Online Islamic State recruiters urge would-be jihadists to stay in UK and attack at home

UK - In a new strategy, Brits are being encouraged to form gangs and start the long process of creating an Islamic State here. Islamic State commanders are urging would-be British jihadists to attack the UK, rather than travelling to Syria.

California to Throw Adults in JAIL if They Refuse Government-Mandated Vaccines

USA - In case you haven’t noticed, there’s an incremental push right now by the controlling elite to force vaccinations on all Americans, both young and old. And this agenda is gaining considerable traction in California, where legislators are now moving forward with plans to force childhood vaccines on all adults who work in daycare centers, both private and public.

Hamas has dug ‘several tunnels’ into Israel, in new Iran-funded war drive

ISRAEL - A year after a bitter 50-day war, Hamas has again dug numerous attack tunnels from Gaza into Israeli sovereign territory, and is gearing up with major Iranian assistance for another conflict with Israel, a TV report said Tuesday.

Jeremy Corbyn hints at Russia ties

UK - Britain should create closer ties with Russia, Jeremy Corbyn has hinted as he surged ahead in the latest Labour leadership poll. Mr Corbyn, who takes 53 per cent of support in the latest YouGov polling, told Russia Today that Britain should treat international opponents with more respect. Mr Corbyn told the channel: "What is security? Is security the ability to bomb, maim, kill, destroy, or is security the ability to get on with other people and have some kind of respectful existence with them?" The leftwinger now has the support of more than half of those with a vote in the Labour leadership contest, the new opinion poll suggested. Stark warnings from a string of senior party figures that choosing the veteran left-winger would be catastrophic for its chances of returning to power appeared to have had little effect.

The Coddling of the American Mind

USA - Something strange is happening at America’s colleges and universities. A movement is arising, undirected and driven largely by students, to scrub campuses clean of words, ideas, and subjects that might cause discomfort or give offense.

Ferguson unrest: Who are the mysterious 'Oath Keepers'?

USA - As the events marking the anniversary of Michael Brown's death descended into violence in Ferguson this week, a handful of heavily armed white men were spotted patrolling the St Louis suburb - much to the ire of protesters.

ISIS building up for mass-casualty strikes

USA - Some in the US intelligence community warn that ISIS may be working to build the capability to carry out mass casualty attacks, a significant departure from the terror group’s current focus on encouraging lone wolf attacks, a senior US intelligence official told CNN on Friday.

To date, the intelligence view has been that ISIS is focused on less ambitious attacks, involving one or a small group of attackers armed with simple weapons. In contrast, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, has been viewed as both more focused on — and more capable of — mass casualty attacks, such as plots on commercial aviation. Now the intelligence community is divided.

Kraft Slices Are Not “Cheese”

USA - Kraft no-cheese. A rather deathly pale, chemicalized product referred to as “food.” In their (Kraft) words: “A thin strip of the individual packaging film may remain adhered to the slice after the wrapper has been removed. If the film sticks to the slice and is not removed, it could potentially cause a choking hazard.”

Migrants accused of pulling gun on Ukip MEP amid Tunnel threats

FRANCE - Migrants are "threatening" staff near the Channel Tunnel near Calais as they attempt to break into Britain on a nightly basis, David Cameron has warned amid claims that one asylum seeker turned a gun on a Ukip MEP. Mike Hookem, a Ukip MEP, said he had been threatened with a handgun by a migrant as he visited a camp on the outskirts of Dunkirk. Mr Hookem said he and his group were making a film about the migrants' conditions and they had been invited to the camp to look around. But the "situation immediately turned nasty," he claimed, after one migrant appeared to point a gun at them and told them to leave the camp.

While everyone was distracted by Megyn and Donald, Obama was quietly doing THIS

USA - While everyone was conveniently distracted by the epic clash of the Titans between Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly, the Bureau of Labor Statistics quietly released its monthly data on workforce participation. And it’s disastrous for our nation. You can say this much about the Obama economy, it consistently sets new records. All of them bad.

First openly gay UK ambassador ‘proud’ to be in Israel

ISRAEL - The first openly gay British ambassador presented his credentials to President Reuven Rivlin during an official ceremony in Jerusalem last week. David Quarrey introduced his spouse, Aldo Oliver Henriquez, to Rivlin during the event at the President’s Residence.

Germans and Slovaks stand ready to scupper Greek deal

EUROPE - Slovakian PM says not "one cent" of taxpayer money will pay for Greek debt write-off as creditors reportedly agree on fiscal targets with Athens. Eurozone creditor governments raised fresh concerns about the viability of a new Greek rescue package on Monday despite hopes from Athens that an agreement to unlock vital rescue funds was inching ever closer.

Germany government gained from Greek crisis - IWH study

GERMANY - The Greek debt crisis has saved the German government some €100 billion (£70 billion; $109 billion) in lower borrowing costs because investors have sought safety in German bonds, a study has found. Even if Greece defaults on all its debt, Germany would still benefit, says the German IWH institute. Greece is hoping to reach a third bailout agreement, worth up to €86 billion, with its creditors this week. Germany has funded €90 billion so far and wants tough conditions for a new deal. Even if the situation were to calm down suddenly, Germany would still be expected to profit from the situation, the IWH argues, because medium- and long-term bonds issued in recent years are still far away from maturing.

Cyprus provides Greece with an object (and abject) lesson in bail-out politics

EUROPE - Few of the people sitting around the table at the countless and interminable Eurogroup meetings during which Greece faced off against the rest of the eurozone can have been as conflicted as Harris Georgiades, the Cypriot finance minister.

Our 'imperial' judges are out of control

UK - Emboldened by Tony Blair's disastrous Human Rights Act, the judiciary is claiming for itself the power to rewrite Parliament's laws. Many people must have been astonished to read in The Telegraph that the Court of Appeal has power to override the wishes of a deceased lady, Melita Jackson, about how her estate should be disposed of. There was no suggestion that the will was not properly drafted, nor that Mrs Jackson was not mentally competent when it was written, nor that it did not clearly set out her wishes.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)