeds

GERMANY - Germany is taking steps to outlaw the cultivation of genetically modified crops in Europe’s biggest economy. The Agriculture Ministry plans to officially request that producers of GMOs exclude Germany when applying to sell seeds in European Union, Christian Fronczak, a spokesman for the ministry, said Tuesday. Scotland took similar measures earlier this month.

51 Christian faith leaders urge Congress to vote for Iran Deal

USA - 51 Christian leaders representing dozens of denominations and Christian organizations sent a letter to Congress today, urging lawmakers to vote in favor of the Vienna agreement to limit Iran’s nuclear program.

Pizza Hut, McDonalds, & KFC reject Islamic-approved ‘halal’ meat…

HONG KONG - Fast food chains McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), and Pizza Hut have all REJECTED a request from an Islamic cleric to have Islam-approved meat served in their chains throughout Hong Kong. Businesses that serve halal food all pay a special hidden tax for the ‘privilege,’ part of which goes toward funding Muslim terrorism and Islamization around the world.

Black Monday: Stock market meltdown wipes billions off global indices as China fears decimate investors

UK - "Dealers don’t know what to do with themselves": Wall Street engulfed in selling bloodbath as billions are wiped from global indices. An unprecedented collapse in Chinese shares sent tremors through financial markets on Monday, triggering the ugliest day of global trading since the depths of the financial crisis eight years ago.

Black Monday turns to even worse Tuesday in China - but London's FTSE 100 recovers

CHINA - Yesterday's market carnage - dubbed Black Monday - extended into an even worse Tuesday in China as markets continued to plummet, but panic subsided in Britain as the FTSE 100 rose this morning. In the worst fall since 2007, the Shanghai Composite Index shed 8.5 per cent in value yesterday and tumbled another 7.6 per cent today as fears remain over China's slowing growth.

Russian media: US 'economic apocalypse' in September

USA - Friday’s American stock market provided further evidence of instability in the nation’s economy, and even as financiers fear a possible fiscal disaster in September, there has been little coverage among US media. But the state-run media of Russia is warning of what it calls America’s “economic apocalypse.”

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)