Strong rise in US jobs puts Federal Reserve on track for September rate hike

USA - A rise in the number of US citizens in work in July could be strong enough to encourage the Federal Reserve to raise its interest rates in September, economists said on Friday. The US economy added 215,000 jobs in July, according to the closely followed monthly non-farm payrolls report, which has assumed great significance as the central bank moves towards rate hikes. While the gains were slightly weaker than expected, analysts said that job gains in excess of 200,000 in both July and August should be enough to prompt the Fed to raise its rates in September.

'With war one always loses:' Pope Francis calls for nuclear weapons ban

VATICAN - The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 70 years ago is ‘a permanent warning to humanity’ to reject war and ban weapons of mass destruction, Pope Francis said. “Seventy years ago, on the sixth and the ninth of August 1945, the terrible atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki took place. Even after so many years, this tragic event still arouses horror and revulsion,” he told the faithful in his weekly Angelus address at St Peter’s Square. The Pope said that the attacks are a symbol of the “enormous power of humanity” when people misuse scientific and technical progress. On August 6 and August 9 1945, the USA dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively. These attacks killed almost 250,000 people, with many of them dying from radiation sickness months, and even years after the bombing.

Blacks won't rebuke Farrakhan terror threats

USA - “If the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them. Let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.” – Louis Farrakhan speech at Mount Zion Baptist Church in Miami on July 30, 2015

Catalonia: An Unofficial Plebiscite

GERMANY - The German establishment is sending mixed signals in reaction to the announcement of an unofficial plebiscite on Catalonia's secession from Spain. Catalan Prime Minister Artur Mas has declared the September 27 regional elections a de facto plebiscite on the region's secession. Should his alliance secure the absolute majority, he will proclaim independence from Spain within 8 months.

China now runs 4 of the world’s 5 biggest banks

CHINA - Four of the five largest banks in the world are Chinese, according to SNL Financial’s latest global bank rankings. It’s a big change from the past few years when only two Chinese banks made the top five. Beijing-based Industrial & Commercial Bank of China holds the top spot with assets valued at $3.5 trillion. That means the bank is worth more than the entire value of the British economy. The only non-Chinese bank remaining in the top five is HSBC, which is headquartered in London. It fell several spots to position Number 4 this year.

China Rattles Markets With Yuan Devaluation

CHINA - China devalued the yuan by the most in two decades, a move that rippled through global markets as policy makers stepped up efforts to support exporters and boost the role of market pricing in Asia’s largest economy.

Goldman Sachs And HSBC Buy 7.1 Tons Of Physical Gold

USA - On August 6, 2015, Goldman Sachs and HSBC took delivery of a sum total of 7.1 tons of physical gold. No, I have not made any typographical errors. And no, I am not talking about electronic paper claims. I am talking about shiny yellow metal stuff that you can touch and feel.

Germany warns Balkans migrants of deportation

GERMANY - Migrants from the Balkans have very little chance of winning asylum in Germany and will be billed for the cost of being deported, says new government video. Germany is to show television advertisements in the Balkans warning asylum-seekers they face paying the cost of their own deportation home.

Millions of African migrants threaten standard of living, Philip Hammond says

UK - Philip Hammond, the Foreign Secretary, says 'maurauding' migrants around Calais pose risk to security of Channel Tunnel and that sending them to their home countries must be 'number one' priority. Millions of African migrants pose a threat to the standard of living and social structure of the UK and the rest of Europe, the Foreign Secretary has warned.

Illegal immigration: Minister pledges crackdown on 'rogue employers'

UK - Businesses that employ illegal workers will be hit with "the full force of government machinery", immigration minister James Brokenshire has warned. Announcing a "new approach" to "rogue employers" who give work to illegal migrants, he said they were denying UK citizens jobs and driving down wages. Immigration officers are understood to be preparing a wave of raids this autumn targeting certain sectors. BBC political correspondent Robin Brant said ministers were trying to "enhance" practical measures to combat illegal workers, rather than bring in new measures. A London School of Economics study estimated the UK had 618,000 "irregular" residents, but campaign group Migration Watch said the figure is closer to 1.1 million.

Police urge public to defy 'plot to attack Queen at VJ Day celebration'

UK - The Metropolitan Police has encouraged people to continue with their plans to attend celebrations to mark the anniversary of the end of the Second World War despite reports that British jihadis are planning to blow up the Queen during the events. The assassination plot is being orchestrated from Syria by Islamic State commanders, according to the Mail on Sunday. The newspaper reported that extremists aim to explode a bomb in central London during events to mark the 70th anniversary of VJ Day - Victory over Japan - which are expected to be watched by thousands of people. Buckingham Palace refused to comment on the reported threat.

Greece inches closer to third bail-out deal but Finns insist rescue package 'won't work'

EUROPE - Greece's creditors agree on draft deal after marathon talks as Finland's foreign minister criticises the rescue and inists 'Grexit' is still the most likely outcome. Greece is closer to unlocking a fresh €86 billion (£61 billion) rescue package after the country's creditors reportedly agreed on a draft deal this weekend.

Jordan struggling to fight ISIS in schools, mosques

JORDAN - While military and government present a hard line against extremist sentiments, school textbooks and religious teachings remain sympathetic despite attempts at reform. In pro-Western Jordan, a leader in the fight against Islamic State militants, school books warn students they risk "God's torture" if they don't embrace Islam.

Town puts kibosh on prayer meeting's warning

USA - Most of the viral videos these days come from the incredible stunts some people do. Or maybe from someone who’s captured just that one incredible action by a baby, or a pet. It is a fact that few prayer meeting videos fall into that category. Except one.

‘Orwellian’ FBI says citizens should have no secrets government can't access

USA - The police and surveillance state predicted in the forward-looking 1940s classic “1984” by George Orwell, has slowly, but steadily, come to fruition. However, like a frog sitting idly in a pan of steadily-warming water, too many Americans still seem unaware that the slow boil of big government is killing their constitutional liberties.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)