Forget Greece. It's the financial crisis in China that could plunge the world into meltdown

CHINA - As historians know, the events that really matter in the long run often go almost unnoticed at the time. The last few days offer a very worrying example indeed. While the attention of the British public was fixed on the tragicomic shambles of the Labour leadership contest and the shocking refugee chaos on the Greek islands, perhaps the greatest economic success story in modern world history was grinding to a shuddering halt.

Russia and Nato 'actively preparing for war'

EUROPE - Rival war games by Russian armed forces and Nato represent greatest build up of military tension in Europe since Cold War, warns think tank. Russia and Nato are actively preparing for war with one another amid the greatest build up of military tension in Europe since the end of the Cold War, a new report says. Rival exercises by the Russian armed forces and Nato have led to several near-miss incidents that could result in confrontation between the two sides, and leaders need to consider a new arms control treaty to avert the possibility of heightened tensions spilling into war. The report outlines how both Nato and Russia have primed their forces to respond to an escalation since the Ukraine crisis erupted in early 2014.

Germany is helping create the causes for people to flee

GERMANY - Berlin is legitimizing German military intervention by alleging it is to combat the causes of fleeing. The Bundeswehr must undertake operations in Mali, "so that people will no longer have to flee the violence and hopelessness," claimed Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen, early this week during her visit in Mali's capital Bamako.

Teaching just one view of marriage could make you an extremist

UK - What is an extremist? This is an important question in Britain today as the Conservative-led government of David Cameron clamps down on jihadist preachers and right-wing groups who stir up hate and incite violence. If you are doing that sort of thing the authorities will very soon be able to slap an “Extremism Disruption Order” (EDO) on you, restricting your freedom. Putting it positively, the new laws are intended to protect “British values”.

EU 'spends £500 million a year promoting itself'

EUROPE - The EU is spending more than £500 million a year promoting itself amid growing concern that it could have an "insidious" impact on the result of Britain's referendum. The analysis by Business for Britain, the Eurosceptic campaign, found that the EU has produced thousands of publications, videos and information campaigns to promote its values.

The Colorado River Toxic Waste Spill

USA - The Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has admitted to spilling 1 million gallons of toxic waste into the Colorado River while attempting to clean the inactive Gold King Mine. Communities along the banks of the nearby Animus River have declared a state of emergency as their water turns orange with metal toxins, in an environmental catastrophe that led New Mexico’s governor to declare: “The magnitude of it, you can’t even describe it.”

Butter unlikely to harm health, but margarine could be deadly

UK - Saturated fat found in butter, meat or cream is unlikely to kill you, but margarine just might, new research suggests. Although traditionally dieticians have advised people to cut down on animal fats, the biggest ever study has shown that it does not increase the risk of stroke, heart disease or diabetes. However trans-fats, found in processed foods like margarine raises the risk of death by 34 per cent.

The Place that I Will Choose: The Uniqueness of the Temple Mount

ISRAEL - As Israel prepares to enter into the Land, this week's Torah portion of Re'eh clearly spells it out: 'See, I present before you today a blessing and a curse'. The blessing is to hearken to G-d's commandments. The curse is a world gone mad. As the month of Av winds down and we prepare for the coming month of Elul, a special period of introspection and repentance, Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Richman examine the blessing and curse of this week's Torah portion as well as the emergence of the idea of the Holy Temple, and the challenges we face in the coming month of Elul.

WaPo's one-sided coverage of Israeli-Palestinian conflict

ISRAEL - Here’s a little incident atop Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Judaism’s most sacred site and third holiest place of Islam: A young Jewish mother with husband and child are harassed by veiled Muslim women shouting, “Allahu akbar!” – God is great – and “Death to the Jews!” The outraged Jewish mother shouts back, “Muhammad is a pig!”

BBC changes article to explain why Jews were on Temple Mount

ISRAEL - The BBC has changed its recent article on clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police following a complaint. Stephen Spencer Ryde, a London-based activist, objected after a July 26 report about rioters throwing stones and fireworks at Israeli police officers on Temple Mount failed to explain that the Jews present were there to mark Tisha b'Av.

Shocking number say End Times have arrived

USA - More than 4 in 10 Americans, along with a full 77 percent of evangelicals, believe the biblical “end times” have arrived, according to a new poll. The OmniPoll, conducted by the Barna Group, was commissioned by Jim Fitzgerald, author of “The 9/11 Prophecy” and creator of “The WatchWORD Bible,” a video presentation of Scripture that includes the book of Revelation. According to a report on the poll, the question was: “Do you, personally, believe that the world is currently living in the ‘end times’ as described by prophecies in the Bible, or not?” Fitzgerald said he was surprised by the results, which found 41 percent of Americans agreeing that the end times are here.

Pro-Islamic State Hacking Group Issues Chilling Warning to America

USA - A representative for a pro-Islamic State hacking group issued a chilling warning to members of the US military and government Wednesday, promising that “very soon” followers of the organization would retaliate for overseas bombing targeting the terror organization.

It’s 460 AD in Rome: This Won’t Be FixedComment

USA - Another American election cycle is upon us, and large numbers of people are lining up to pour their time and money into the sewer of politics, to be lost forever. This system will not be fixed. Period. This is Rome in 460 AD. The rulers, as in Rome, are liars, mad, or drunk (these days, drugged)… or all three.

China "Loses Battle Over Yuan", And Now The Global Currency War Begins

CHINA - Almost exactly seven months ago, on January 15, the Swiss National Bank shocked the world when it admitted defeat in a long-standing war to keep the Swiss Franc artificially weak, and after a desperate 3 year-long gamble, which included loading up the SNB's balance sheet with enough EUR-denominated garbage to almost equal the Swiss GDP, it finally gave up and on one cold, shocking January morning the EURCHF imploded, crushing countless carry-trade surfers.

From Currency Wars To Oil Wars

SAUDI ARABIA - As China takes the currency wars to the next level, so OPEC, not to be outdone, rotates the oil war volume to 11. As Bloomberg reports, OPEC pumped the most crude last month in more than three years as Iran restored output to the highest level since international sanctions were strengthened in 2012. The response - as one would expect - is a plunge in crude prices, erasing all the ridiculous algo-driven gains of yesterday, pushing WTI back on the verge of a $42 handle.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)